Men & women
Changes in the Site
When I first came here, I really liked the interface on the site. Yes, there were a few little things that needed to be reprogrammed, but in general it was neat and very functional.However, since that big, all-night binge drinking party the site programmers had a few months ago, everything has changed and I'm not sure I like all the changes. We used to have simple little smiley faces (emoticons) to add a personal touch and express emotions...Hi! I like you... it's mentally-deranged smiley faces on steroids. They removed my favorite smiley face, too (posted below), and I miss him! On my cell phone, when a girl sends me a message to say please stop bothering her, it is repeated over and over again, twenty times (echo). I don't think she meant to say it that many times...I don't think. Also, whenever posting a comment on the forum, when you press the "submit" button, everything ask you if you really want to post this...because you might offend somebody? Really? It's like having your mother glaring over your shoulder at you every time you try to open your mouth! Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
I think this is a wonderful opportunity to share your thoughts about all these creative changes the programmers have been making, of which they are so proud. I'm sure Marina would appreciate the feedback. And don't worry about offending the programmers...just go ahead and push the "Submit" button.
Hello Doug,
I am sorry that you did not like the new changes. . I like them and I implemented this on users' request and I am sorry, that you do not like them.
About confirmation on posting comments and posts.
We did it on google research how to solve the problem of negative emotions in the forums. Users sometimes read the posts and have some negative emotions, write a comment and send it. When they have time to think a bit and reconsider, then they can change the words and make it more up to the point and not only the reflexion of their emotions. After we implemented this, mm very few comments and posts are declined. It is great for a user- they can write and see their comments published on the forum and it is great for us.
About that bug in the letter (that it was duplicated). I would be very greatful if you can send me to my mailbox some more information so that we can solve it.
Thank you , Doug , for your opinion.
Y no te gustaría que existiera como en otras webs hermanas que aquí te presentasen posibles personas afines a ti en foro abierto.. Lo usa meetic..badoo..
O que Marina sacase temas con sistema para participar votando.. Y eso nos forzaria a abrir más temas de diálogo entre nosotros..
Alguien de esta web tendría que mezclaRSE más con la gente y ser más participante.
También se bloquean mucho las ideas de personaS.. Es cierto que perteneceis a un país,que tenéis ciertas leyes o normas para el foro.. Y sule haber choques culturales... Pero creo que intentan con este foro mostrar la gente de otros países y culturaS muy distintas... Cuando censuren que diga alguien qué es lo que se escribe que no os gusta para rectificar..
Sobre las cartas o mensajes.. Tenía que existir un sistema más activo para eliminar quien no te interesa..
Me explico con ejemplo: si mi perfil pone.. Busco soltera,sin hijos,altura de más de 1,70...Que les avise el sistema que ella no entra en mi tipo de pareja si tiene hijos o mide 1, quiero ser el malo ni tener que dar una explicación de no me interesas como chica.. O poner un botón que sirva para Borrar cartas, pero repito que no tiene sentido rellenar un perfil y recibir mensajes de quien no entra en tus parámetros de búsqueda.Doug,perdona por usar tu tema,pero viendo que el tema es seguido por la dirección,aproveché la ocasión.
Thank you for your response, Irina. Nothing really that bad, but I am old and sometimes do not accept change very well. This is still the best site, period, and you have initiated many good suggestions by members here. I realize websites are always a work in progress and things will always be improving.
Regarding the confirmation, the nature of a public forum dictates there will be differences of opinion; that is the entire purpose of the forum; a dialog and exchange of ideas. For really radical or mean comments, you have very good moderators (although, I still wish they would post my photo of the Brooklyn Bridge for Victor) and they can keep an eye on very offensive remarks. My opinion: always best to err on the side of freedom of expression. Site moderators will have a nightmare on their hands if they attempt to prevent everyone from being offended. Good opportunity for adults to practice dealing with being offended.
Also, one small thing, I do not know what is going on with the auto-translator but is very difficult to understand Victor. I'm sure he has many good things to say, but many have mentioned it is difficult to understand his meaning. Can anything be done to make it so we can understand Victor's posts!? Thanks!
Para ser sinceros.. Es habitual que tenga que traducirte yo directamente tus comentarios..
Google tiene un fallo aL traducir idiomas latinos.. Pues empleamos palabras con acentos, verbos compuestos..
Nuestras frases son más difíciles de interpretar para el traductor.
Lo mismo nos ocurre a nosotros aL leer las traducciones de los idiomas eslavos... Se leen frases que pierden coherencia.
I like that the forum is starting to gain a bit more functionality but I agree that I don't like the new emoticons. I used to use this one -> a lot but now it just looks creepy.
My biggest complaint is the formatting issues. It seems like trying to add spaces between paragraphs either results in no paragraphs (just a giant wall of text) or huge spaces in-between.
Also, there's a bug (unless it's been fixed already) on the mobile version of the forum where you can not click "submit" after the warning comes up asking if you're sure you want to offend everybody.
There you go again, Tim! Always complaining! Glad to know I'm not the only one! You know, Halloween is at the end of October; maybe they would consider this guy carrying a hatchet!!!
Haha I would be sufficiently frightened, Doug! Also kind of ironic that the spacing came out fine in my post...
Good to see you around still, sir!
А я по прежнему мечтаю услышать в его исполнении что-нибудь из классики... Он ,вероятно, давно забыл о своем обещании... Старо, как мир, но дамы действительно любят ушами.
Would you like to hear how I sing ? If so , just look here :
По моему мнению новые смайлики действительно неприятные и несуразные, даже не поднимается рука их поставить при написании письма
очень жаль ..