
Meeting in real life



нет паспорта

Что мужчина делает на сайте знакомств если у него нет паспорта?

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Reply to Lina on View the commented comment

Sorry- Stan!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Sei tu che devi avere passaporto e visto!



Reply to Liliya on View the commented comment

Да, Лилия, это действительно так. Мой мужчина сделал заграничный паспорт только в декабре 2013)), так как мы планируем совместную поездку в Беларусь. Заплатил 25 евро. И он получил паспорт такой веселый))) На каждой странице изображены животные и птицы))). Но это я про Испанию пишу. А вместо пасспорта у нид действительно пластикоая карточка со всеми данными (DNI). Она у них - это как наш паспорт. когда он оплачивает покупки пластиковой денежной картой, то очень часто показывает эту карточку с DNI.
И, кстати, делается паспорт очень быстро, около 20 минут. Сама это видела)))))



It is a lie. He does have passport. I think he say no passport because he does not want to fly to Ukraine. Probably afraid.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Per invitare una donna non serve il passaporto.


John, 59 y.o.


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While it is true that many Americans do not have a passport because they do not travel abroad, it is very easy to get one.
If a man says he cannot travel to meet because he does not have a passport, then he is a liar or a loser. You do not want such a man!
In fact, you should only talk to men who have already travelled in the world.
If he has only lived and travelled in America, then he will not understand the world you come from.
He will be uninformed about different cultures and he will be uninteresting to talk to.



Answer....from a man with a passport. He either is unprepared or simply cannot afford it. I do have a great suggestion for you. It works every time in the USA for a fast passport. Have him call his local politician in Washington, they will write a letter to the passport office and he can have it in 5 days..not the 6 weeks most people think. I KNOW...I did this. He can simply show up in Washington or use return overnight 5 days he will be ready. Ukraine requuires no visa so he can fly immediately. I speak from good experience.
Good luck


Scott, 64 y.o.

United States

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Reply to John on View the commented comment

John, that is a pretty broad statement to apply towards all men.  I have seen more of the world than most people will ever dream of.  I don't have a passport.  Of course, I was in the military when I saw the world.  I was in the Navy.  If I am going to take a year or so to get to know someone there is absolutely no reason for me, as an American to rush out and get a passport.  So to say that we are all losers or liars is a really broad statement.  You might want to retract that a little.


Martín, 39 y.o.


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Yo con mucho gusto te doy viza y pasaporte.


Pawel, 55 y.o.


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Запрет паспорта является уголовным. Если нормальный человек хотел бы получить паспорт должен ждать до месяца. Паспорт можно получить после встречи в Интернете.


Bhawani, 38 y.o.


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little shy to say


Justin, 47 y.o.

United States

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Here in the US, most do not travel outside the country. Given the cost and time required for processing, lots of people don't purchase a passport until it's necessary.



Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

3-4 days?? where do they issue passports THAT quickly?
In the EU, you need a biometric passport. They take at least two weeks. 3-4 days… maybe a substitute passport for emergencies, but certainly not an international passport.



If you're both serious about dating internationally, then BOTH of you need to have an international passport and national identification. It is ridiculous to assume that this were only a man's responsibility. Especially if you want to stay with each other or get married, you need TWO passports (or ID card + passport) and a lot of other documents too. Maybe you ought to think a little further?



Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

3-4 days?? So long! In Sweden it takes 2 days to get a biometric passport  Why should it be longer? They have all information in computer.



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I guess I need to tell the Queen  

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