People, culture & society
11сентября 2001 года . Мои соболезнования Вам
Террористический акт 11 сентября 2001 года (иногда именуемый просто 9/11) — серия четырёх координированных самоубийственных террористических атак[1], произошедших в Соединённых Штатах Америки. Ответственность за эти атаки лежит на террористической организации «Аль-Каида»[2].
Утром того дня девятнадцать террористов, имеющих отношение к «Аль-Каиде», разделившись на четыре группы, захватили четыре рейсовых пассажирских авиалайнера. Каждая группа имела как минимум одного члена, прошедшего начальную лётную подготовку.
Захватчики направили два из этих лайнеров в башни Всемирного торгового центра, расположенные в южной части Манхэттена в Нью-Йорке. Рейс 11 American Airlines врезался в башню ВТЦ-1 (северную), а рейс 175 United Airlines — в башню ВТЦ-2 (южную). В результате этого обе башни обрушились, вызвав серьёзные разрушения прилегающих строений[3]. Третий самолёт (рейс 77 American Airlines) был направлен в здание Пентагона, расположенного недалеко от Вашингтона. Пассажиры и команда четвёртого авиалайнера (рейс 93 United Airlines) попытались перехватить управление самолётом у террористов[4], самолёт упал в поле около боро Шанксвилл в штате Пенсильвания.
Помимо 19 террористов, в результате атак погибли 2977 человек (см. раздел «Жертвы»), ещё 24 пропали без вести. Большинство погибших были гражданскими лицами.
Официальная версия случившегося подверглась критике со стороны ряда журналистов, учёных и свидетелей трагедии. Проводились независимые расследования, по некоторым из которых были сняты документальные фильмы[
Дорогие американцы, я искренне соболезную всем у кого тогда погибли родственники,близкие. БЕРЕГИТЕ СЕБЯ. Желаю всем Вам и Вашим родным и близким ЗДОРОВЬЯ, МИРНОГО НЕБА, ЛЮБВИ , ДОЛГИХ ЛЕТ ЖИЗНИ И УДАЧИ!!!!!! ЛЮБЛЮ ВАС!!!!!!!!
Присоединяюсь с искренним соболезнованием.Я как сейчас помню эту ситуацию. Я пришла только с работы и тут показывают эти ужасы и кошмары. Я еще как раз по телефону разговаривала и про между прочим смотрела телевизор. И сначала подумала что это показывают фильм ужасов.Но потом дошло что этот кошмар действительно происходит в Америке.Я была просто в шоке что такое происходило. Как раз включили последнюю запись одного мужчины,который находился в одном из зданий и как он прощался с женой. Ужас как вспоминать тяжело.Так не хочется чтобы подобные инциденты вообще происходили на нашей общей планете.
Thank you dear ladies for your heart felt remarks. I remember watching in a computer class at Youngstown State University as the plane struck the second tower. I warned younger students the towers must fall. We then believed there might be as many as 50,000 people in the complex. Many rescue crews lost their lives but saved thousands. Near our university, I watched the third plane circle slowly overhead, to then fall near where we lived. We now know those passengers were preparing to give their lives to prevent even more deaths.
Nothing is as serious as the shock before a nation realizes they are going to war. Until 911, America had never suffered an attack on our soil. We have been blessed with much and not always had compassion toward the tragedies of other nations. 911 brought this home to us.
I have lived and traveled in Europe and read countless books describing the horrors of war in European countries. I, myself, spent two years guarding the Czech border where soldiers gunned down families simply wanting to be free, while at home, Americans squandered their freedom with no thought for other’s suffering. After these experiences, I never took anything for granted and was very grateful for all my blessings.
Although most Americans are good, caring people, most just don’t understand the rest of the world. A number of our students took their summer university break to work in a Romanian orphanage. Seeing the heartbreaking condition of these children, we had difficulty getting them to come back because their hearts felt the desperate needs of these precious and neglected kids. One can only hold so many babies crying desperately for love. Some eventually did go back to serve. We have compassion, but our society has been shielded from much of the plight of the world.
The 911 tragedy struck a nerve in the US. Not since Pearl Harbor had America been so shocked. Years of complacency had made us careless and indifferent; the 911 attack was a jolt that brought many Americans to their senses. Maybe this was needed for some time, but the cost was enormous.
I love the dear Russian people. As a Music Director in Maine, each winter I presented an outdoor musical attended by thousands. The entire local Russian community always attended. I easily came to love these precious, precious people. While Americans grumbled about the wrong color toilet tissue, the Russians were always appreciative for what they had. Their character and qualities were always an example and inspiration to everyone around them.
We are presently headed for some dark days in our country. We cannot always control our governments, when they do not reflect the will of the people, and that is no truer than in the US today. Our Homeland Security recently, publically announced a plan to bring 15,000 of your troops here to assist with any “unforeseen calamity”. These will join those already in Tennessee. Americans are beginning to see the road that lies ahead and it may not be unlike what some here have already experienced. The actions of our government does not always reflect the respect and appreciation we have for you. Please know that there are many here in the US who admire your character and, like myself, have a sincere, deep appreciation for you and your heritage. I hope we’re not all “Ugly Americans.” ))))) (Did I get these little smiles correct?)
Thank you for your deeply appreciated, kind greetings and thoughts on the anniversary of this sad day. I enjoy greeting and conversing with you here on-line. You are all wonderful, quality women; I wish I could take every one of you home. My prayer for each of you to find happiness and fulfillment in your noble desire to share with a life partner. Each of you deserve that. At my age I will be fortunate to find one, but if we do, she will be a prize. God bless you all.
A special message to Marina-manager. Today, I request that you please guard these sincere thoughts from the routine insensitivity of our friend from Italy. Also, thank you for filtering some of my harsh responses to him. 😉 Tomasso, you and I can joust another day. Thank you.
Моя душа до сих пор плачет. Три дня назад я смотрела документальный фильм "Дневник Тани Савичевой". Этот фильм об ужасной трагедии 20 века, о голодной смерти сотен тысяч ленинградцев, о маленькой девочке, попавшей в эту ужасную "мясорубку" войны, потерявшей за короткое время всех своих родных и сумевшей оставить записи о тех ужасных днях, которые впоследствии послужили документом обвинения на Нюрнбергском процессе. Многие американцы испытали ужас близкой смерти, не имея возможности в последний раз сказать своим родным о любви. Моя душа плачет. Никто из них не останется забытым и неотомщенным. На все есть высший суд, высшая справедливость. И если кто-то может совершать убийство невинных людей во имя Бога - я отрицаю такого бога, и никогда не посчитаю правыми людей, верующих в ТАКОГО Бога! Моя душа плачет...
Our hearts also grieved with yours at Beslan. What has God to do with evil and evil men? Evil men are responsible for their own crimes. They inflict harm on the innocent because they are cowards without conscience. Why do evil men not perform evil in the name of Evil? Evil men may blame God and do evil in His name, but God is not mocked by their evil, nor responsible. God would be the author of conscience; evil is the absence of conscience. Your Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote, "Without God, all things are permissible." Evil men without God seem to prove Dostoyevsky correct. I am not preaching God; merely sharing a thought. If I share too much, just ask me to be silent for a while.
Il male e il bene non c'entrano nulla con nessun Dio. Socrate non credeva in Dio, eppure sapeva benissimo cos'era il bene e il male.
E se guardi la storia coloro che hanno fatto peggio all'umanità sono stati proprio coloro che credevano in dio. E' stat bruciata gente, hanno torturato, provocato guerre e continuano a farlo oggi
Ho sempre paura di sentire qualcuno che mi dice cosa sia bene o male, ma veramente!
Dostojevsky era ateo, uno dei più famosi atei
Quando Dio comincerà a credere in me e mi manderà dei doni, io comincerò a credere in lui. ))))
Il Denaro è l'unico Dio che si vede ed i suoi adepti se ne guardano bene dal rinnegarlo.
Ho sempre provato una sorta di misera e penosa compassione per quelle persone che pregano delle divinità inesistenti solo per riuscire a sopravvivere
.Il Papa è l'inviato di Dio in terra ed io sono il portavoce del buon senso, entrambi siamo i rappresentanti di qualcosa che non esiste.
Mentre la Società si secolarizza e la Chiesa perde il suo potere, la nuova religione imperante sta diventando il Capitalismo.
La Chiesa ha ammesso di aver commesso molti errori, solo che non vuole ammettere che sta continuando a farne.
Том, заканчивайте,пожалуйста. эту тему. Не следует поднимать этот вопрос.У каждого своя вера или нет. Остановитесь, пожалуйста.
Tommaso, as long as men are involved, there will be problems. I do not answer for others; only for me. Hey! Did those girls with that rope ever catch you!? )))
Please, Tommaso, this post was not really about you, or your limited appreciation of God; the subject is the many men, women and children who tragically died in my country on September 11, 2001. By now, everyone is comprehensively aware of your personal likes, dislikes and preferences, and I hope we have shown you understanding in response to your enthusiasm.
Most people, if they do not care for the food being eaten by diners at another table, still continue to eat their own meal and enjoy it. Very few jump up, make a fuss and demand others stop eating what they have ordered, because they don't like it, before returning to their plate. Normally, most would simply enjoy their evening and meal without regard for or commenting on someone else’s. You have my word to never criticize what you are eating, even if that is squid, chocolate cookies and grapefruit juice.
Some time, I would love to discuss sailing shops with you; you may be astonished and pleased at my familiarity with your vocation. You should never fear, however, that I would ever be so ill-mannered as to argue with each fact and insist your vast experience is absurd. I have faith you are one of the most remarkable experts on tall ships in your field and would consider it a privilege to learn from you.
I observe and applaud your personal efforts to remain on topic; however please demonstrate the sensitivity, wisdom, compassion and self-control, for which Italian men are all so famous, ))) by not interrupting a discussion about which you appear to possess so little knowledge or experience. Feel free to listen and learn; I am happy to privately answer all your questions. I anxiously look forward to our discussion of tall ships.
Tom, please be patient. In addition to the misunderstanding that famous organist and missionary to Africa, Albert Schweitzer, was a non-believer, I noticed your thought Dostoevsky was also atheist.
Dostoevsky was Russian Orthodox, however most scholars regard him as a Christian existentialist, similar to Kierkegaard. In his book, The Idiot, he makes very clear statements on his religious views. I also recommend you read his short story, Dream of a Ridiculous Man. One last correction, if you research Einstein, you will discover he patently rejected the notion he was atheistic. One of his notable quotes was, “God did not play dice with the universe.” No need for further discussion; let’s get back to chasing the girls! ))) I hope this is useful information. Again, looking forward to talking about tall ships!