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Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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I need to contact a western ukranian woman

Hello, I need to contact a west ukranian woman to know well situation in this country. Western, because in eastern part of the country I know information is not free and true at all!
Thank you

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Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Boris on View the commented comment

Verissimo quello che sostieni, ma questo dipende dal fatto che si è fatta l'Europa delle banche e non della gente!
Nonostante questo, tra i paesi europei occidentali, anche i meno floridi e un paese come l'Ucraina le differenze sono abissali: sono differenze economiche, sociali, giuridiche e libertarie.
Tieni presente che l'Ucraina dovrebbe essere un paese ricco, perchè ha grandi potenzialitá agricole, industriali e pure paesaggistiche, ma se uno stipendio medio è di 250 euro e non ci sono praticamente servizi sociali un motivo pure ci sará! Oltretutto l'Ucraina ha ottime universitá e in alcune cittá la gente è anche colta. La popolazione è buona. Pensaci un po'!



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Tommaso....AI and HRW are basically working for US interests. Those organzations gave the "ethical framework" for military interventions in the name of "human rights". Interesting, AI cooperated with Madelaine Albright (former US foreign secretary, who said that the civil victims in Iraq were "an acceptable price to pay"), just as an example. Where are those human rights guardians in "friendly" Saudi Arabia? Also just an example. Don't be naive!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Boris on View the commented comment

Io lavoro gratis per HRW e non faccio gli interessi di nessuna nazione. Abbiamo stilato un rapporto per l'Arabia Saudita molto ma molto piú severo che per l'Ucraina. Potrei benissimo postare questo rapporto. In Arabia ci sono gravissime violazioni, molto piú gravi che in Ucraina, discriminazioni di ogni tipo, oltre alla tortura sistematica e la pena di morte. Stai dicendo inesattezze gratuite. La nostra associazione è totalmente indipendente. Io sono italiano e non faccio nessun interessa americano, anzi, anche gli usa hanno subito critiche molto severe. Ti prego di cominicare la fonte che sostiene che noi saremmo dipendenti dagli USA, perchè se fosse attendibile, invierei una lettera di proteste e farei estromettere dall'organizzazione chi si permette di dichiarare queste cose!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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200.000 persone hanno manifestato a Kiev ed è stata distrutta una statua di Lenin.
200,000 persone in piazza sono tante! Cosa sta succedendo?



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This was today in Kyiv.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Abbattuta una statua di Lienin con bandiere UE! Vogliono la testa del presidente?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Iryna on View the commented comment

Fantastic!!! Can win this revolution?



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Tommaso,I'm totally AGRY with everything you're writing here.
The Ukrainians ask help from the international community!!!
Maidan online


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

I want to help ukranian people and I'm working in my little for that! I tell you not give up!
You are an european people 100% and I should be very happy not to have any border with Ukraine.



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Tommaso, you're my big friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want our young people to know what freedom is, what the truth is, what justice is!!!!!!!!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Sono profondamente vicino a tutti i popoli che lottano contro i ladri per aumentare la propria libertá. Odio la repressione. Vi abbraccio tutti, cari ucraini! Siete europei come me, fratelli


Anna, 67 y.o.


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Ludmila, 68 y.o.


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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Спасибо Томмазо за то, что ты не равнодешен к событиям в моей стране и городе!



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Demonstrations are still going on... We are strong because we love our country... This picture is flowing around a lot among Ukrainian Facebook users to express how we feel...




Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Я одно не могу понять за какую свободу вы боритесь, свобода от кого??? Вы уже двадцать лет свободны. У меня иногда такое впечатление, что лишь бы выйти на тот майдан и поорать, а за что конкретно ? За отставку Януковича, за, то, чтобы был новый президент, но вы , вроде, сами этого выбирали, но, при чем тут свобода и кто вас до сих пор игнетает, я понять не могу.



Reply to Natasha on View the commented comment

Вам этого понять не дано, к сожалению...



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Tom, do not ask me. For me, well, if it's all dispersed, and that all in the news the same circle they say, is listen and look tired. I sometimes think that they do not know what they want.



Reply to Natasha on View the commented comment

Наташа! И я такого же мнения...


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Natasha on View the commented comment

Macchè liberi! Siete schiavizzati dai ladri!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Cosa vuoi capire tu? Guarda solo i contratti del gas!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Il problema è che vengano mandati via i ladri che affamano l'Ucraina, rubando i soldi del popolo ucraino!
Basta vedere le strade che hanno, le comunicazioni che hanno, i problemi economici che ha la gente in un paese che potrebbe essere bello e ricco!
Guardate che si sta creando una linea veloce ferroviaria da Torino a Parigi a Kiev! L'Ucraina è una nazione a vocazione europea taglieggiata da governanti corrotti che prendono tangenti da Putin!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Natasha on View the commented comment

Ma in che mondo vivi tu? Prendi tangenti anche tu?



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Царь Путин "спекулирует" газом - Украина,Армения...



Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Инесса, следим и переживаем за событиями на Украине.Довели людей "до ручки".



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Наша прогрессивная молодежь очень хорошо знает и понимает - за что мы стоим на Евромайдане в Киеве. Мы продолжаем стоять и будем стоять. Кто поддерживает репрессии против своего народа - пусть сидят дома. Никто не собирается с ними спорить.



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Tom, Irina just sits in a place where they make the gas!And imagine That, for our gas, we know more! In our country!You for a moment to think the matter is not about delivery of gas!
The question of thieves! How to say it in Italy. About their Italian thieves. The MAFIA is immortal! Isn't it !!  )



Reply to Tata on View the commented comment

Тата, спасибо большое за поддержку. Хочу сказать всем девочкам, мы не можем здесь сильно спорить, потому что это просто небезопасно. Одно могу сказать - неизвестно, чем все закончится, но народ стоит насмерть.
И немного юмора.




Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Я прекрасно все понимаю что там делается...Ответ уже получен официальный из Евросоюза. За что боролись, на то и напоролись...



Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Не нужно меня выводить на этот серьезный разговор. Я все знаю что у них там делается и у меня есть своя серьезная точка зрения на эту тему.Мы с вами об этом можем долго говорить, но я не хочу... Там мои родные живут и мне не все равно что с ними будет.

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