
Meeting in real life



Presents for a lovely man!

Hello all!! At first I'm sorry for my not good English!
So, about presents!! Seem so easy to choose a some gift but in the same moment it's so hard!!!
As an example: you like some man and man likes you, you plan a meeting and you begin to think what you can to buy as a gift because you wish just to gift something for your dear man.

My the worst gift it was VODKA))))))))) It was so silly! Especially if I and my dear man doesn't drink vodka! )) I think that next time I'll give gifts which talk about a history of my country or with some national symbols...or DIY .

I would be grateful all who wishes to share ideas, thoughts, experience. Especially the men of our site..Welcome!!)) I would be happy to hear yours opinion, advice.
Thanks in advance!

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Regalo a un hombre...y que intención tienes tu hacia ese hombre.Dependiendo de lo que busques de ese hombre,pueden darse varias ideas..


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Claro que sì! Depende hacia quanto placentero el hombre para tì!



Здравствуйте! є італійський хлопець, так що я не знаю, що це добре для іншої людини, але я переконаний, що найкращий подарунок це ваша присутність, якщо ми даємо йому те, що нагадує вам навіть краще! Якщо ви зустрінете, а потім ви добре разом, чому б тобі не купити щось разом? Я думаю, що це найкраще, що 😉


Irina, 51 y.o.


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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

ответ истинного итальянца! кто бы сомневался



Reply to Alessandro on View the commented comment

Thank you, Alessandro for your answer!!


Angelica, 59 y.o.


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Тань, я тоже задумывалась над этим вопросом. Для себя определилась, что спиртное и грибочки везти не буду. И тельняшки тоже. А вот какой-нибудь сувенир, подчеркивающий самобытность украинского народа - да. Не обязательно вышиванки.)))) Небольшой сувенир с петриковской росписью - прекрасный подарок (знаю, что это интересовало мужчин). И еще я бы связала ему стильную спортивную шапочку и шарф (шапочка на случай, если он любит зимой пройтись на лыжах, а шарф ручной работы и так пригодится).


Guillermo, 45 y.o.


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Hi, regarding your comment of gifts, I think it could work a perfume or cologne, maybe a movie or musica.tu friend Guillermo desde México saludos 


Percy, 65 y.o.


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Hi Tanyusha,

Gifts that are meaningful are best. Those that represent your culture, or even something special that you made by hand.

I know that would be special to me. They do not have to be expensive if they mean something.

When I visit Ukraine, I usually bring many gifts to give that represent Canada. Small souvenirs and larger items.

Things that cannot be purchased locally.

I once brought maple syrup, but then found the exact same brand even in the grocery store. So I don't bring that anymore.

Things with a symbol of your country are good too. They generate conversation, and hold a bit of prestige.

Avoid clothes unless you have a good idea of the size required. 

If you know the person has a hobby, you may want to encourage that by getting something for the hobby.

Perhaps they collect coins or stamps or something?

Another thing is something that you can share with your man. Something that represents your relationship. 

I hope that helps.



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