Men & women
I need an advice from you my friend about that
I have some politics problema and due to that ; my country spy my phone and internet , last night öne of the girl , i was chating with her in telegram , they did the flowing:1. They cut the internet from 9 pm until second day 2 pm non .
2. They behave with no manner with the girls in my behave
3. They spy the internet and lie , i am part from terror , crazy , gay and have some sex dises
4. They hacked my samsung tablet , and they are huge group with öne goal iş to link me to terror because the united nation helped öne guy called saad alfigh , he was in terror list in united nation but removed because of me .
5. I joined this website to find beauty girlfriend , this the only reason
6. I am computer engineer and rich guy ,, i am looking for beauty lady to be in my life
7. The saudi goverment with help of another like uae play bad game here such aş many fake profile .
8. What iş the right thing to do ? Leave this website ? Or continue hoping to find my dream girlfriend .
9. They do many thing to be between , to destroy my repution here , talk to them in my behave , cut the internet from ISP and öne of their guys talk to the girls as if he " me " .
10. Even now they are spying my home + internet
" i need your advice , how to deal with such bad situation " ?
They behave like animals by using my name ??????? Too bad to lose your chance to find beauty girlfriend in this wonderful website ?