
ID PCP-608

Last visit:

Gürsel, 57 y.o.


Main info

First name:


Turkey, Erzurum

Zodiac Sign:



Eye colour:

Hair colour:

Body type:

Smoking Frequency:

Drinking Frequency:

Sleeping habits:
I am an early bird (I like to get up early)

With information:
Phone verification

Marital status:

Want children:

Do you agree to move ?:
I agree to move inside my country
I agree to move to another country

Your priorities in life:
Family, long-term relationship
Balance of mind

Your income:
Constant average income

Where do you live?:
I do not have my own place

What do you think about travelling and meeting expenses:
Each party should pay for themselves

Bachelor's degree

Job title:
Office Manager

What religion do you practice?:


Do I enjoy gardening?:
It's OK - if it is done for me
Do I enjoy grocery shopping?:
I love it
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?:
I love it
Do I enjoy cooking?:
I love it
How often do I like to go out?:
Twice a week
Do I enjoy dining out?:
I love it
When it comes to money:
I spend it when I've got it
Describe myself at a party as a:
Cruiser with intent
Keep my space:
It's spic and span
Ideally I would like to live in a:
loft in the city
Preference for pets:
Don't have but like Cats, Dogs, Fish, Birds, Exotic pets


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18 - 55


40.86 - 59.02 kg

160 - 196 cm

Eye colour:

Hair colour:

Body type:
Slender, Average, Muscular, Disabled, Thin



Ethnic Preference:


What type of television programs do I enjoy watching most?:
I enjoy spending free time:
Doing something athletic, Curling up with a good book, Taking a walk, In nature
Activities that I enjoy:
Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Jogging/running, Skiing/snowboarding, Swimming, Walking, Weight lifting
Sports that I enjoy watching and/or playing:
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy:
Bars/pubs, Dance clubs, Darts
Other hobbies or interests:


Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
How would you describe your ideal partner?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
The last books that you read?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What are your goals now?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
Whom do you admire?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
Do you have a lot of friends?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What would you like to change in yourself?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What are your weaknesses?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What are your strengths ?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
How do friends view you?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
How do acquaintances view you?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What are your favourite games?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
Who are your favourite writers and poets?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What kinds of music do you like?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is your favourite food?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What are your favourite films?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is your favourite fairy-tale?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is your favourite activity or hobby?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
What is your dream job?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
Tell us about your dream partner.
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
Where do you want to live?
U vas yest' programma dlya otdykha v Turtsii v oktyabre?

Do you have a holiday program in Turkey in October?
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