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I seek advice


Paul, 57 y.o.


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4 Weddings

The last 4 weddings that I have been to have resulted in 2 divorces 1 separation and the last couple is still together but sleeping in separate rooms. People ask me why I am still single... LOL



По крайней мере, они попытались    



Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать - и не пожалеть.
Вы слишком осторожничаете, Пол


Iryna, 67 y.o.


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Hi, Paul! Thoughts are material. You have to think positively and look for his kindred spirit. Among my friends there is no divorce. And I have friends of all ages. My parents have lived in love. My family was 29 years old. Just need to find his. If not, then live alone without quarrels, grievances and divorces. Good luck and positive.


Natalya, 61 y.o.


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Человек не должен жить страхом " развод ". Человек должен жить любовью, доверием. Каждый сам выбирает: страх - одиночество или любовь - радость, мир в сердце , благословения.


Laura, 52 y.o.

Russia, Other

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---why I am still single--
Work with your fears. Instead of LOL the answers will come to you. The more interesting question is -what are you doing here?



you are still single because you choose not right weddings...  
last 4 weddings that I have been... live in happiness
and I am not single in this case... 


Anastasia, 41 y.o.


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i have a feeling people are not investing much into maintaining arelationships nowadays.

if i look back, even at my parents generation, a "family" as a social unit used to have a stronger value, people were more eager to work out their differences and keep their marriage alive rather than looking for an immediate way out when the going got rough, and today we are all "individuals" , as least that's how it feels, if you look in the media and today society, and if "self" prevails , "we" doesn't have much chance to stand...



It feels very vague as a question.. why someone is single?   isnt actually just a question to own self..?   people are free in their choices, whether be along or share time and feeling, views and everything possible with someone (as who? in what status?) and under what terms and conditions and how all of it mutually accepted..? Where freedom also got another side = responsibility.. in society usually religion taking part of the responsibility.. It is just easier for people to say it is a FATE and I am single, bachelor for life, very much selective and just didnt meet someone who will spark something inside, as Higher powers decided for you everything..     Just not many people taking own freedom with responsibility.. as desire to have own space in some permanent condition.. where the world of another person, who would jump into your world can just ruin the life style and everything soo well organized and soo well known, soo relative.. and will bring some different sensation, some different emotions.. all different, and how to deal with it, when there is no experience to have a happy interactions (??).. and what on surface just desire to leave everything as it is.. end of story  and at other side everyone wired in some special way, and not necessarily, you, Paul, or anyone else have to be in a relationship, even it is proven that sharing something nice and getting something nice in return in healthy relationship, making people happier.. also happiness such a vague idea.. everyone is feeling happy in own way from different things..   so perhaps there are people, who just happy having conversations time to time.. as other needs of theirs are fulfilled already.. or maybe never existed..  also differences are maybe most fascinating things between people.. as they are giving clear visible experience when someone living own life differently and having joy of it (even it is not acceptable and not understandable way of life to me)  



Пуаль,у Вас бывает в жизни хорошо? Как не пост - один пессимизм. Пересмотрите свое отношение к людям,событиям. Не помочь тонущему,если он с упоением идет ко дну.


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Just stating the facts my dear!


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Iryna on View the commented comment

Irina you are a beautiful person inside and out, I LOVE your answer!!!! I an a man with many problems OCD, Tourettes and many others Ladies know this and will advoid me for this reason. I am ok with this! I will find my love it will take time however...


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Laura on View the commented comment

I an honestly tring to find love my dear Laura!


Olga, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Лена, Пол пишет , что страдает обсессивно-компульсивным растройством , призывать его к оптимизму бесполезное занятие и трата времени...


Laura, 52 y.o.

Russia, Other

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Reply to Paul on View the commented comment

Dear Paul!
Problem is- i don't understand the man's logic! Help me pls.
If I m afraid to swim should i stay on the bank of the sea thinking: to swim or not to swim? I have already said to my self- i will sink...because a lot of pirates are now on the seabed....
So,(according to my woman's logic) why to waist the time instead to make smth useful? Or staying at the bank is very interesting- everybody will see how beautiful i m? In other words to show myself without any aim, just to get fun and pleasure?
