Now: 67 ladies online
Within the last 24 hours: 19 new ladies, 731 ladies visited, 53 new photos
gary, 48 y.o.
Spain, Malaga
I have met and now married to the most wonderful and beautiful women in the world, who i met 16 months ago, on your partner dating site thank you very much for all your help Gary
(if you never try you cant win)
Kristina, 27 y.o.
Я уезжаю за границу, чтобы выйти замуж))))))))))))))))
Tatyana, 53 y.o.
Я нашла своего мужчину на вашем сайте. И очень вам благодарна. Большое вам спасибо, вы делаете очень нужное дело. А сейчас мне надо уйти с сайта я вышла замуж.
Olga, 31 y.o.
ja hoczu udalit anketu potomu czto ja naszla muza i sejczas nahozus s nim.bolszoje spasibo za etot sait.wy delaete horoszeje delo.udaczi wam
Ekaterina, 26 y.o.
Выхожу замуж улетаю в Италию :)
Joseph, 52 y.o.
USA,Staten Island, NY
I found the love of a lifetime and I am marrying her in Russia this week and I'm already in russia with her for the last 7 days touring planes , trains and automobiles In Russia with My Love. Thanks
scott, 59 y.o.
USA,Woodbury, Minnesota
I have gotten married to a very wonderful woman from the Ukraine and I have been there and she will be coming here soon so I want to thank you very much for bringing us together
pasca, 52 y.o.
Grazie al vostro sito, ho incontrato il mio amore, e ci siamo appena sposati... Grazie, grazie, grazie...
Nicholas, 39 y.o.
I have met somone through this site i have visited her twice and she has visited me once i have known her now for 1 year and very grateful to the site.I never thought i would meet anyone genuine she is not looking for a better life she is very happy in Ukraine just the right man but happy in her counrty. I would recommend site to anyone i started communicating to her on first day i registered, a year later we are talking about a future together and both are very much in love thanks again if you want to add to testemonial page or any other page to encourage new users thats fine.
aniello, 65 y.o.
Dear Irina,
it is about one year I entered in this site.It has been a joyful time for me.I have known different women who helped me to approach, to understand and to appreciate Russian mentality and north-eastern culture ...Surfing the internet of your site I have build some interesting relations of friendship(.and sometimes a little more!).I must thank my counsellor Irina,who has been close to me in some perplexity moments with her kind suggestions and her wise advices..The psychological test has made the rest...So now,at last I have found what I was searching for ...My true love..She is not only my ideal soulmate...she is not only the woman I like to merry and live with..She is my real love,hidden beneath the snow of Smolensk...After a long and deep correspondence we have met each other in Italy 2 times and we have realized to be born one for the other ...
My wonderful girlfriend Luba (the Latin said: nomen omen"in a name there is a prophecyi") is a charming lady with magnificent blue eyes..She has entered in my life like an angel... We are planning to live together and to build a new family..
Thank you again...!!!.Tomorrow we shall delete from the site..Now there are no reasons more to remain there, even if you have been a nice and lovely family.
Many wishes for your useful and well-deserving job!
To you,dear Irina my best regards....and a friendly kiss....
Ravilya, 52 y.o.
нашла мужа
Klara, 50 y.o.
Добрый день, спасибо за сотрудничество, выхожу замуж, благодаря Вашему сайту.
Camille, 52 y.o.
Thanks for all your so nice services, i have met the woman of my life i think. We will prepare for you a feed back as soon as we realise what we want so much: to marry!
Thanks again very much for all managers and especially Irina Grebnev (sorry for bad spelling).
Irina, 37 y.o.
I met my soul mate and got married, i am very happy, thank you and good luck :)
Oksana, 30 y.o.
Я вышла замуж благодаря вашему сайту спасибо.
Nataliya, 38 y.o.
Я нашла своего Единственного и вышла замуж. Спасибо Вам за тоо,что Вы были внимательны ко мне.
Siranush, 28 y.o.
Balshoje sposibo za to shto ja zdes nashla majego muja. cherez 15 dnej unas svadba balshoje sposibo za vse ja ochen rada
Michael, 61 y.o.
I have found a fine woman from Ukrain, which I am going to marry. If anything happends, I will at once come back to you my friends. The best Russian dating site ever. Kindest regards
edward, 57 y.o.
USA,Windsor Castle, Pennsylvania
i have found someone on your site! thank you very much.i now start the k1 visa process.
Anna, 26 y.o.
Я познакомилась с молодым человеком моей мечты, через два месяца у нас свадьба!!!