
Men & women


Chris, 54 y.o.

United States

All the user's posts

But today, I am hearing from allot of the men, being unhappy when trying to communicate with the Russian girls

For the first time since I joined this Website, I came to read the Posts.

When I return home in February I was going to Pay, read and reply to the emails that I have received, and start interacting with some of the ladies that are also members here.

But today, I am hearing from allot of the men, being unhappy when trying to communicate with the Russian girls, so Im starting to reconsider those plans.

I had a Motorcycle accident, and an ensuing TBI, in 2006. I took a hiatus, met and became friends with a girl from Russia at University (she was hiding too... bad divorce, paparazzi, bad press) and her Brother-In-Law Павел suggested that I look at this URL. My complaint was in dealing with American Women again... overall. Oksana was a genuine person (pregnant with #2 and spoken for) and Pavel told me that Russian ladies are different. I have NOTHING BAD to say, or generalize about America Ladies, but since my brain injury, and as soon as our tour ends, "I" will be looking for a change in scenery and location.

Should I stop before I pay, travel to Russia, and see what it is like before I meet anyone in here?
I don't think that I'll be recognized. Plus, since I chopped my hair off, Im barely recognized when our show begins (Allot of "When did you get a new Bass Player" "...what happened to John Doe?" so blending in will be easy ...I just hope to meet a cool, caring woman, that won't tell her friends something like 'You'll never guess who I met...blablablabla's bass player

Anyway dudes (ladies): Am I wasting my time (and whatever it costs) with this website (?)

Thanks for any 'Heads up' you can help me with! (Спасибо!)




Not being a fortune teller, I may say the chance is 50/50, the same for the rest of all here.



Dear Chris,
Sure you should visit Moscow and other towns of Russia and understand if u need a Slavonic girl. You should see a "soil" where a "Russian flower" is growing and where you are going to pull up her .Then compare with your native "soil"and understand if she can live in your life and in your "soil". You are absolutely right and wise young man.



Chris, if you want a serious relationship, your experience of the site will not be a waste of time. Great site and a lot of beautiful women. I hope you will find what are looking for. good luck to you!



And don't worry about being recognized. I haven't a clue who you are 


Chris, 54 y.o.

United States

All the user's posts

Hello Ladies,
First, let me thank you all for sharing you thoughts and opinions with me, that was very nice of everyone.

Elina: I agree completely. I never had to second guess my approach, but lately, I do. And you're right! I feel like I'm playing the Lottery. The only prize I can win, will be understanding how it works.

Larissa: I love you analogy (?Simily?). My only experience has been when 'Russian soil was brought to me, and I was allowed to work with it, but in MY garden'. I have not experienced growing anything, where the soil originated (Russia).

Larisa: Thank you! Your words are very reassuring. I'll learn about 'Proper editquette', polite ways to interact (that differs from my culture) and, at worst, I will be able to meet people and make new friends. And thanks for sharing your 'Best wishes' with me, I wish you the same. And if you put any faith in God, I hope he rewards you, for helping a lost soul. : )


Glen: That is more refreshing, that you might think. The Russian girl that I met in the States, was on Hiatus after a 'Drawn-out', Public and unnecessarily invasive divorce. She once said she couldn't get her Post, without a thousand clicks (Loosely translated, she couldn't walk to her mailbox, without having her picture taken 1000 times) I think she was relieved that I didn't know who she was, while a friend that was with her, was surprised that I didn't even know her name.

Anyway, will you all marry me : ) lol
Seriously, THANKS! I really appreciate you each taking a moment to share with me, and hopefully, help me figure this out!
До свидания!



No, don't worry about being recognized. At least 85% of members(male and female) have no idea who you are.  
If you are not sure what you need in your life, you just need to do the research before committing travel around Russia, Ukraine, Czech republic and other slavic countries, talk to people, understand what you like and not like about women here and there. Decide on what you want in the future and choose carefully the steps to take. Don't make fake promises, be open about your intentions.
Don't fall for stereotypes - people are different here and there, but the nationality doesn't actually guarantee anything.



Best advice, get on a plane and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
