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I was talking to a lady and she says to me getting together is a risk for both of us. What risk is there for Ukrainian women? She has little or no money. I have the money I own 2 cars one of which is a C-7 Corvette. I own a house that is paid for. The only risk is mine if Ukrainian woman divorces me she gets half of everything I own.
Может Быть он на других сайтах знакомится, а на нашем только пишет?))
Firstly its nice to see someone less popular than myself however has dumb questions go I think you've excelled yourself here Paul my son has special needs so taking a pop at you for your uneducated post is not top of my priority list! I'll adress your post stage by stage and hope you then understand how you upset so many women. Firstly you boast you was talking to a woman (ain't that the idea of the dating site? ) 2nd its a risk for her because she's giving up her family her country her friends and a country that is beautiful rivers churches & lavra, history and community spirit. I was in Kiev on there Independence Day and felt the togetherness its same at Christmas. Little or no money! You will find the girls with the least has the most in charicter I know this from personal experience. Could you work and live for £15 a week? That's a minimum wage In Ukraine and I don't get points for keep bringing this up however it's nice to try educate you. 3. Has for devorce your 2 cars 🚗 🚗 and nice house 🏡 And being your bride having a Ukrainian wife who loves you and you love her is a bigger status than your possessions however ain't you jumping the gun abit here has firstly she's only messaged you and secondly who's saying your worthy of her? 4 if you worry about your house and car you should find alarm bells along the way before the big day. Irralivent but if you worry about the above do like I did learn to read russian and speak it a little bit you will find it invaluable in sorting good girls from gold diggers. I caught a popular member on here trying to scam me for $600 such knowledge took two weeks. Scammers stand out like a sore thumb but so do the good girls who I've met too. A Russian scammer will try deceive you by showing you it in russian so being able to read to some degree is good. Have you tried polish dating Paul has theres more chance of a polish girl mothering you and fitting your criteria than a Ukrainian girl!! No offence to either polish or Ukrainian or Russian
No trolling sweetheart just the facts. Check out MGTOW is Freedom on youtube !!!
Ben, bravo!!!! Доргие администраторы, прошу удалить мою нечаянную галочку "не согласен" .Спасибо!
Nah, you could NOT… Olga looks too smart to marry you in the first place!
Я очень польщена что вы обратили на меня внимание. Но я не вижу смысла в браке ради развода. или в браке ради богатства
Рауль!не одна девушка или женщина,прочитав ваши посты не согласиться стать вашей женой!!так,что не переживайте за свои две машины и дом!!целуйте машины и дом!
Karina the point is simply that my Corvette is a $ 75,000.00 car. I wish I could take a pretty lady like u, to drive with me some day!
мне так жаль вас. очень видно что у вас очень сильный душевный конфликт
Svetlana I have made more money that than u will ever have lol
Любой человек имеет право сомневаться и высказать здесь свои сомнения . Вне зависимости , нравятся вам или нет его комментарии. Переубедите ,если есть чем . Зачем же сразу переходить на оскорбления ?
I agree about the first part.
As for the second: grammer helps understand what I mean - a conditional sentence "IF"…
Now it THAT is too much, then mark me down for another insult