
ID PLW-719

Last visit:

Nika, 65 y.o.


Main info

First name:


Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Zodiac Sign:



Eye colour:

Hair colour:
Dark Blonde

Body type:

Smoking Frequency:

Drinking Frequency:

With information:

Do you have children?:
2 children
40 y.o. girl, not living at home
38 y.o. girl, not living at home

Marital status:

Want children:

Graduate degree

Job title:

What religion do you practice?:
Spiritual but not religious


Do I enjoy gardening?:
Don't mind helping
Do I enjoy grocery shopping?:
I like it very much
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?:
I don't mind it
When it comes to TV:
Turn it off
When it comes to money:
I've been known to blow some cash but I know my limits
Ideally I would like to live in a:
house in the suburbs
Do I enjoy dining out?:
Just OK
Keep my space:
It's not perfect but close
Do I enjoy cooking?:
I like cooking
Describe myself at a party as a:
Life of the party
How often do I like to go out?:
3-4 times a week
Preference for pets:
I have Cats, Don't have but like Dogs, Fish, Birds, Exotic pets


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50 - 70

70.37 - 106.69 kg

170 - 193 cm

Eye colour:

Hair colour:

Is it okay if they have children?:

Body type:



Ethnic Preference:


What type of television programs do I enjoy watching most?:
Educational, Comedy, Cartoons, Films, Sci-fi, Nature/wildlife
I enjoy spending free time:
Curling up with a good book, Taking a class, Having lunch with a friend, Doing absolutely nothing, Among friends, With family, Puttering in the garden, Pursuing a hobby, Taking a walk, In nature, Dancing in night clubs
Activities that I enjoy:
Aerobics, Hiking, Dancing, Walking, Other, Fishing, Camping
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy:
Concerts, Poetry, Reading, Museum/arts, Jazz music, Dinner parties, Movies
Other hobbies or interests:
Philosophy/spiritual, astrology, creative writing, home improvement, travelling


Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
I can be different. Merry and sad. Talkative and thoughtful. Always faithful to close people. I love life. I am happy that I live in this world and I am glad every day. The unfortunate people no one will be able to make happy. I'm happy!. And ready to give love and happiness. I have been lucky in life and now I am looking to be lucky in love. I am confident, artistic and like being the center of attention. My friends say I'm the life of the party. I am always positive and only surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. However, I do know when and where to be serious and respect that trait in others as well. All my photos are made March 26, 2016. Yes, we still have snow.
How would you describe your ideal partner?
I'm not looking for the perfect man. I want a man who could be a major and take care of the family. But at the same time he must be affectionate and gentle with me. I'm looking for my second half.
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
Наслаждалась каждым мгновением жизни.
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
Открыла бы фонд помощи больным, нуждающимся в операциях за границей.
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
Ни с кем. Зачем на кого-то возлагать ответственность за свои поступки?
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
Верность, честность, искренность, надежность, женственность, жизнерадостность.
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
Верность, надежность, искренность, честность
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
familiarity with the Master
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
Научиться жить без меня
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
Смерть близкого человека
The last books that you read?
Кларисса Пинкола Эстес "Бегущая с волками". М.Булгаков "Мастер и Маргарита" и другие
What are your goals now?
the development of super-powers
Whom do you admire?
jokes of God
Do you have a lot of friends?
lots of
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
superficiality, deceit, mercantile spirit, lucre
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
falsity, insincerity
What would you like to change in yourself?
What are your weaknesses?
gullibility, naivety
What are your strengths ?
искренность, доброта, честность, верность, преданность своему любимому, жизнерадостность
How do friends view you?
sole of company
How do acquaintances view you?
добрая, искренняя
What are your favourite games?
I do not play long ago
Who are your favourite writers and poets?
Шекспир, Алексндр Дюма, Булгаков, Асадов, Драйзер, Моэм,
What kinds of music do you like?
Scorpions, Ezio Bosso, джаз, просто хорошая музыка под настроение
What is your favourite food?
рыба, овощи. зелень, фрукты
What are your favourite films?
a comedy
What is your favourite fairy-tale?
Pushkin's fairy tales
What is your favourite activity or hobby?
meeting interesting people
What is your dream job?
исцелять людей, я - Маг-целитель. Я хочу сделать Мир здоровым.
Tell us about your dream partner.
I loved and loving man, beside which is not afraid to be without the usual protections. which I trust absolutely and this will be mutual. At a loved one is not visible the shortcomings. There is none of them. Is simple we are all different. I'm looking for a soul mate who will accept me as I am. Which has just need such a woman. I .
Where do you want to live?
it does not matter. Together with my loved.
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