
Men & women




What do women so rarely answer? why are they unable of having regular communication? so short answer and smileys and disappear often in middle of discussion. they pretend being here for serious relationship but do nothing for knowing man's person, if ever it matters for them...

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Если женщина вам не отвечает, значит вы ей не понравились....


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Mat women like to tease us and play games!



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and just see how successful they are to improve their ego, not for real talk or communication for serious relationship



Если вам не отвечают девушки, которым вы пишите, то попробуйте сами отвечать тем девушкам, которые пишут вам. В этом случае девушки будут более заинтересованы в общении.



Maybe i will surprise you, but men doing same. If back to talk about why women to doing such, on this can be many reasons, from that they have busy and no time to visiting this site, tired after work, so dont know exatly which to write, have a lot letters, or they still chooseing man, and not find such, which they want.


Lyudmila, 49 y.o.


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Maybe you are not interested for them. What are you looking?


Paul, 57 y.o.


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Mat, women like to play games!!



Despite my efforts i didn't find anybody here, i give up and won't renew my subscription, it eat too much time for nothing, it happens but almost never even had interesting discussions here, i am surprised by women's attitude not keen to deep and regular discussions, so many empty bottles, it's a pity. i wish luck to everybody and finally most intersting talks were with David and Paul. ) best wishes to everyone.



Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

Thanks for saying I’m interesting to talk to however don’t put my name next to Paul’s.

Your your own worst enamy your 20 years younger than Stephan same country but he could give you a masterclass on how to attract or talk to women! At 34 you should be having a fine Slavic woman in happy couples... I don’t lack attention!!



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Matty it's time to grow the f' up...instead of blaming everyone else, look inward. If you're not attracting the type of women you want, getting the responses you want, getting the connections and conversations you crave then maybe it's not everybody else but what you're putting out there...listen to your audience. I don't initiate conversations as a general rule, I respond to women who write me if they interest me and my mailbox is always busy...if I made any effort to initiate it'd be even if Davids busy on here, Stephans busy on here, I'm busy on here...maybe it's not the women, what part are you playing in this? Just the way you talk on here, which woman is going to want to sign up for that level of negativity...then  the call outs, I had 2 people who could hold my interest..if that dismissive type of talk is part of your personality that could be pretty offputting...and the fact that you named one of the forum trolls as interesting is silly...if you can relate to him you're trending the wrong direction. If you can't see how you're part of your own problem then best of luck finding a woman anywhere.



Все просто) Если вы женщине нравитесь, она сама вам напишет даже. И будет всячески поддерживать разговор. Вы поняли о чем я.



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Glad for you dude. I thought slavic women were "deeper" than european ones but no... they are not here to know their interlocutor and always passive in discussion. Arrives a time to draw conclusion based on my experience here which is shared by many as well but said by few... i used all my nergy already. best regards.



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I don’t meet any girl 👧 without “deep conversation” girls I’ve either spoke to or met have been designers, doctors, accountants, teachers 👩‍🏫 and other professionals. Has Billy says it’s your negativity that girls find neither attractive sexy or intelligent and saying the nasty stuff is assumptions not observations. You assume that there’s something wrong with them and not your own interaction skills! And that the website is rubbish! I can give a builder tools 🛠 but I can’t make him build me a wall that’s down to his skills.... DM Planet Give you upto 100 new girls each day maybe 30000 new girls every year yet you can’t find one girl.... 30000 girls all weird.... just two perfect men Paul & Matt!!!! I’m sure the girls will agree... I must be delusional



I do not understand what is going on? Good guys can't find a girlfriend for themselves. Good girls sit on a dating site for many years and do not find anyone for themselves. We have a steady expression "What kind of girl do you need - smart or beautiful?". Very often these are incompatible concepts. The girl who receives education builds her career and has so little time for beauty salons. Maybe you need to pay attention to these girls, and not to a beautiful wrapper? Believe me, we have a lot of smart, educated girls and we have a lot of those for whom their natural beauty is a good product.



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В 30 лет можно обойтись без салонов, натуральная красота, молодость. Должен быть какой то принцип в выборе, слишком большое предложение. Может начать с естественных фото девушек, без яркого макияжа и в скромной одежде?



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Вы можете хоть сто раз нажимать несогласен с коментом, но я полагаю дело только в вас. Здесь много красивых хороших девочек. Вы, возможно, не можете найти к ним подход. Поддержать беседу....найти интересную тему для разговора..... если девушка вам будет писать, а вы сухо отвечать, то понятно, что ей не будет интересно с вами.



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Your answer used to be more interesting, here like Billy, just generic remark. girls are all wonderful and im bad, ok! fortunately i don't ask advice. men can't even help themselves.



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

Hi Tanja, there are some certainly but already taken or ignored by. answers come sometimes yes but after few exchanges it's over. as for "attractive ones" yes often uninteresting, i don't write them even, they reply 4% of men and anyway they have nothing to "give" as they are too busy to love themselves, your answer was interesting and thanks for it. cheers!



Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

Sounds like you mistake dating site for some market or store - you can't get the person just because you want it or came here for. It doesn't work that way.



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Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

Your not bad.. it’s your attitude women don’t finds attractive... if I used your pics and profile I think my quality response would way above 50% you really think women want a few exchanges then leave... you bore them!!!



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It is very easy for us to give advice to others. This is the right advice. We are like wise sov.But why are we so smart we cannot build our life? Just God is a great joker. I am sure you will meet a good girl. You are so young still.



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Я не уверена, что каждая Золушка может превратиться в принцессу. А вдруг будет страшненькая и глупенькая?



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I didn't say they were all wonderful or that you were bad...but there are thousands of women here, that does not guarantee that you'll find a woman that is suitable to build a relationship with but that you can't even get a decent conversation??? at some point do you not have to ask yourself what part am I playing in this...and that isn't that you're bad just somewhere there is a disconnect between you and women and you're not going to figure out what that is until you're willing to accept that it is a possibility. I'm guessing you face this in real life too...none of the girls are interesting enough and they're all shallow and any other bs you need to tell yourself to make it about them and not you. I would also guess you won't ever admit that but your attitude gives it away. Nobody gets as bitter as you sound while being succesful. 



It's strange, nobody still has recommended Mat to change the his main photo here (not selfies!) and even add a few his interesting photos in his profile.
Странно, но никто до сих пор не порекомендовал Мэту изменить свою главную фотографию здесь (селфи не надо!), а так же добавить несколько интересных его фотографий в профайл.



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Ольга, Вы думаете, что Мэту нужны студийные фото? Вы серьезно думаете так? Хорошее фото поможет ему найти УМНУЮ девушку? Это может привлечь толпу золотоискательниц. Он это не ищет.



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Мэт начинает общение так: заинтересована в дискуссии/беседе?
в беседе лично я не заинтересована, для бесед у меня есть друзья, а заинтересована я в мужчине - вот как мужчину он никак себя не проявляет, только ноет как ребенок, которому конфет не досталось.



Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

Carry on..  



Reply to Tanya on View the commented comment

С естественной красотой: красивыми волосами, глазами, улыбкой-уже не «страшненькая». Ум в процессе общения определит, если ему так важно, никто готовое ,какое рождественский подарок не преподнесет, работать самому надо в поиске , а не обвинять .


Yuliya, 53 y.o.


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Ну какие серьезные отношения, если у Вас одно фото и то спорное, что Вы на нем хотите сделать? 

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