
Men & women



How many types of love have you ever had?



PARENTAL, subdivided into maternal and paternal love, is the love a parent feels for his or her children.


FILIAL,  is in turn the love a child has for his or her parents.


ROMANTIC, which is based on passion, Romance is a mood or state of mind akin to several others, including love, friendship, sexual interest, contentment, self-assured, and so on.


COMPANIONWAY, which is based on companionship and commitment


CONSUMMATE,  which has both romantic and companionway . The internal focus is on feelings:  yearning, lust, attraction, wistfulness--varying as to aggressiveness.  Many people feel "weak," faint, butterflies, day dreamy.  Whether "strong" or "weak," both seem to refer to being carried away by your feelings.  The feelings definitely "look forward" to fulfillment.  Desire is not just felt -- it demands, motivates.


COMPASSIONATE, which isn't tied to any one person but rather is felt towards all people and sometimes even all life. 


FRIENDSHIP, the love good friends feel for each other.









Hola,por tener,he tenido todos y algunos los mantengo.. Pero te ha faltado el amor obsesivo,el posesivo y enfermizo que suele dañar a uno de la pareja por culpa de la personalidad enferma de la otra..
Bueno,a mi me tocó vivirla y padecerlo,así que sí existe.



Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Gracias Victor,


Si ese tipo de amor obsesivo-compulsivo lo padecen quienes tienen una falta de seguridad o carencia.


Tal vez no se aman a si mismos , y son capaces de amar a otros.


Cuando amas a un amigo, a un padre o madre, a un hijo o  a tu media naranja;  hay que aprender a dejarlos partir ya que nadie es para siempre; solo las vivencias y buenos recuerdos son los que se atesoran inexorablemente con el paso del tiempo.


Un saludo y gracias por compartir tu punto de vista y opinión.



Animo a todos los lectores a aportar sus ideas.


Un Abrazo


