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Hello, I wanted to thank you for the service you provide. I appreciate what your website has done for me. Last August (2009), I made a trip to Russia and Kazakhstan to meet two women I'd met online. One woman, in Moscow, claimed to be sick and we never met. The other, Raisa, met me at the airport and showed me Karaganda, Karkaralinsk and Astana. My expectations for a relationship were low. I had never been outside the USA so I approached it as an adventure... a great sight-seeing trip to experience new lands and cultures. The two week trip was all of that but more... I returned to Karaganda in December, remaining there for one month. Raisa is an incredible woman! I believe I'm 'stealing' one of Kazakhstan's treasures. Raisa will have her USA visa next month. We're planning a September wedding in San Diego, California. To everyone at Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Raisa & Dave
mak robinson, 40 y.o.
i have found somebody , and we are going to get married soon. thank u for your support. it was really kind of u. Best regards
Elena, 44 y.o.
Я нашла партнера, выхожу замуж, спасибо Вам большое
L, 51 y.o.
Hallo aan de gebruikers van dit netwerk! Mijn gedachte bij het inschrijven hier op de site was een beetje met een sceptische boventoon. Echter nu na een half jaar correspondentie moet ik dit herzien. Mijn vriendin uit Moskou en ik hebben elkaar diverse keren ontmoet in Rusland.De band is zo goed en duidelijk dat we inmiddels zijn getrouwd en samen gaan wonen. Bedankt aan de regie van het netwerk!!
Здравствуйте самые лучшие менеджеры в «мировой сети»! Мы хотели сказать вам огромное спасибо за вашу работу. Вы помогли встретиться двум незнакомым людям, которые полюбили и решили всю жизнь прожить вместе. Вы делаете потрясающую работу, которая в итоге становится чудом. Сейчас мы с Хейбом женаты и безумно счастливы. Спасибо вам за это чудо!
William, 51 y.o.
USA,Leadville, Colorado
Yes I found a good wife thank you
Tiger, 40 y.o.
I have found someone from this site. We have met, we are very much in love and we are engaged to be married.
Lyuda, 35 y.o.
Я нашла того человека за которого выхожу замуж
Alfred, 65 y.o.
Israel,Kefar Sava
I found somebody on this site...we are getting married soon
Larry, 52 y.o.
USA,Panama City, FL
I joined the site thinking I would at least have a good time talking to the women from Russia, but I would never have thought I'd find myself standing in russia, face to face with the most beautiful russian lady, or any lady, that I have ever met. I'm in love. Elena will be coming to America in July, and we will soon be married. This web site is amazing. Thank You!
Michael, 63 y.o.
I have found Julia and I am very happy. She came to visit and now I will go to her in March. We will marry in April. She is all I have been looking for in a woman and we are both very happy together.
Alla, 28 y.o.
Спасибо Вам большое, мы нашли друг друга в январе 2009 и уже больше года я живу в Афинах и мы оба счастливы! И всё это благодаря вашему сайту. Верьте - мечты сбываются!!!
Sam, 51 y.o.
USA,Rochester, NY
I met a lady several times in her city and we are in love. We are going to get married and we are removing our profiles. Thank you!
Ben, 63 y.o.
Tatiana, 40 y.o.
Hi, I was member of your site but found my lady here. After our engagement we decided to remove our profiles from this site. In the mean time we are married (January, 8th). But now we can not share our successtory with others........ Our membernames were Bennl and tanjushka74. Have a nice day.
Peter, 42 y.o.
Australia,New South Wales
Ive met someone and will marry them this year
Varvara, 23 y.o.
thanks I have found my future husband!
Lennara, 51 y.o.
Я нашла свою половину,выхожу замуж.Всем желаю счастья!
Tatyana, 35 y.o.
Я выхожу замуж за любимого человека!
Larry, 52 y.o.
USA,Panama City, FL
I came to this site thinking I'd at least have fun talking to Russian women, but i never thought I'd find myself in russia, talking to this special lady. Elena is fantastic and we have plans to marry when she comes to the states some time in July. Thanks !!!
Tatyana, 41 y.o.
большое спасибо вашему сайту!!!!!!!!!!!!! причина удаления анкеты очень проста, я нашла свою вторую половинку и выхожу замуж... огромное спасибо всему вашему коллективу, вы очень помогаете одиноким людям!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natasha, 42 y.o.
я нашла моего единственного мужчину..... и выхожу замуж!!! Спасибо администрации сайта!!!! Всё замечательно!!!