
Gentlemen's club



I am surprised! Message for gentlemen!

Hello gentlemen, I checked the list of women who want to meet me, are 12,200 beautiful girls!!!

Now you will say: WOW MAN YOU ARE VERY LUKY!

When i write a message to some of them, very rarely have the answer.

I suppose that they check on my profile and see that i am tall 168 cm.

The problem is that women "tall" 152 cm write on their profiles they want a 170-175-180cm tall man at least, till 30 cm of difference.
Of course i understand very tall woman if they look for a tall man but a girls tall a meter and a half?

I look good, I succeed in life, I have a lot of culture and interests and high education, I can talk about everything and I honestly do not want to undergo all this.
I answer already a few messages, my response rate will be even lower.

The height is not synonymous with intelligence, success, courage, strength, and ability to solve the problems of life, giving peace of mind to your family, it is only in appearance.

Men know that today's problems can not be solved with height but need the money and the brain.

Sorry but love? Chemistry? The thought? The parsonality? The reliability?

The women here choose to answer only according to centimeters?

I have much more success in real, i mean out of the site.

I joined this site because I do not like very much Italian women, their way of living and acting, but I see even here the sensitivity and intelligence do not abound.

So, colleagues not tall, what is your experience here?



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Tanya, 46 y.o.


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Здравствуйте, Andrea. Несмотря на то, что вы задали вопрос мужчинам, хотелось бы написать некоторые комментарии. Мне кажется, что проблема вовсе не в сантиметрах и росте, и надо отдать вам должное, вы молодец, что описали свою внешность как есть, не пытаясь казаться кем-то другим. Мы все следуем своим убеждениям и правилам, а так же у каждого есть свои предубеждения. И да, здесь есть такое женское предубеждение, что не нужно смотреть в сторону итальянских мужчин. Мы делимся опытом общения и хорошим и плохим. Так уж случилось, что много негативного опыта именно с итальянскими мужчинами, которые любят много и красиво говорить, а в реальности ничего не получается, много разрушенных надежд. Но ведь есть и исключения! У вас ведь есть цель и намерения, а значит все в ваших руках. я желаю вам удачи и не сдаваться.



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Hi Tanya,

scriverò in italiano perchè il post è molto lungo.

Ti ringrazio per il commento che hai postato, è molto interessante, tu mi offri l'opportunità di spiegarti un pò di cose.

Le convinzioni purtroppo sono inutili. Esiste una idea sugli uomini francesi, tedeschi, spagnoli, russi e purtroppo esistono anche cattive convinzioni sulle donne dell'est. Questo significa che le persone sono tutte uguali? Non bisogna cadere in questa trappola. Le persone non sono tutte uguali.

Se io avessi dato valore alle cose che si sentono in giro sulle ragazze dell'est non sarei qui. Invece sono qui a cercare una compagna perchè credo che le persone devono essere conosciute e giudicate per le loro azioni e per le personali esperienze dirette, io non giudico mai dalle esperienze degli altri.

Ho scritto un post, moltissime donne sono intervenute con grande gentilezza ed io di questo sono molto contento, ho ricevuto moltissime parole gentili.

Forse le donne dovrebbero scegliere con più cura e rigore l'uomo, essere molto più selettive nell'osservazione del carattere e dei valori morali di un uomo, invece sembra che siano più attente ai centimetri della crescita, non dobbiamo essere sorpresi se succedono cose tristi.

Non è un problema di nazionalità.

Conosco moltissimi italiani che hanno sposato donne russe, ucraine, questi uomini hanno anche adottato i figli delle loro donne e li amano come se fossero propri, i loro padri russi e ucraini li hanno abbandonati, purtroppo ho sentito storie di donne che sono state abbandonate durante la gravidanza, un momento speciale e molto delicato per una donna, un momento che dovrebbe essere di grande felicità per la coppia e l'uomo dovrebbe dare molto amore, sostegno e protezione. Sono andato in Ucraina a dicembre ad incontrare una donna perchè io sono un uomo di azione e mantengo le promesse, purtroppo non è stato amore e fra me e lei non è successo niente, siamo solo amici.

Esistono donne buone e donne cattive, esistono uomini di valore e uomini senza valore ovunque nel mondo. Bisogna scegliere con più cura e non avere fretta.

Permettimi di dirti una cosa, un uomo italiano darebbe la vita per i suoi figli, non li abbandonerebbe mai. Quando un uomo divorzia, continua a prendersi cura dei suoi figli.

Voglio dare un consiglio alle gentili donne, un uomo veramente interessato a voi, non vi chiederà di andare nel suo paese dopo un mese. Un uomo che cerca una storia seria valuterà con calma perchè è consapevole della grande responsabilità che ha nei confronti di una donna che affronta un viaggio in un paese straniero, soprattutto se questa donna ha anche dei figli.

Un uomo che ha fretta di portarvi a casa non ha idee serie, non vi rispetta, vuole divertirsi. Donne, sappiate scegliere, soprattutto se avete già dei bambini.


Tanya, ti faccio tanti auguri e spero che tu possa essere felice e incontrare l'uomo che desideri.


Lyudmila, 67 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Hello, Andrea!
You mean life trade-offs, but reject the "idealists".  Love often refuted both. I'm on this site for several years. One woman knew exactly what kind of man she's looking for: age, height, eye color, Shoe size, country, character, the absence of children, social and material status, etc. I was confused, thought should not have come on this Dating site, because I am very abstractly understand how looks the chosen my man, what language he should speak. I'm just waiting for a wonderful person. Agree that it sounds ridiculous on the background of accurate parameters. However ... she found her "standard" man. They were married. What is surprising is that this man came to this woman. These are the paradoxes are  . So no need to be offended by the thousands of women who are looking for their. Not the fact that all will find what is described. Because love and happiness can knock on our heart against our logic or paint the pictures in our dreams.  


Andrea, привет!
Вы имеете в виду жизненные компромиссы, но при этом отвергаете "идеалистов". Любовь часто опровергает и тех, и других. Я на этом сайте уже несколько лет. Одна женщина точно знала, какого мужчину она ищет возраст, рост, цвет глаз, размер обуви, страна, характер, отсутствие детей, социальный и материальный статус, и т.д. Я растерялась, подумала, что напрасно пришла на этот сайт знакомств, так как я очень абстрактно понимаю как внешне выглядит избранный мужчина мой, на каком языке он должен говорить. Я просто жду замечательного человека. Согласитесь, что это звучит смешно на фоне таких точно указанных параметров. Однако ... она нашла своего "эталонного" мужчину. Они зарегистрировали брак. Удивительно то, что этому мужчине подошла именно эта женщина. Вот такие парадоксы бывают  . Поэтому не нужно обижаться на тысячи женщин, которые ищут своё. Не факт, что все найдут именно того мужчину, которого описывают. Ведь любовь и счастье могут постучаться в наше сердце вопреки нашей логике или нарисованным картинкам в наших мечтах ...  


Lyudmila, 67 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

by the way, I met your question, why are there still those who already found their mates. Because we meet on the forum, share stories, collective experience and tips to help understand different situations and circumstances, get used to each other. Formation inner likes and dislikes in communication. Great site and wonderful forum. There are some very active periods or recessions in communication. But always genuinely happy for those who find each other, we speace: please, do not leave this site, to share invaluable experience of life in a new country, its laws, traditions and culture. And womens, who left the familiar environment, the forum helps to relive moments of nostalgia to some extent. I think my answer is clear to Your... 
я где-то встретила ваш вопрос, почему тут есть те, кто уже нашел свою пару. Потому что мы знакомимся на форуме, делимся своими историями, коллективным опытом и советами помогаем понять различные ситуации и обстоятельства, привыкаем друг к другу. Формируются внутренние симпатии и антипатии в общении. Замечательный сайт и замечательный форум. Бывают очень активные периоды, бывают спады в общении. Но всегда искренне радуемся за тех, кто находит друг друга, просим не уходить с сайта, делиться бесценным опытом жизни в новой стране, её законах, традициях и культуре. Да и женщинам, уехавшим из привычной среды, форум помогает пережить моменты ностальгии в какой-то мере. Думаю, мой ответ понятен




Reply to Olga on View the commented comment


My best wishes for you too!  



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

I'm not offended, I write on the forum because I do not agree when someone  says that people are all the same, it depend of nationality.



Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Oh i am sure i will fall in love with someone here, i am talking already with several girls very nice inside and outside.  

I wanted to know other opinions.


Elena, 54 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Ciao Andrea)   

I am completely agree with you about this point.

In my opinion it depends on the person, not on the nationality. Course the people of each nation do really have some traits in common but still I am sure and will insist: being liars/players/indecent not depends on the nationality - it comes from the person and no matter what is nationality and what is country he/she is coming from.

With respect and best wishes for all - Elena.


Eric, 75 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Hello Andrea ,

So in essence you want to find a woman who is taller than you.But , as I read it , you can settle for one who has your same lenght.

In this modern era , you can search the whole world.And probably will find a right partner.

Thanks for your reply



Eric, 75 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Is that true ?
Well I believe that it all depends on the fact if the 2 people are compatible.

When everything is in perfect harmony , the actual lenght of each other is irrelevant.

And so is the fact , if one of them has a physical disability or other external characteristics.

So , you may have an opinion , which may not be totally backed by facts.

When meeting in real life , all your wishes on your wish - list for that ideal person , may change in a heartbeat ....

So , only time will tell ....

Good luck



Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

I thing, the big age difference starts by 5+ years. Anyway, not parameters work but love. The loved one has the best age, voce, eyes, profession, land, etc.



Здравствуйте, Андреа! Читала ваш вопрос и комментарии. Очень интересно. Хочу сказать у вас нормальный рост. Только мне кажется что вам повезло. Вас выберет тот человек которому вы действительно нужны. Представьте если бы у вас был рост другой. И вас бы выбрала девушка потому что с этим ростом ей было бы комфортно ходить на каблуках рядом с вами.    И она бы не выглядела смешно по её мнению   . А так люди с примитивным мировоззрением к вам не подойдут . Успехов!!!!!   



Reply to Eric on View the commented comment

Hi Utrecht, i ma looking for a Woman with the similar height, this doesn't mean to settle.
I have made this post because girl 155 look for man 180. By the way i have not problem, I am talking already with several woman. I hope that now the reason of my post and the goal I have is clean. I don't look for woman taller than me. Is not the rule for me.



Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Hi Yuliya,

look here  

Is one of our minister with his wife. ahahahhah




Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Olga, Putin is 170cm tall.

I am sure you do not feel ridiculous next to him.  



Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Privet Yulia, if I understood your comment you talk about a girl that say that woman tall and man not tall will be comic? Everyone can say what they want, I respect all opinion but I live with mine  


Olga, 42 y.o.


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Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Прикольно,вы называете отличное от вас мнение- примитивным мировоззрением.Вам комфортно искать мужчину на уровне своей подмышки- замечательно, мне- нет.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

А я и не знала что есть такой способ оценить мужчину как УРОВЕНЬ ПОДМЫШКИ        


Olga, 42 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Зачем мне Путин? У меня есть Лукашенко -182см 



Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Привет, Андреа. Нет вы меня не правильно поняли. Смысл в том, что если внешность человека не является идеальной для определённого круга людей. И этот круг людей установил правила красоты, где рост это важный показатель. И из-за этого с вами не хотят знакомиться. То нужно радоваться что они не хотят знакомится с вами. Это даёт возможность не тратить время на ненужных людей. В этом смысле наши особенности и различия дают нам больше возможностей видеть реальность. Счастливые люди не могут быть комичным. Красивая фотография.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Oh he is 182cm, just 4 cm taller than you, he wil be funny near you, you can't dress high shoes, but if you appreciate old dad as a man you have to ask him, I am sure he is waiting for you!  



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Oh he is 182cm, just 4 cm taller than you, he wil be funny near you, you can't dress high shoes.  


Elena, 54 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Ciao again Andrea)
About the photo you've posted to Julia comment)))
That is a typical case when she doesn't care about his height, weight and the way of appearance, just like he doesn't care about if she has mind and soul)))
The perfect combination don't you find?)))       



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Hello Elena, usually Woman l'ok for tall man if she is used to be with ordinary men, remarkable men and succesful can have what they want. In business We say that map is not the territory, it mean that and idea is just an idea, is personal thoughts not necessary the truth.
By the way I thanks you, I agree with you in all post.



Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Hi Yulia, don't be angry   you have a good soul, people can have different idea, the important thing is to share it with respect. Some people is able to do it, someone else is not. All people are different. When I have read that tall man is not a man, is ridiculous and comic and ugly (this was the sense i started to laugh.



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Hello Elena, for me the weight is not a parameter. I have posted this picture just to share with you and people that want to comment. I appreciate a woman in every weight if i like her face and her personality. Rationally all people have an ideal, love strike when we least expect it wins us because it comes from less probable directions.

In my post i just wanted to underline that woman ask for man more taller from 15cm to 25/30cm. So a man tall 168 should stay with a woman max 150. I was surprised because in real life i don't have this problem. This is the sense of my post. Someone have commented constructively and adds ideas and elements, someonelse arrogantly. Everybody can say opinion, when there is an opinion.   Differently is better do ignore it and i think that people that say "just tall man is nice, man not tall is ridicoulous, is not man ecc..." Is very dangerous when someone think that just people with some parameters should have chance to aspire to life, to love and have children, be loved and be happy.

I think that all people have the same dignity, the only difference between a tall man and a not tall man is that when tall man falls make more noise. Each can choose who prefere, the important things is to have idea, not only adjective for person.





Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

i agree with you!


Eric, 75 y.o.


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Reply to Andrea on View the commented comment

Alright , alright I hear you ....
No need to get upset.Maybe we 2 misunderstood each other .

This reminds me of the movie - "Dumb and dumber "

Very comical    



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Добрый день! За ранее прошу прощение за такое вторжение, но не могу удержатся, чтобы не написать вам. Ещё раз прошу прощение   но прочитав ваше письмо, просмотрев вашу анкету, я удивилась, что женщины не особо проявляют к вам интерес? не может быть... я думаю рост никакой роли не играет, сейчас столько пар где женщина выше своего мужчины... мне кажется сейчас есть более ценные показатели на которые женщины обращают внимание и это ценно, и это важно - доверие, уважение, поддержка друг друга в тяжёлые моменты ну и конечно любовь, без неё ни как   Может попробуйте задавать женщинам такой вопрос на которой ей захочется ответить (можно добавить немного юмора). Я думаю у такого мужчины как вы всё получится и вы найдёте свою любовь!  

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