Men & women
любовь...................что это для вас?
Любовь — это когда ты отдаешь, и тебе хочется отдавать еще больше. Страсть — это когда ты берешь, и тебе хочется брать еще...прочитала эту фразу. хотела бы услышать ваше мнение.Which god? I repeat: let's pray your god and ask him to put 10.000.000 dollars in your bill! Your God powerful? Ok, so which problem he has to do that?
Doug and Steven, do not believe me, but let's read Einstein. He did not believed in any god! Like Dr.Albert Schweitzer, Mahatma Gandhi or Rita Levi Montalcini Phisic Nobel Premium
I do not understand what you want to tell me. I do not believe, I observe and I think! I observe real world, not fairly tales!
I santi sono all'inferno, non in paradiso, ricordatelo!
Я понимаю,Том,что у вас свое, индивидуальное видение Теософии))).
Tommaso, give it a rest. Einstein is the one who said, "God did not play dice with the universe!" Where were you raised? In cardboard box!???
So, Tom, now you believe that the Christian missionary to Africa, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, did not believe in God??? Tom, Tom, Tom! Please stop playing cards with the chimpanzees down at the monkey house on Saturdays! They give you all kinds of bad information!!! )))))) And you believe them! )))
We must be driving Tommaso crazy! But please understand! It's not a long drive!!! ))))) Schweitzer did not believe in God!???? )))) Then why did he spend so many years preaching about Him!!!? ))))))))
Whenever Tom speaks about God, I look around to see if I'm on some TV game show!!! )))))))
YOUR saints are in hell! Mine are where they are supposed to be! )))))))
Tom! Still blabbering about the 10 million dollars? te prayers on money; we can always get money!!!
Always remember, Tom, YOU, yes YOU, are the one who brings God into these discussions!!! )))) Marina tries her very best, she practically begs you, to get you to stay on topic, but NOOOOOOO, you always have another plan. Jump from topic to topic, like a frog, insulting everyone you can. Son, I'm always happy to talk about the girls and related subjects. You always want to criticize, make rude comments about the girls and mock others belief in God. Did you skip the year in school when they taught manners!!? )))) Why do you care what others believe!? Does this keep you awake at night? Remember Gary!? He sent out 300 form letters trying to get a date. Only one blind girl answers! I’ll tell you, too! At 57-years old, you have the same problem. You’re fishing with the wrong bait! You have 10 girls over to the island for a visit; where did they all go!????? ))))) (Oh, yeah! You kicked them all out! blah, blah, blah...) Be nice to the girls! Be nice to everyone! Be polite! I always try to make my parents proud by being polite to others. Are you so starved for attention you must always take negative attention? Tom, you have a wonderful mind! Please use it for good things and to bless other people! Be kind to others, because if you come to my party with that bad attitude, expect to receive a spanking and be told to go sit in the corner, until you behave! ))))))
Doug, ti ho risposto su un altro thread a proposito.
Ti considero un amico e una brava persona, ma siamo molto diversi. Ti prego: tu rispetta me e io rispetto te, senza problemi.
Non ho mai insultato nessuno e l'amministratrice è testimone di questo.
Tu continui ad avere sul tuo conto corrente 10 milioni di dollari in meno che il tuo dio da te pregato non ti mette. Questo è un fatto ed io bado solo ai fatti.
Non offenderti ma i fatti dicono questo. Hai provato a chiederli? Prova e vedrai! Se li avrai, giuro che sono disposto a credere al tuo dio!
Il Dr. Albert Schweitzer (non santo) era completamente ateo dichiarato. Eppure è il piú grande benefattore dell'umanitá.
In compenso ti posso facilmente postare testimonianze negative sulla "santa" Teresa Di Calcutta, ma non solo negative, ma molto negative.
Albert Schweitzer era ateo. Sviluppó la teoria dell'Eitca basata sul pensiero elementare. Fu un fiero oppositore del cristianesimo che ritenne come principale causa della decadenza dell'etica. Tali concetti vennero espressi da lui in due volumi che si chiamano Filosofia della civiltà (1923) e l'autobiografia La mia vita e il mio pensiero (1931)
Caro Doug, ti consiglio di leggerli!
Riguardo ad Einstein era anche peggio che ateo e non è corretto definirlo solo ateo: era un panteista spinoziano.
Как бы это не было жестко сказано,но миром правят деньги. И дамы на сайте все пишут о состоятельном мужчине и не хотят нищего. Да ,лукавят,если говорят,что в шалаше бы жили. Соглашусь,что после смерти мы будем неорганическими соединениями и ничего другого наука не доказала. Людям страшно умирать,поэтому придумали переселение душ. Но ,Том,неужели у Вас не было минуты отчаяния? Когда очень и очень больно,но не физически. Как вы выходили из стресса,или решали свои тупиковые ситуации? Не произносили: Помоги ,Бог? А может просто в семье находили душевный комфорт?
Tom, I know this , my friend, but please give it a rest. Talk about something else that people enjoy.
Scusa caro e simpatico Doug, ma io non scrivo solo cose che facciano piacere agli altri. Scrivo quello che penso e penso prima di scrivere.
Cara Nedezhda, non esiste essere umano che non abbia momenti di disperazione. Il mondo non è ordinato, ma caotico, pieno di ingiustizie e sofferenze. Tutti soffriamo al mondo, chi piú chi meno. La preoccupazione dell'uomo è sempre stata quella di dare una spiegazione alla propria esistenza. Verissimo.
Ma se sei disperata cosa fai? Bevi una bottiglia di whisky e ti sbronzi o ti metti a riflettere e a pensare? Credere senza pensare è come ubriacarsi! Che differenza c'è? Se in piú una fede ti dice che devi soffrire perchè in ipotetico mondo futuro tu sarai ricompensato, tu ci credi? E in base a cosa?
Infine: chi stabilisce cos'è bene o il male? Il pensiero, l'etica filosofica o un profeta? Io non credo a nessun profeta.
I'm sorry dear Doug, I don't understand . I believe in God, in my heart, but in our church there is the list of the prices and I do not like. And Thomas decide who to believe, he is an atheist, it means that he has reason
Tommaso sometimes offends the comments of the women, it is true. Probably it is from this that there is near a beloved woman and to equal the level of the soul
I think the most foolish thing that one can do is to believe that there is a personal god or protector of the individual officer, someone who cares about the world order. Even more stupid to believe in guardian angels or such nonsense.
In wich god do you believe in? In your personal? If god should exist he should be universal, not personal!
Are you Christian? If you want I can explain you why you are christian and your history! But after I do not want any responsability if you will not believe in anything! Listen: for me not believe in any god is a conquest, a liberation from falsities! I do not need to believe in any god to follow a better morality! Plato, Socrates and Aristoteles teached a perfect etic morality a lot of centuries before any prophet!
Listen: Christ was born in roman imperium era and Palestina where a territory controlled by romans. Do you read someone about Christ in any very famous roman historic writer? They where very serious and described deeply all roman life and all famour persons in this era: Tacitus? Titus Livius? Others? No one writes about any Christ, but they should have known this person!!! About other sacred Vangels? Well they are all in contraddiction one with another and I can tell you when and where because I really studied all theese things also travelling to this area! Well: in the place where they said Christ was born life is impossible. Just now: no water and bring it wit a track and 50 degrees in shadow in summer. Finally: cardinal Sodano and Ruini destroyed famous documents called "Dead Sea Documents" Theese documents contined the truth and where autentic!
Think well: why are you christian? I can explain you it perfectly! Let's study roman historu about Constantine Emperor. You will discover all falsities about christian religion and Constantine convenience to embrace catholic religion in his imperium.
Marina, God is not the church and much of the time the church does not represent God. Much of the time, the church is as evil as the world. One can believe in God and still see the hypocrisy of the church. Tom rattles on at great and questionable length about the stupidity of being a believer; of course that is an insult. We have not talked, but I know Steve believes as I do. Why does Tom bother to fight? No one tries to convert or convince Tom; but Tom is hell bent on condemning those who believe. In my country this is considered rude and ignorant behavior.
Why does it matter to Tom if others believe? Why does Tom blather incessantly about Schweitzer being an atheist, knowing full well he was an significant Christian theologian and missionary? Is it possible this is a flaw in his education or maybe they just don’t have Google in Italy? Why is Tom so eager to tell everyone about the alleged “unknown sordid side” of Mother Teresa, and yet he conceals and defends the sad tragedy and perversion of homosexuality, calling it normal. Maybe normal in Tom's world. I will buy Tom pizza any day of the week, as a friend, and we will have a great time and long discussions, but does not change that Tom ignores mountains of evidence to attack those who are good while defending what most of us know is evil. Even so, I do not condemn Tom, regardless of how foolish his lack of belief seems to me. You may draw your own conclusions. Remember, Tom is the one who repeatedly brings this up and expounds on the benefits of bad things. I merely disagree. Tom still gets the free pizza! ))))
Dear friend Doug, I think you do not know Albert Scheitzer life and books. He was a strong opponent of religion! A really hard atheist. Let's inform you better and then come back here to write! It might be useful for you to read something he wrote about society and christian world.
About God and faith. Faith is the exacly contrary of the thought. In the moment you think: "I believe in God", you do not think, but you believe in a never demonstrated assioma. You have to indroduce a DOGMA to make some rational conclusions only after! Then you do not follow a scientiphic method like me! Schopenhauer said: "Or you think, or you believe" and this is absolutely true. After, you are free to believe what you want, but in the same time I'm free to not believe in a non scientiphic things, like magicians, astrologians, parapsicologists, priests, prophets and similars. I assure you I'm in avery good company like world famous personalities!
Second: you believe in a personal god. I think this is an officier, someone created and ordered the universe. Well, universe demonstrate the contrary annd to believe in a personal religion in my opinion is even more absurd, because a god might be universal, not personal or immanent!
Is God trascendent? Trascendent? Again: why do noy pray him to have money, a lot? Very difficult he is trascendent. Another time this chaotic and unfair world demonstrates no god cares the world and the human kind. All the world is full of injustices and crimes. The only god governing the whole world is only money! And particularly those saying to have a god are the same asking ever and ever more money!!!
Some prophet tried to introduce some new ethical concepts, also very good and appreciated. What a pity: human kind do not follow such concepts! They only try, but without no success!
In any case I understand better someone following some of theese concepts, then one following a personal god or religion! God cannot be personal!
There is a big prophets choise in the world and very difficult to find more original one!
So, please let in peace the famous atheus Albert and choose one, then write to me about your choise! ))) It migh be amusing for me!
Tom, you ask which God? I ask, which Schweitzer? ))) I am a little confused because I have read the extensive Internet information praising Schweitzer for, among other things, being a great theologian, noted musicologist, medical doctor, Christian missionary... but nothing about Albert being a famous non-believer. I knew this, but I'm glad the Internet gets the information correct. There are many thousands of articles regarding Dr. Schweitzer; all of them praise his significance as a theologian, in addition to his many other incredible talents. Clearly our “sogannant” God was a major influence and at the center of his life.
Tom. since we have so much confusion, perhaps is best to post a picture of my Albert Schweitzer and you post a picture of your Dr. Schweitzer. Also, here is a link to a Nobel Prize website with biographical information.
Also, A New York Times obituary from September 1965. Certainly we can believe the New York Times. (At least we could back in 1965; maybe not now.
Certainly you can understand why I differ with your understanding of the good doctor. I’m a fan of his! I have some of his original organ recordings on 78rpm vinyl, which are very rare. While I do not understand your statements regarding Schweitzer, I admit you may be thinking of another Schweitzer. Please post your Schweitzer and we can compare him to my Schweitzer. If these are the same Schweitzer, then perhaps you are also confused and mistaken about Einstein, Mother Teresa and God. Would not be the first time.
Should we need to have another protracted discussion about Einstein or Mother Teresa, we should open another new post, so as not to bore the ladies and annoy Marina (manager). I imagine Marina is becoming very frustrated with our back and forth, and she should be. I don’t need to win, but I am concerned for your misinformation. Also, Schweitzer would not appreciate your comments; and he is probably watching. 😉
I saw the wonderful videos of your boats on YouTube. They are magnificent, Tom. I recommend everyone view them. This forum is about romance; there is something exceedingly romantic and beautiful about the wind, the waves and your boats, and sailing on the seas that God has created. The music alone is fantastic and moves my heart. I play the video in the background just for the music. My father sailed and I think of him when I see the videos of your boats. You are very a brilliant designer and I respect your talent. This is why I do not wish you to continue through life with misconceptions about other important things. Someday, I hope to sail again, with the one I may discover here, who needs to be with me and to be mine, by my side on deck. Thanks for your contributions, my friend. I hope that one day we can share that pizza together.