Now: 55 ladies online
Within the last 24 hours: 14 new ladies, 766 ladies visited, 49 new photos
Karl, 54 y.o.
Germany, Frankfurt
Sehr geehrte Damen. Im Januar als ich auf diese Internetseite gekommen bin habe ich sofort eine Frau kennen gelernt und in sie die Frau gesehen die mein Leben begleiten könnte. Mitlerweile haben wir uns gegenseitig besucht und uns richtig ineinander verliebt. trotz der verschiedenen Mentalität passen wir sehr gut zusammen. Leider haben wir zum heiraten Deutschland ausgesucht und somit verbringen wir schon Monate damit unsere Ehe vorzubereiten. Wenn nicht mehr gravierende Umstände dazu kommen werden wir dieses Jahr noch heiraten. Ihre Internetseite ist zu empfehlen, ich finde sie als einer der Ehrlichen in diesem Tschungel der Anbieter. Machen sie weiter so. Ich hoffe das noch viele Paare so glücklich werde wie wir es sind. Ich konnte mich leider nicht ganz löschen und bekomme immer noch Zuschriften. Meine Bitte an sie ist mich doch ganz herauszunehmen.Mit freundlichen Grüssen.
Daren, 43 y.o.
Australia,New South Wales
Found what I am looking for. Marina is gorgeous and I am very happy. Thank you.
Daren, 43 y.o.
Australia,New South Wales
Found what I am looking for. Marina is gorgeous and I am very happy. Thank you.
rendle, 56 y.o.
I have found the girl of my dreams
Maurice, 60 y.o.
I have foound a wonderful woman from your site....and we are now married and living happily in Florida. Thank you for all of the help in meeting my soul-mate.
Tom, 56 y.o.
USA,Wesley Hills, New York
I have found my future wife and, therefore, need to cancel my membership. Thanks for removing me from your mailing.
Tom, 56 y.o.
USA,Wesley Hills, New York
I have found my future wife and, therefore, need to cancel my membership. Thanks for removing me from your mailing.
Gejo, 47 y.o.
I have found my future wife and, therefore, need to cancel my membership. Thanks for removing me from your mailing.
paul, 56 y.o.
I found a very nice lady, thank you very much for your service. You have many beautiful ladys to choose from. Paul
harald, 50 y.o.
Nurgul, 45 y.o.
I found the woman of my life - (nur1) and we will get married. thank you for your help! best wishes and much succenur1ss - Harald
Storm, 39 y.o.
United States of America, Shipps Bend, Tennessee
I now have my Wife, my Angel and my Mate in Life. Thank You!
I have found my love! thank you.
brian, 64 y.o.
Australia, Melbourne
I have met a lady I am interested in.. We going to meet
Piero, 48 y.o.
Italy, Ancona
Thank you I ve found a nice person. Appreciate very much your help. Serious site with serious women.
Erik, 36 y.o.
I have been able to find my girl on this page. Last weekend I went down to Ukraine to see here and we fell in love and we are not two single persons anymore! :-) I would say a big thanks to this page, a place where I found my lovely girl!
Best Regards.
diego, 47 y.o.
Con vero piacere Vi annuncio che grazie al vostro sito, e tanta fortuna, ho trovato la persona che cercavo da tempo! Mi sono nuovamente iscritto per ringraziare chi ha voluto diventare mio amico e mi ha dato fiducia. Oxodessa mi ha incontrato in Italia e presto ci vedremo di nuovo. Grazie a tutte voi Diego
bilal, 52 y.o.
i wanted to thank you for this great site.i had my dreams woman by means of your site.we met and we are so happy.thanks again
peter, 70 y.o.
Well I never thought I would ever fall in love again at the age of 64! Well through your website I have! In only such short time, of exchanging letters and enjoying a wonderful holiday togeather we are going to commit our lives to each other. I must thank you all so sincerely for the good work you do in bringing people of a like nature togeather. Thank you for bringing freash light and life to both of us. Regards!
Roberto, 51 y.o.
Ringrazio sentitamente questo sito ed i suoi promotori, ho conosciuto una ragazza stupenda di nome Ludmila, ci telefoniamo ormai costantemente ogni giorno, abbiamo progetti. Non so' a priori come andrà a finire, ma lasciare attivo il mio profilo sarebbe come tradirla. Ed io, non me la sento di tradirla. E' stato un piacere, e Vi ringrazio, ma vorrei cancellare il mio profilo. AUGURI A TUTTI !!!
Vassilis, 45 y.o.
You can always find the one who is different from the others, the one who differs from the mass. It's a matter of the right timing and the right place. I am soon going to meet my Maria who is the one that is different from ALL others. I hope that the magic between us will be proven to be so special as we feel it to be. Thank you Maria for what you have made me feel so far and i wish the best for both of us...