
Esotericism and psychology



Nature of Love - Affection

Hello !!!


I found and article denominated "Nature of Love" of Harry F. Harlow from history of Psychology (, where the first necessities since just born creatures are as well as feeding and shelter, is the necessity of Affection.


Every creature in this world demands and requires this necessity to be satisfied in order to create an environment of self confidence and good development as base in their needs.


In this article there are a statistical results those show how the development of some cute monkeys are different as on different schemes of Affection.


It is interesting to see how a comfortable, secure, warm and lovable touch contributes to the self development of the little creatures in the lab.


This is one of the primaries necessities in life after shelter and food, a lovable touch for every one.



I invite to everybody to comment about these fact, I like to get deep in this knowledge in order to make reflections and then react and create advice to the people I have acquainted.



Truly Yours,










True love is the gift of God, you can't gain it by your own wish. True love comes to people not so often but if it comes, you feel it inside of you and it burns like a fire. It is not enough for one person to have such feelings. People can be really happy only if they have mutual feelings. Unfortunately it's very difficult to find such coincidences. And unfortunatelly, you can't command love to come or to go away.



Reply to Anastasiya on View the commented comment

Thank you Anastasiya !!


Yes it is true, a true love can be seen on kids when they laugh and claims the arms of the mother and the father, when they cry if you go away, or they play with you with a lot of happiness.


I see it with my kids, more in my daughter on those early days when they were toddlers.


And also agree with you as with people does not like to share the happiness of a total trust first and then mutual known of each other.


Differences in values in life are I think, what unpair people.


Thank you !!!



