Men & women
I can't help to see a lot of women are using older pictures of themselves and not current ones.Why?
My picture is from 3 weeks ago.
But wanting to please is one thing, but for a man to travel 8000km to meet the one in the picture and find out it's an old picture is not being honest,beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Dear Kevin.
I also think it is not fair and not serious method when a woman shows her old online photos or when reducing the age from 5 to 10 years. I do not know what to expect such women. But for me strangely when men reduce the age of 10 years and that proves that they really 50 years old. Although his picture, I see a man older than 60 years. Men also sometimes use their old photos. So sometimes deceive both men and women. But I do not see any problem for you. If you decide to go to the woman for 8000 km, you are before going to communicate a lot with her on Skype. So will know to whom you are flying.
Good luck.
I would not go just by a picture alone.
I would Skype and see the real woman and get to understand her goals and values in life.Etc..
You would never go somewhere for the date without seeing woman in Skype ( no matter 8000 km or 80 km), so why do you pay so much attention to the pictures?
Это верно. Мои фотография тоже в режиме реального времени. Однако, не могу поверить, что кто-то отправиться за 8000 км исключительно из-за фото. Есть скайп. Так или иначе люди увидят друг друга.
вызывай на скайп,если здесь обман то чему верить дальше???Это относится как к женщинам так и к мужчинам.Я так думаю.Удачи.
ну что вы , деффчонки, ну пиар-ход , мужичок то молодец )))) Привлек внимание ))
I am not sure this is a big conspiracy. I confess that of my 10 or so pictures that some of them are 3-5 years old and some are very recent. I don't have a constant supply of recent pictures of me. I usually take pictures of places and of my friends, not myself. I think in life some people are just more attracted to taking photos, especially of themselves in a particular place. I agree that not all photos should be older. But at the same time, I think that pictures that look like a models shoot don't represent reality either. If we really want reality, then we all should post pictures when we first wake up in the morning. This is reality.
Like others have said. The cam doesn't lie.
I imagined when I woke up, photo taken and posted on the site
You post your morning picture first and then I will post mine.
But if you don't see mine for awhile, don't worry.
Kev You asked a common thought but it is an insult to some Russians. 1. some don't have the kind of money that you are used to, 2. the men do the same and 3. it is none of your business. Don't pick one if that is an issue. I don't like to see bikinis. I live in LA and I can see that everyday x1000.I like jeans, t shirt outdoors. But I don't say that.
Go with the flow and everything will be ok. My family comes from Edmonton.
Hello Rick!
No, that is how russian woman at the age after 50 usually look like.
That is because they do not drink sodas and do not eat junk food. You know what happen if somebody eat like that since childhood, I think.. I see a lot of examples now, unfortunately. I have seen a lot of wonem with no teeth, I think it is because of sodas drinking.
And also they do not drink alcohol and they do not smoke, most of them at least.
And they do not smoke sitting on the cold pavement, that is for sure!
Never =))
P/S a girl (in her early twenties) smokes sitting right on a pavement at a mall doors, common picture in the States..I never have seen anything like that in Russia..
Очень хороший совет, браво))) но, боюсь мало кто выдержит рейтинг утреннего фото, но вы правы на сто процентов, если люди собираются жить вместе, то все фальшивые приспособления- макияж, манеры и прочее- все это в мусорный пакет.
Thank you for not posting pictures of people in Walmart!
Я не согласна с тем, что леди не должна пользоваться макияжем. Я пользуюсь макияжем и считаю этой нормой. С моим мужчиной я могу зайти в скайп и без макияжа, потому что мы с ним общаемся достаточно много времени, и мы можем себе позволить выглядеть по-домашнему, опрятно и в хорошем настроении перед камерой!
И у меня есть отличные фото с моей фотосессии, и есть повседневные непрофессиональные фото, на которых видно, что оригинал соответствует всем своим фото! Когда мужчина заинтересован в серьезном общении, он приглашает в скайп. И здесь уже хорошо видно, насколько оригинал соответствует своим фото. И все вопросы решаются!
Конечно это дело вкуса и привычки)) моя реплика была несколько провокационна, ни в коей мере не хотела никого обидеть. Но мне кажется, что женщины в нашей стране частенько злоупотребляют косметикой и макияж на грани вульгарности.. К вашим фото это не относится, разумеется))