Now: 44 ladies online
Within the last 24 hours: 10 new ladies, 645 ladies visited, 47 new photos
Patrik, 46 y.o.
Olga, 43 y.o.
Oksana, 42 y.o.
Russia,New Urengoy
Я хочу сказать спасибо этому сайту и тем людям,которые работают что бы сделать других более счастливыми и помочь найти любовь...Я встретила моего мужчину здесь, и после нескольких месяцев общения и встреч мы стали мужем и женой...Наша свадьба в чудесноми романтическом городе Прага и путешествие по Европе...все было прекрасно ...Я желаю всем кто действительно ищет и ждет свою любовь-обязательно дождаться этой встречи и верить ,что она произойдет
Gjert-Olav, 46 y.o.
Michael, 55 y.o.
Tatiana, 41 y.o.
Marcello, 33 y.o.
Italy, Como
Yulya, 25 y.o.
I re-created the account just to leave you a feedback, as your site has been a life changing experience for me. My old account, which i used to meet my wife, was deleted at the time. I have been suscribed to your site for about one year, for the first time registered in 2009, today I am a married man to the sweetest and most beautiful girl in the world. It was lovely to learn their traditions and way of life. took part in making a happy man, one more. Thank you all! Marcello - Italy.
Rudi, 49 y.o.
Larisa, 35 y.o.
United States of America,Gautier, MS
Michael, 46 y.o.
USA,Waller, TX
I met here and love to a wonderful man and will try to save our love......because there is nothing more precious than love...
thank you very much this site, thanks to you for two persons in the world was happier
i love you my Michael all my heart and my the best men in wourld....on the day when you came into my life...everything has changed..the sun and the world become gave me love and happiness...thank you Michael...
Michael, 46 y.o.
USA,Waller, TX
Larisa, 35 y.o.
United States of America,Gautier, MS
first i want to say thank you.I met Larissa a year ago on this site.Since then my life has completely changed.This woman has touched my heart in ways i can not describe.Soon we will be married and our life will start.
Second i want to say.long distance relationships are hard,very hard.It takes patients and understanding.Larissa and I are still working on our language barrier.It has been over a year and we practice English everyday.We now do not need a translator and it is amazing.It has brought us very close and we appreciate the time we do get to spend with each other.We both feel we will have a very good life together because we will have endured the wait,and take it from me....waiting to be with the one you love,it is one of the hardest and loneliest things you can do.but i do for love...I love you Larissa..all my heart and soul
Big Mike
Larisa, 35 y.o.
United States of America,Gautier, MS
Michael, 46 y.o.
USA,Waller, TX
Mariya, 43 y.o.
Ukraine, Other
David, 47 y.o.
Valentina, 24 y.o.
Ukraine,Kryvyy Rih
Здравствуйте! Большое спасибо сайту я встретила здесь свою любовь .После того как мы встретились второй разв Украине он сделал мне предложение!Я очень счастлива . Раньше я не верила что такое возможно и думала что людей разделяет большое расстояние и языковой барьер, но на своем личном примере вижу что это не так . Хочу сказать всем девушкам который не знаю английского языка не терять надежды потому-что когда я встретила моего мужчину, тоже не знала . сейчас я могу говорить по английски и учу французский его родной =)) желаю всем удачи !
Gjert-Olav, 46 y.o.
Alexandra, 27 y.o.
alex, 39 y.o.
Helene, 28 y.o.
Hi, after using this site for only two or three weeks I found my perfect partner, we are engaged to be married and soon will live together. Good luck to all who use this site and my only advice is to be honest with those you meet here, all the best,
This is the most professional and respectable dating sites that I have used and will happily recommend it to anyone searching for love,
It started with a wink to gypsy blond that she never replied to in
August 2010, I had been working in Moscow but the smog around the city
forced me to take an early holiday to Spain. I never thought would work for me, I chatted with a few women on the
site with no real success but getting messages and winks made me feel
not so alone. About a week or two after the first wink I noticed gypsy
blond was online early in the morning and, this time, sent a message
asking if she had just come home from work or a night out, she replied
and we started to chat. We spent a few hours chatting and the next day
too, and the next. Very quickly I found myself falling in love with
gypsy blond, always imagining what she is like in real life and I
could not wait to get back to Moscow. We chatted everyday and at the
end of September I returned to Moscow, she had agreed to pick me up at
the airport and when I saw her for the first time I knew we would be
together forever. Our relationship went from strength to strength and
our love deepened very quickly, there were hard times and we had our
problems but we worked through these and now we are closer than ever.
We will soon live together and plan to marry and have children, we
feel like the happiest people in the world and we realise we would
never have met without For people genuinely looking for
love it is the best dating site and we are both grateful to this site
because it has given us so much and literally changed our lives.
I have attached two photos of us together, the first is when we met
and the second is at our engagement party where we are kissing, please
feel free to use this material in any way you wish and if there is
anything further you would like then please let us know. I have passed
on your email to gypsy blond (Aliona) and she will send you her story
in Russian. Of course we will keep you informed of any developments,
like marriage and children, I hope you find this story and pictures
useful, all the best, Alex
Todd, 57 y.o.
USA,Las Vegas, NV
Natalya, 42 y.o.
Dear Irina;
I have written to you in the past, not sure if you will remember me. I would like to "THANK YOU" for everything that you have done for me. You have warned me of scammers, pointed me in the right direction in finding a sincere Russian woman. I thought you would like to know that I am going to be one of your success stories. I met Natalya on August 15, 2010, we corresponded for 5 months. She invited me to come and meet her. I set up a trip to Ekaterinburg the end of January, to go and meet her and spend her birthday with her. I spent 2 wonderful weeks with her, her family and friends. It was a trip of a lifetime. On the last evening before I was to leave for the United States, I proposed to Natalya. I dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. I got a definite "DA"!!!!!! We have just started the paperwork to bring Natalya and her 10 year old son to America. I would like to Thank you and your fabulous staff for all the help and encouragement that was sent our way. If there is any other information about us that you need or would like to know, please do not hesitate to write me and ask. Thanks to you, Irina, You have made to distant star crossed lovers come together.
Warmest Regards,Todd
Natalya and I both feel as though that this meeting on your web site and our falling in love has to be destiny. Of all the web sites available, all the women and men on your site, that the two of us would talk for 5 months, then meet face to face and be totally in love has got to be in the hands of our Lord. I certainly would not mind sending you a photo of us together. You and your staff have been nothing short of professional and accommodating to all my needs, issues and have been very helpful. Thank you again from both Natalya and I for everything that you and your staff have done for us!!!!!
carl, 65 y.o.
United States of America, Spirit Lake, ID
Lidia, 50 y.o.
john, 67 y.o.