Now: 43 ladies online
Within the last 24 hours: 16 new ladies, 734 ladies visited, 83 new photos
Thank you for your services. I do believe that the $40 I spent on membership was the best investment that I have ever made in my life. I met several very nice and pleasant ladies, AND I do believe that I have met the woman I hope to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you again...
tom, 64 y.o.
i have meet on the site a woman who i want to spend my life with, my many thank to you at the site. would you be so kind as to remove my details from the site, and again my thanks.
Thanks to the girlie.W-ru Website!! I have found the woman of my dreams, we have been in contact now for 5 months!! I meet her in 2 weeks!!Thanks again?? If youre doubting this web site, DONT!! It is the best thing ever!!
Dina, 43 y.o.
Я встретила своего любимого мужчину.спасибо вам за все!
Ljubov, 55 y.o.
Spasiba vam bolsoe,ja nasla mus4inu,na vasem saite,o4en blagodarna vam.
Maurice, 56 y.o.
I have found the woman of my dreams on this site. So thankyou for making my dreams come true!!
Eric, 41 y.o.
USA,Harrison, OH
I have found the woman of my dreams on this site. So thankyou for making my dreams come true!!
Esmeralda, 49 y.o.
Благодарю наш сайт за предоставление возможности общения с разными людьми из разных стран. С некоторыми из них мне было интересно общаться и познавать через них культуру их страны, менталитет, духовные ценности. Через сайт я познакомилась с мужчиной, с которым у меня сложились нежные, трепетные отношения. Спасибо сайту, спасибо моим друзьям-мужчинам. Они поддержали меня в трудное для меня время. Хочу пожелать удачи и успехов нашим дамам. Верьте, надейтесь и ищите! И не только на сайте!
i found a man i was looking for... Thank you...
robert, 33 y.o.
i have found a girl whom i have met. we want to be together, thanks irina for all your help
Svetlana, 31 y.o.
Большое спасибо за ваш замечательный сайт... Сюда я попала случайно и решила зарегистрироваться. Но благодаря вам я нашла свою любовь. Еще раз спасибо за ваш сайт...
congratulations, is the first time I feel free, confortable and very enjoyed by beeing a member to your site.... lovely done, easy to use, clear almost perfect Smile)
I saw all the ladies links you suggested me and did some contacts ... Really Thanks to take care such way your members women and men. Will recommande all my singles friends boys and girls to go your site which is very different, friendly, true and human ccontact as I never had before... Spaciba, thanks, merci Smile) Have a lovely day.
Robert, 47 y.o.
Svetlana, 43 y.o.
Russia,St. Petersburg
I was a member May of 2007. Thanks to your website, I have found a wonderful woman from St. Petersburg. Soon she will be my wife. She is in America with me now. We want to plan a wedding date. Thought maybe it would be possible for you to help us. You see we both deleted our accounts July of 2007. We can not see any of the old e-mails or anything from the site. We wanted to know the date we met. Use that date this year for our wedding. We think it was May 17. Can you restore to us the old imformation? We are both willing to be used for testimonals.
Спасибо Вам Даша, за этот замечательный вэбсайт. В первый же день после регистрации я встретила свою судьбу. Я Вам очень благодарна. СПАСИБО!!!
Hi, I'm bright and I want to thank you so much for leading my Olesya to me. You were a wonderful help to me. Never thought I would meet the woman of my dreams. We never would have met if it had not been for your service. But we did and we know we are ment for each other and I am going to meet Olesya in Petersburg, Russia soon. I want to thank God for bringing us to this site so as we would meet and fall in love. Thank you.
Oksana, 48 y.o.
Я встретила на вашем сайте очень хорошего и любимого человека и мне больше не нужен никто.
ikcule, 43 y.o.
site is super and l found wife of my life...........thanks
Olga, 57 y.o.
Thank you for your great job. I have found my soulmate. Thank you. Yours sincerely.
Anna, 54 y.o.
Я встретила свою любовь и мы вместе ушли с сайта. Очень скоро мы встречаемся.Спасибо всей команде сайта за то. что вы помогли нам встретиться. Всем удачи и любви!
Svetlana, 47 y.o.
Я познакомилась с хорошим человеком, мы будем общаться лично, не через сайт. Огромное вам спасибо.