I seek advice
Teaching English in Russia and Ukraine
I am seriously thinking about teaching English in Russia or Ukraine. I am going to get my ESL certificate and then find a job teaching English there. I earned my bachelor's degree in a college/university in 2008. I have some questions I hope one or some of you can answer for me.
Is there a demand for native English teachers?
Since I do not know any Russian except I can read only a very few words, how difficult will it be for me to do every day things like grocery shopping, using public transportation, etc.
I want to learn your culture and language. I know it will not be easy for me to learn the Russian language. But I want to learn just enough to get me bye on day to day activities. This would be an adventure of a lifetime, if I can make this possible. It will be great if I can find love in your country. If not, I will value greatly of all the wonderful people I have yet to meet.
Your thoughts, please.
Чтобы преподавать англ. язык в России вам нужно очень хорошо знать русский язык. И не только на нем говорить, но и грамотно писать по русски.
Я сейчас изучаю английский язык и у меня много вопросов по поводу произношение , а найти человека живущего в Америке который хорошо бы знал русский язык и смог бы мне объяснить на русском как произносить английские слова, совершенно не возможно.
Вы бы мне смогли помочь в произношение английских слов?
Good afternoon. I can judge from Moscow. English teachers, native speakers are very popular. But you need to as the knowledge of the Russian language, otherwise you and most are not very comfortable to be in Russia and their students will not understand you and they get you. Since the levels of English language learning at all different.
Во многих школах изучения английского языка (как для детей, так и для взрослых) приглашают носителей английского языка для практических уроков. Но они приезжают периодически на время. Есть закон срока пребывания иностранцев в нашей стране. Поэтому эти преподаватели периодически ездят домой и назад.
Hello Keith! I want to tell you what I know. I studied English twice here in my town. And both of times there were teachers of English that came form different countries. The first year it was a man from Britain, the second year it was a man from US Washington. I know a bit more about history of American man. The guy of 27 years, he came to Russia without knowing any Russian word. He came in winter, was froze near -30C and he successfully got town from airport by himself. (Still alives ha ha). Both worked with a company here which organize lessons of English in official way. Foreign guys teach students the highest level of English so we understood a bit and there were not so many problems of communication. In real life of course they had problems but here people r very benevolent and help at shop with a pleasure. Then we also helped if they were need a doctor for example. Official job is very good for sure but company pays not so big money. That’s why they made money giving private lessons, They r expensive. After a year all of them already loved Russia , had many friends and ets. American guy married after 3 years, born a baby here and left for home with a wife. And there was a guy from Australia who worked for a long time here , got a very expensive car, then flat and didn’t want to come back home. So all is not so dreadfully. If u have a real intention , u need only to start. And by the way, none of them hadn’t learned Russian language. Take with u a bit adventurism and try , may be its ur chance!!! Good luck!
Good day Keith.. in my town, I know a few people who come from English-speaking countries and lives here and making a career, by the way they started without the knowledge of the Russian language!
But most of these people do a business, trade and real estate activities ..
regard to language teaching - I think it's possible .. but not immediately .. you need at least understand basic Russian language to enable you to understand the people. I think if you'll live inside the country you will quickly learn the Russian language!
Just need time to find a job teacher, like a native speaker - it is difficult, but possible!
"Windsor" - a network of English language schools located in all areas of the city of Togliatti. The school has English-speaking teachers from England and America, who have a philological education and certificate TEFL, entitling teaching English as a foreign language. School "Windsor" is the exclusive representative in Togliatti Corporation "American Center for Education and Testing, Inc.." (USA).
I have researched that I would be teaching people who have different levels of the English language.
When I will apply for a visa, the host country will inform me on the length of my stay. I am looking for a one year stay, only.
Thank you Laura for the very informative reply. You gave me excellent examples about native English speaking teachers. Funny you wrote about the man who nearly froze there. I have not lived in an area where snow falls in 30 years. ))) As you can imagine, I would be frozen by fall and not thaw out until spring.)))
I have read that the real money is in the private lessons. With the right woman, the fee for my lessons would be only a delicious home cooked meal.)))
I only intend on staying there only for one year. There is ZERO doubt that I will love living there and meeting such wonderful people. I also will know that a year will go by with a blink of an eye.
Laura, thank you again for such a positive post.)))
Thank you for the offer. I am not fully committed yet. I am getting close.
Ani, you brought up a very good point. That is teaching English in the business sector. That would be a very good way not only to teach but to network with businesses.
As far as finding a person who will teach me Russian, I am hoping it will be with the special lady in my life.
Alesia, that is the same program offered here in my city of San Diego. It is a six week course and affordable to complete. Thank you for the information.
Привет ещё раз,Keith. Я объясню,почему я сделала такие выводы. Я работаю во многих компаниях,в том числе и сети школ иностранного языка "ALIBRA SCHOOL", на моих глазах проходит обучение студентов и подбор персонала,отдаётся предпочтение учителям,говорящим в том числе и на русском языке. В других компаниях есть такая практика,как приглашение преподавателя, носителя языка, для продвижения и укрепления знаний английского языка для сотрудников компании,но это не постоянная работа,их приглашают периодически.
Yes, Keith, you are right. I know Americans, teaching English here in Petersburg. They don t work only in a language school and earn the most money with privat lessons. They get them contacting people. We here in Petersburg have many South Koreans that come with their families to work for some companies. Of course they want for their kids teachers - native speakers.
Yes, I have been told by people I know that English teachers are needed,
But moving to Ukraine or Russia will be a big change,
Russian is needed,
Basic shopping, you don't need many words, and basic words are easy,
Many russian words are spoken nearly exactly as they ate written, if written in English alphabet, like spasiba/ thank you.
You may say it somewhat incorrectly, but you will be understood,
Poca/ bye bye, or poca poca, but say it like this, paca.
Do search on internet on how to pronounce russian words.
By the way, odessa is particularly beautiful, in every way, women and all the rest.
Good luck
Я не из России или Украины, но, возможно, подам Вам идею. К нам в Молдавию приезжают волонтеры из США и работают по 2 года учителями английского в школах. Они учат детей английскому, а дети - их - русскому или молдавскому. Волонтерам подыскивают жилье, а учителя, с которыми они работают, помогают адаптироваться здесь. Дети в восторге от уроков с американцами. Конечно, условия жизни здесь не такие, как в Америке, но люди отзывчивые и всегда готовы помочь. Наверное, можно поехать волонтером и в Росси
В Украине то же самое...Девочки-волонтеры из Америки уже в течение нескольких лет работают таким образом в одной из наших школ...
Don´t learn american english, its not correct. There is only one true English Language, and its Oxford English.
This is not correct. If you are fluent in American English, the majority of English speaking people of the world will understand you and you will understand them in return with no difficulty. On the other hand, if you are only fluent in Oxford English, and have no idea what American English is, you will have problems communicating with Americans, Canadians, and many others who speak American English. So yes, unless a person wants to communicate only with people who speak Oxford English, then he has to concentrate on Oxford English.
I had lived in the USA for 9 years, and my advice comes from my own experience.