Men & women

Dark glasses
Good evening, why do so many woman hide behind dark glasses in their profile photos?
Good afternoon, why ask this question? After all, you can look for those who do not expose photos in dark glasses. This can be said in relation to both representatives of humanity. And you can also ask some people directly why they create their image in glasses, in hats, or expose photos of themselves naked / semi-naked, as well as in toilets.

I agree with what you are saying, but on a dating site, I think you need to show your eyes.
Sending naked photos is never a good idea.

I fully agree that the eyes are the window to the soul. But very often it happens that in a photo, even without blackouts, the eyes may not show the soul of a person. There is a need for real meetings. The answers to all questions are easy. Some people like to be photographed with glasses or show themselves naked. And, perhaps, there are people who like such photos. Every person is looking for what he likes. If someone does not like some actions of other people, then he simply does not communicate with them.
He is simply looking for a person in whom absolutely everything will be liked.

I do not think that dark glasses would make someone more attractive and like you wrote if they use it to hide age telated marks or bags under the eyes, the they do not represent a true picture of themselves.
Вы правы. Однако, многие мужчины вообще скрывают свое фото.

Они не только скрывают свои фото, но и используют дополнительные профили.
И серьезно рассчитывают, что поступая со своей стороны таким образом, в ответ дамы должны на 100% сделать раскрытие себя в профиле и даже очки не одеть.
А если уж "тёмные очки" проблема все же существующая, в конкретном случаи.
Я читала как то, как характеризовать того или иного человека, предпочитающего те или иные виды "тёмных очков"
Найти эту инфу, изучить и вперёд... А вдруг какая то дама, но вот в "тёмных очках", но как раз "тот человек" для автора поста