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I thought i would put this question out there in a general sense. I was thinking about a marrird couple all ready married for a full year. 1-2 per week would seem safe and healthy.
What do you expect of a guy who doesn't know the difference between course and coarse. His writing 'style' as much as his 'communicative' pattern are coarse indeed. On the other hand, such 'competition' is good for us: every form of society needs to have its jestering clown 😊
Ben ,
Don't think that's it funny , to put people down , because they/he/her has misspelled or made a typing erro , on some words.
Yes , I know , you WILL NOTICE , my typing ERRORS.
But I made them delibaretly !!!
If you're trying to impress the ladies here , I'm not sure if this is the right way.
Our lousy liberal western ideals about sex has almost been offically declared as ''its now the womans choice'' definetly in uk, who are the prudest of the lot. The british woman attitude about the subject is horrific, it is no wonder that all the marriages fail. They now announce that boys in secondary school will have to LEARN just like that. Disgraceful!
Sex is a matter for each couple privatly.
We are all different and individual.
We all need sex in different amounts.
If its denied to us it causes problems even for the most behaved of us.
Ladies have a high need for romance, it probably equals mens need for sex overall, yet by all accounts they want romance without feeling the slightest need to return to their man his need.
The word for that is selfishness.
There is far more to say about this subject that would take hours to write.
Suffice to say that a couple who love and respect each other properly will meet the needs for the person they love by giving, hence the word love and likewise sacrifice when necessary knowing in love its done. Anything else is rubbish and a relationship to leave very quickly indeed.
Why some of what you say can/may be true , that doesn't mean , that everyone can just say or ask anything , anywhere.
There are so called rules of behaviour.Or to put in other words : decency.
The question of the OP is proof that moral and ethics have gone down the drain.
And it is more and more emphasized by all new means for communication and connecting with each other.
I mention the app : Second Love (to secretly have another lover)
Selfishness has become part of modern day life.You can ask yourself if life is getting better and if we people , do take notice of our fellow men's culture , background or education.
What's this now? One can't spell, another can't read??
"put him down because of spelling"???
"impress the ladies"???
How close is the nearest coffee shop? Maybe you ought to close your window??
I hope, you're joking... as much as I am... seriously
Correct spelling and orthography ... how nice and ever nicer (because of the lack of bellowing )
Paul, did you mean with yourself or some other person? I'm with Dag...complaining about someone else's typing error, while prominently displaying a conspicuous absence of couth and proper breeding, seems a bit oafish. Your question appears on the same level as a child attempting to gain the attention of adults. Usually the attention attracted is not positive attention...but then some children will take whatever they can get. One more point, regarding the appropriateness your question; you're a day late and a dollar short.