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NO, I don't believe women like a man with a past. I believe women like a man with a PRESENT!!!!!!
Listen Mila, you're a beautiful lady but I don't have to work for a living! How many of to Slavic men can say that! If you want to change your life for the better message me! lol
That sounds more like a threat than an offer.
Mila, take cover! Paul has you on his radar
You want dialogue? we have a different understanding about the relationship,maybe it's due to upbringing...But I think when you meet your true love, you'll want to share your feelings with this lady and give her signs of attention, without thinking about the cost😊 )
Yes, Mila, I make 2 grand a month without even working, Please message me!
Tatyana, you are a beautiful lady keep in mind I make 2 grand Canadian per month without even working. Please message me!
Mila you are a beautiful woman I will pay the love of a beautiful woman like yourself! If you can only give me TRUE LOVE!
Mila you and I match up perfectly, mentally, just look at it logically. you want me for my resources!
Paul, no money in the world is worth being manacled to you.
You ARE an accident wherever you happen!
You have the wrong idea about love...Women can love, regardless of the financial possibilities of the person...And generally have this feeling too many opportunities, you can find wings, but you can have a heart of stone ...
Женщине нравится мужчина , потому что он сильный и умеет зарабатывать деньги. Смотрите на мир с открытыми глазами.Любовь-это действия. И когда мужчина перестает действовать, женщина чувствует, что отвергнута.Против природы не пойдешь. Она начинает обращать внимание на других мужчин.
издревле, с пещерных времен женщины выбирали сильных мужчин, которые могут защитить их и принести в пещеру мамонта
Sorry to say Mam you have poor knowledge in history or misconception.Human race in cave or rock age both male and female used hunt together for there food and gather food together and eat.Depending upon strength they divided the work.When agricultural revolution took women role was restricted to particular kind of work only.There is gender equality at stone age male or female used to work together and care of children.
Money came in exsistence because of economic situations before as we used have exchange of goods (barter system).
There is nothing wrong both male and female working together for there livelihood.
Earning Money or cooking is skill/art.It depends on how good are we at that skill.It has nothing to do with gender role.
Send us more of your troll stuff to keep us entertained. Paul, the real 'man'
His head's a rock
He hears his body clock
Tick - tock - tick - tock…
But, mind you!
He has another panic too:
he can't say "I like you",
because he's too busy counting
all the money on a string.
With or without it, he's nothing -
sad but true: to him it's everything.
He looks the way he writes:
like an angry terrier that bites
whenever cash comes in his sight.
Man, I wish you pleasant nights!
PS: ladies, never forget -
Terry!А какой возраст должен быть твоего ребра? 18-30 лет?