
Gentlemen's club



long distance relationship

OK fellows this is the first post asking for advice in how to have a suceess long distance relationship. Any hint?

Rimma, 38 y.o.


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It's actually much more difficult than real life relationship, because in case if you don't stimulate this relationship it would be easily broken. Very easy to get introduced to someone here but the question is how to hold the interest? In this occasion if you do not contribute into the relationship then you won't be able to get the desirable result. We are women, and what we need is love and much attention, care and warm words... Any relationship can work as soon as You wish to continue that. Do not wait that ladies here will chase you or your money, the relationship works when it is mutual, and lastly, if you started never give up! Good luck!



Reply to Rimma on View the commented comment

Thank you for your advice.... and I really say thanks as to comment this section, you are very welcome in this and other post I have made here, I really like this site !!!


Really appreciated 😉





A thousand miles between two people means nothing when the hearts of the two people are combined to be one and the desire to be together is self evident.



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Thanks Irina, in these times everything is at hand. I only need to take the plane near the airport. Visas and papers are part of the process. The main is when two souls have the commitment to join.

Thank you !!!!




Salvador, очень хороший вопрос,

согласна путь очень долгий друг к другу,
это и хорошо можно проверить свои чувства
и будущей второй половинки. Если это ваша судьба
она никуда и не к кому не уйдет.
Будет ждать только вас, ваших объятий и так далее...



Its my experience that a relationship here that starts with communication , easali do can be spoken to death , meeting must take place sooner than later . Try to get the lady's adress , send her flowers , let her know that you are a man of action . Especially if you send flowers without a special reason f.example if you already have agreed to meet , its also a good way to check the lady , if she has given a false adress you will know when she dosent receive the flowers . Writting dosent always need to be novell length , sometimes just wish a good day , tight sleep or so , be honest , even tell the not so favorable things also . It will pay of . Think about what you really are searching here , Women from the slavic countries are more beautiful and feminine than women anywhere in the world , if you are not true to your wishes you will mot succed (f.example are you ready for a lady with a child and if , is it possible to immigrate to your country with a child of a certain age , or is it possible for the lady to get the fathers approval for the childs travel abroad , an issue in the Eu , )

Threat your date as a princess , slavic girls worship a gentleman , make her feel comfortable , open the door foor her and other gentleman like things . Be aware that some girls ask you to buy things f.example a dress or other things , it do can be a golddigger (lady only wanting paid days and material goods but not a relationship ) but some girls test your generousity and ability to provide for them . That dosent mean that they dosent want a relationship (a total turn off for me , been there unfortunately , but i am on my way home then ) good luck



Reply to Bo on View the commented comment

Thank Bo, I really applause that a man then reply as this the Gentlemen section and I was very surprised that many great ladies have replied. Yes this question is in fact universal as from close and far away relationship. The way the couple is willing to be close is what it will be rewarded or failed.

More if the intentions are for real engagement, then I think it will be not easy, but only if both are really interested in each other with sincerity and real actions, it might be.


Thanks  a Lot !!!



если кто то реально понравился, то нужно не тянуть время а договариваться о встрече и удалять свой профиль. Иначе так можно оказаться в вечном поиске. Ведь я думаю у каждого было так что познакомился с кем то вроде бы и понравились друг другу, но потом всегда найдется тот кто понравится больше и так до бесконечности )))))



Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

Thanks Lyubov:


In fact I had almost an engagement with a lady after some months of daily contact, we knew very well each other, but this odd war at Ukraine changed her priorities and inner values.


I made everything possible to get closer, almost traveling to her, but relation ends by her own decision.


Now I see that long distance relationship can only be accomplished if both persons are really serious about it.


Then I must do everything at my aim to have success,


Thank You



I have made a little search and found this interesting article with up to 29 steps as a guide:


Long distance relationships are definitely risky, and if you are unfortunate enough to be far away from your significant other, the prospect of potentially ruining your relationship can seem daunting. Just because long distance relationships are difficult, doesn't mean they're impossible. Simple adjustments to your attitude and lifestyle can help you keep your loved one in your life.


Hope it could help to everyone







Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

Thank you,Salvador, in my opinion useful information and good advice.


Tim, 40 y.o.

United States

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My advice, which means nothing as I don't have a wedding ring yet, is to actually GO and visit. Find a woman that interests you, communicate a bit, and then book a plane ticket. Don't wait for a year; actions speak louder than words. Go look into her eyes, hold her hand, have some coffee together, and see if there is any chemistry. If there is, then great! See what the future brings. If not, well at least you know and you didn't waste a year or more writing letters just to come to the same conclusion when you could have known much sooner.

These women receive letters, winks, and talk on Skype all the time but, as I already said, action is what's needed.


Svetlana, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Bo on View the commented comment

Right! Good words "a man of action"!!! It is so difficult to find him!  



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

I agree, but I have had a non realized possibility as I replied to miss Lyubov on 15.09.2014.


Even I have the willing to immigrate to the lady homeland.





Hola paisano! Pues yo te puedo decir que efectivamente lo mejor que puedes hacer es ir directo y lo antes posible a aquellos países! Te recomendaría empezar con Rusia y Ucrania (Ucrania es sumamente barato y considera que en Rusia, Moscow es bastante carito!). Lo más conveniente es que planees una visita de por lo menos semana y media, visitando por lo menos dos ciudades, unos cinco días por ciudad. Ponte en contacto con por lo menos tres mujeres en cada ciudad y conócelas personalmente; definitivamente no te claves mandando cartas durante meses, que eso no lleva a ningún lado.Yá que las conozcas personalmente, puedes tomar una mucho mejor elección sobre quién realmente te gusta y tienes química. El viaje por sí solo vale mucho la pena, hay muchas cosas interesantes que ver, la comida es muy buena y las mujeres en general son hermosas. De hecho a mí me sucedió algo parecido que a tí con una chica de Lugansk; a partir de la guerra fue muy difícil mantener contacto y ella no hizo mucho por continuar; pero resulta que en mi último viaje (voy seguido por esos rumbos) conocí una chica espectacular de Kiev con la que diario hablo, chateo, video conferencia, etc... Créeme que estando allá, lo difícil es no conocer mujeres! Como han comentado por aquí, no hay cosa mejor que ser caballeroso y eso les puede encantar (y como buen Mexicano no deberías tener problema en ese tema!). Estudia un poco de Ruso ya que siempre les cae bien que muestres interés en su cultura. Por último ya que tengas una buena idea de quién te interesó, invítala a viajar, si es para acá mejor y sirve que ve cómo es la vida por aquí y si de hecho le gusta (no se te olvide llevarla a las playas y sitios arqueológicos que es nuestro punto más fuerte!). Pues suerte en tu búsqueda y persevera por que yo sé por que lo he visto, que hay muchos, muchos peces en el agua! Un abrazo! PD: Si te puedo ayudar en alguna duda sobre tu viaje con todo gusto!



Reply to Francisco on View the commented comment

Уважаемые мужчины! Вы все знаете о таких странах, как Россия и Украина. Но есть замечательная славянская страна - Беларусь. Это маленькая страна, но здесь живут очень спокойные, терпеливые, доброжелательные, трудолюбивые люди.  Мы самая миролюбивая нация на земле. У нас мирная страна и мы никогда не участвуем в военных конфликтах. Страна уникальна по своей истории, находится в центре Европы, между Россией, Украиной и Польшей. Наши женщины очень любящие, заботливые, верные и надежные. Добро пожаловать в Беларусь!!


Julia, 57 y.o.


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Это очень сложно. Уберечь чувства на расстоянии. Сальвадор, Вы спрашиваете о ситуации, когда люди уже встретились в реальной жизни? Тут на сайте очень много пар, которым приходиться очень длительное время ждать . Бюрократия, чиновники. Порой дело затягивается на 6-7-10 месяцев! А ведь люди уже в браке или обручены. Я думаю,что это очень жестокое испытание для любящих людей. А если Вы имеете ввиду виртуальные отношения, то мне смешно. Можно переписываться годами, общаться каждый день по скайпу. Однажды выйдя из дома встретить свою половинку. И что Вы сможете тогда предъявить виртуальному партнеру?



Reply to Francisco on View the commented comment

gracias paisano!!

Mi reflexion es que este medio virtual es una excelente aproximacion para conocer gente y compartir intereses mutuos, que de otra manera sería muy aventurado viajar sin tener una idea de con quien o quienes vas a compartir los dias de visita.



Como viaje y distracción es una excelente oportunidad de conocer la arquitectura, la ciudad, las personas y sus espectaculos.


Pero si se construye una relacion inicial con alguien especial, pues es definitivamente mas romántico e inigualable, ya que existe el deseo de ver materializada la oportunidad de conocer a esa persona especial que ha tendido su mano y construye un afecto especial.


Gracias y Saludos.







Reply to Julia on View the commented comment

lets talk in another interesting Subject, this theme of persons I have met is in the past.



Reply to Francisco on View the commented comment

Hola Paisano:


Te comento que viajo a la ciudad de Moscu este diciembre en las dos ultimas semanas, voy a explorar los negocios allá, conocer la ciudad y a esta gran cultura a la que admiro mucho.



Lástima que vaya solo y sin ninguna persona conocida, ya que realmente he encontrado a personas muy interesantes en este medio y quisiera tener la oportunidad de estrechar sus manos y hablar de temas diversos, conocer sus ciudades, su gastronomía, usos y costumbres.


La verdad, no es caro sabiendo buscar y ahora solo espero la visa para disfrutar de 10 días maravillosos en esa ciudad.


Saludos y que pasen todos una Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo 2015 !!!!


Hasta la vista !!!


Tatiana, 70 y.o.


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Reply to Salvador on View the commented comment

Salvador, добро пожаловать в Россию! Имейте приятные впечатления от зимней столицы!


Manuel, 37 y.o.


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Im new in those things, but a long distance relationship i think could be good, you are knowing your future soulmate step to step, you are preparing with big illussion the first meeting and you will be happy when you find that woman that gives you extra sense to your life.


Yulia, 46 y.o.


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Reply to Manuel on View the commented comment

Я предпочитаю отношения на расстоянии. В наше время сверхскоростей зачастую люди движимые эмоциями (страсть, химия, называйте как хотите) переступают через этап духовного общения и очень быстро переходят на другой этап. Все понимают, что я имею ввиду. Дальше события развиваются по стандартному сценарию, обиды, разочарования, обвинения в использовании и т.п.

Дайте мне возможность перед этим узнать человека, понять, стоит ли он вообще моего внимания! Дайте возможность сохранить самоуважение и не ранить чувство собственного достоинства. Да и меня никто не будет потом обвинять в том, чего я не совершала, просто вымещая на мне обиду, злость и разочарование. Единственное, что можно потерять в общении на расстоянии - это время, но за это уж совсем некого винить. На что тратить время - это самостоятельный выбор взрослого человека. Не потратив времени, невозможно сделать правильные выводы. Жалко еще потраченных эмоций - но это ничто по сравнению с той горечью, которая остается после того как человек, которого ты приблизил к себе, плюнул тебе в душу и ушел, хлопнув дверью.



Reply to Manuel on View the commented comment

Yes I met a great Lady there using this site and we are great friends, as I am a honest man, I told her about my goal there and finally have had success with my great partner I've got.


Now it is time to develop business and be there often, and continue this friendship.


I must be wise and patience to find the correct match , but I do not like to lose dear persons I met or will meet.


I know with sincerity and great attitude, a change in our life will be better in the next future, but I do not want to annihilate relations to come in the next future.


Thank you Manuel



Maybe abit of helpful advice. I try to treat the relationship as if I was not so far away. Virtual walk on the beach or shopping. Really anything to not add to the stress of distance. You will find that short trips just wear you out if you decide to go meet someone. I am fortunate to have great friends in both Russia and the Ukraine that I met when the guys were in the USA for work as students. One day or more to get day to get you lose ALMOST a day just in time zone changes so keep that in mind. Also...they are lively to be at least 6 hours away in time so when we are up...they are asleep. They feel the need to write and so I found if I respect their sleep it works out. Good luck


Natalia, 50 y.o.


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When a person means so much, a distance means so little. You need just your wish.



to be honest...i think it will be enough ))  


André Luiz, 33 y.o.


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Yes, I have some hints for that:
1 - Analyze who is the person with whom you have a relationship - See the info of your partner, identify if that person is a scammer and which are the real interests in you. That will avoid possible deception or other bad consequences to you later. Also, doing that, if everything is ok after the checking, you will have proper actions to your partner probably. This is the first tip, which will be determinant to decide if the relationship will be continued or not, depending on the person being real or fake;
2 - Know more about the culture of your partner - Read about the culture and traditions of the place where the person lives, or ask directly. If they are acceptable, then you may have proper actions with that knowledge, also avoiding possible mistakes or missunderstandings in the future;
3 - Check things in common - that will be useful to know if both are ok with the differences, and also it may contribute in conversations or when sharing experiences and hooby;

4 - Love or like your partner - If everything is ok for you in previous topics, you can keep the relation. Good feelings for the partner is essential in a relationship;

5 - Communicate creatively - Find new things to talk about. It is possible to use varied ways of contact, such as letters, chat, audio messages, calls, talk by video, which are related to how far is the relationship and its progress;
4 - If both are not fluent in the language one another, learn it - That will facilitate the communication later, plus avoid missunderstandings, as the translator may do errors and also someone has more chances to do mistakes initially. So, study the respective idiom. Also, that is an opportunity when both can help each other in this issue, and that communication may improve the interaction between both;
5 - Do things together - Read, play, listen to, or watch the same things. For example, read determined text to share ideas, play online game with your partner, sing or play musical instrument to each other by video chat, watch videos together at the same time, and so on. Fun with the beloved is good for the relationship;
6 - Know each other’s schedules - Be aware when each one is free or busy, considering the time zone. That avoids to disturb someone at inappropriate moment;
7 - Remember special occasions - Do not forget periods like birthday, commemorative dates (Valentine's Day, anniversary of initiation of the relationship, annual day of first encounter between both, etc.), or others, as some people feel hurt when occasions like those are forgotten. Try to celebrate them somehow. You can make a surprise or impress your partner;
8 - Order things - At determined moment, when the degree of intimacy is higher and both are aware of some personal information of each other, as for example, the address, it is possible to send your own creation, snail mail, postcard, gift, and other things to your partner. Even if you do not know the address, this dating site has a service of delivery of gifts to its users. However, in this case, if both are members of this site, be careful to not scare your partner;
9 - Plan a meeting in real life - If there is financial condition and both want and are ready for that, a meeting in real life would be a good option someday. But as a stranger is involved, be attentive in relatin to your safety. You can await for your partner, travel to where the person lives, or combine somewhere else to both meet each other, considering the local time. Discuss where the traveler will stay during the period, for example, at hotel or home of the partner. Meeting in real life brings the possibility to check chemistry between both, the real physiognomy and other things not possible to share when far away.
Basically, in a long distance relationship, know better about each other, try to use barriers in your favor, be creative, and finally, love your partner and ensure the reciprocal.
The hints described here depend on the people involved and on other questions. So, you should think which are necessary for you and how to apply them. Also, you may use other suggestions not listed on this post and adequate to your case.



Reply to André Luiz on View the commented comment

Regards from Latvia!
Конечно я предпочитаю джентельменов, которые мои ровестники или старше.
Однако. Я восхищаюсвашими взглядами на мир.
И конечно понятно, что это всё очевидные вещи.
И реальная жизнь ускользает, в тот самый момент, пока мы философствуем ЗДЕСЬ....)
Ок...я пошла...меня ждут мои пенсионеры....))))
