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Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Sesso occasionale riduce lo stress e aumenta la positività. La ricerca pubblicata su "Social Psychology and Personality Science" (FOTO)

Avere rapporti sessuali occasionali ha effetti benefici sulla nostra salute: riduce lo stress e aumenta la positività. A dimostrarlo è uno studio recente condotto dai ricercatori della Cornell New York University, pubblicato sul giornale "Social Psychology and Personality Science". Osservando la vita sessuale di un gruppo di 371 studenti, gli studiosi hanno registrato un aumento del benessere in chi faceva sesso senza avere una relazione.

Meno stressati e più brillanti: ecco come si sentivano i giovani dopo aver avuto il rapporto. "Questo dimostra che non bisogna avere 'paura' dei rapporti occasionali", affermano i ricercatori.

Qualche mese fa, la studiosa Zhana Vrangalova, della stessa università, aveva però dato l'opinione contraria: fare sesso con più persone, senza avere una relazione d'amore, potrebbe avere effetti negativi e farci sentire depressi. Qual è, allora, la verità? Il punto centrale è nella motivazione che ci spinge a fare sesso occasionale. Ci sono alcune ragioni che possono essere bollate come "buone", altre come "cattive". Della prima categoria fa parte la voglia di divertirsi, di sentirsi liberi, di imparare e esplorare la sessualità. Della seconda, invece, fa parte l'esigenza si sentirsi attorniato da ragazze/i, il bisogno di sentirsi meglio con se stessi. "Come ci si sente meglio? - dice la ricercatrice - solo facendo sesso occasionale per puro divertimento e senza pensieri".

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Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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I never ask Tom his opinion; I'm usually trying to correct his perspective. Remember, Tom thinks Schweitzer was an atheist and that most priests are evil.  ))))


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

The only conclusion the Cornell University "study" indicates is the sad state of education in the United States. One third of graduating university seniors in America cannot recognize Italy on a map of the world, and only half of graduating high school students in the US. In many major cities, less than 25% of graduating high school students can even read. I once corrected the assignment of a graduating senior at an Ohio university; a typical business letter. On one page, there were 75 spelling and grammatical errors. The letter was almost unreadable and this person was set to receive an undergraduate degree. Any European university would have laughed her out into the street, but this is a fairly common occurrence in US colleges. On street interviews with university students are the stuff of comedy sketches; comedians actually go to university campuses and conduct live sidewalk interviews with students, take the video back to the studio and play their stupid answers to an audience of uproarious laughter. This degree of stupidity and ignorance cannot be contrived; one cannot make this stuff up!


The US spends fabulous sums of money on education, more than any other country in the world, but ranks 27th in the world in results. The statements of liberal instructors and their theories fail under any type of debate or scrutiny. Their test data is repeatedly fabricated and debunked. The Cornell study is simply one more ridiculously skewed piece of political liberal garbage aimed at further dumbing down a nation and ruining its moral compass. So far it seems liberals (progressives) are being somewhat successful; however, truth is still truth and some truth is absolute, regardless of how many proponents of anarchy and immorality claim otherwise. In the final battle for good and evil; evil does not win; in the process, however, many lives are ruined by the lies.


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Sì, reverendo! Devo recitare tre "pater, ave. gloria" come penitenza?
Ti dico solo una cosa: le mie idee ganno almeno la stessa dignità delle tue ed anzi, siccome per me si vive una volta sola, tu fà pure penitenza, che io mi diverto! Tanto al tuo ipotetico mondo dopo la morte io non credo assolutamente! Nessuno ha mai potuto tornare indietro a dire che esiste! Il giorno in cui vedrò una mummia resuscitare e dire che è stata in paradiso, io ci crederò! Per ora alle fandonie dei tuoi preti io non credo e sono in tanti come me a non crederci affatto! Per cui 1-0 per me, caro!


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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E' comunque un personaggio che non conosci. Era completamente ateo! E se non lo sai, cercalo su internet! Sai usare Google o Wikpedia? Sei un po' impacciato con internet, vedo! Vuoi che te lo cerchi io?


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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read: Albert Schweitzer.1901, The Mystery of the Kingdom of God. 1906



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I'm totally agree that this is the big problem. But I see this not from position of teens, when sure it needs to be managed, because teens minds are flexible and what you will put you will get. But what about to see on this from position of adult single person in their hormonal explosive times? I understand that this article says about this kind of people. Please, we are all some hypocrite, this life demands, Tom is a smaple of breaker of rules and showing off all that we could hide.. But please, then let's talk how we all fight against own nature?



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Елена, да не надо бороться с собственной природы.
Тем более, уж кем-кем, а природой не заложено бежать с первым попавшимся/попавшейся мужчиной-женщиной в ближайшие кусты.
Помню был у нас в Университете общеобразовательный курс психологии. И как-то раз на одной из лекций дискуссия скатилась к современным отношениям "М и Жо".
Хорошо помню слова нашей преподавательницы.  )) "Это только в западных фильмах показывают, что парочка после ужина в ресторане на первом свидании с радостными криками и визгами бежит по лестнице наверх, на второй этаж особняка, скидывая с себя одежду и в порыве страсти занимается сексом на той же лестнице, так и не добравшись до спальни... на самом деле, для большинства людей в Западной Европе и Северной Америке подобное поведение не приемлемо"...
А сами ученые чего только не изучают. Фраза "британские ученые установили" сейчас является началом многих анекдотов.



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Doug...eres consciente de la gran cantidad de abusos sexuales están saliendo a la luz,descubriendolo aquellos que en el pasado fueron niños?.
La misma Ue tiene denunciados a varios sacerdotes,obispos,arzobispos.. Pues los quieren juzgar.. El Vaticano no es de la Ue,y por ser religiosos,no puede apresarlos para ser juzgados.
En Irlanda,existió una residencia católica donde las mujeres las obligaron a abortar durante décadas y enterraban los bebés en un campo cercano al edificio.
En España,muchos hospitales eran atendidos por monjas enfermeras... La mujer entraba a dar la luz.. Pero a muchas le quitaron a su hijo,diciendo que había muerto,o les enseñaban el cadáver de un bebé que no era de su hijo... Y esas monjas y curas,vendían eses hijos a familiaS que no podían tenerlos...
Esto fue entre años 60 a 80... Y aún se comenzaron a juzgar ahora estos casos de niños robados.
Tom,no miente.. Deja de juzgar sin informarte antes.

Busca en Internet: juicios bebés o niños robados en España por monjas,cura o Iglesia.

Y ve pidiendo disculpas..



Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

Да, я тоже нередко читаю такие заумные "исследования" и веселюсь))
Но вот из последнего я прочла, что в салате не нао смешивать помидор с огурцом, поскольку огурец убивает главное свойствов помидора - ликопин. Вот например, что народ об этом думает?)
Да, видела много таких фильмов западных и поражалась, ну вот оттуда и проблемы, которые описывает Даг, там они и с тали жертвой массовой поп-культуры. Ну хоть антитабачная кампания у них удачная..
Ведя дискуссию, мы не определили, насколько случайную свзяь обсуждаем   Лично я считаю, что если с каждым только после свадьбы, то так можно и просидеть только в предвкушении и планировании, а люди то они разные попадаются, и когда тра.. мозг, то это хуже, чем тело, вреда точно больше! А болезни передаются и бытовым путем. Живя в социуме, ни от чего не застрахован, хоть будь моралистом, хоть ..



"To live a life wisely, you need to know much,
For a start, remember the two important rules:
You'd better stay hungry than to eat no matter what,
And better stay single, than with no matter who." (Omar Khayyam)

"Чтоб мудро жизнь прожить, знать надобно немало,
Два важных правила запомни для начала:
Ты лучше голодай, чем что попало есть,
И лучше будь один, чем вместе с кем попало." (Омар Хайям)

P.S. Неразборчивость в чём-либо может повлечь за собой неприятные последствия  



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Елена, насколько я поняла текст сеньора Томасо, ну еще наложилось впечатление о его образе мышления и жизни, речь как раз идет о варианте "первая встреча, она же единственная, симпатия, кровать, разбежались" и это есть хорошо. имелся ввиду именно случайный одноразовый секс. Ну и обоснование его жуткой полезности  )))
Прям махровая группа риска....


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Victor on View the commented comment

Victor, my son, the biggest issue with poor Tom, and maybe you, is his special microscope to discover what is bad in religion so he can trumpet this “discovery” to the world. He only gathers “facts” that support his opinion; he ignores everything else.

While blathering about the “evils” of religion, Tom disregards the enormous good deeds churches, ministers, clergy, and self-sacrificing priests, have performed for hundreds of years. If there exists no dirt, no problem; Tom invents it! He denigrates Mother Teresa and claims Albert Schweitzer was an atheist! What do the good works of Mother Teresa and Dr. Schweitzer have to do with religion, other than she was a nun and he was a missionary?

The issue is not religion, it is helping others, and these people are known for their selfless compassion for the poor and mankind, in general. What kind of person would invent ill against good people? Even sadder are the one-sided presentations of secular history. I have no quarrel with Tom being an atheist; everyone has to be something. Tom has redundantly complained about the Crusades and cited the many people butchered during the Crusades in his effort to denigrate religion. So far his only evidence against religion seems to be the Crusades and some bad priests.


Most history seems to agree that approximately 5-6 million total Christians, Muslims and others, died from all causes during the Crusades. Remember, this includes all sides in the conflict. Tom can disparage religion for hours, citing these facts. No one disputes the historical record; however, Tom conveniently fails to address the over 100 million innocent deaths as a result of general world-wide atheist genocide. If Tom were a fair man, he would be screaming against the crimes of atheism, not those who died during the Crusades. Also, those waging evil in the name of God do not represent God, just like wolves in sheepskins do not represent sheep.

As always, Tom is selective about data. One can find data supporting any opinion they wish, but in any debate, the rules specify a fair playing field. Liberal US universities, like Cornell, UC Berkley, UC Santa Cruz, Georgetown, New York University, etc., have produced some of the most ridiculous and absurd studies known to man. One reason, 72% of all college professors are liberal (communistic leanings) by political association, as a results of years of infiltration by the left, causing America to be dumber than ever before. We admit this; however liberal professors conducting false and skewed “research” does not change actual truth, just as attacking Mother Teresa does not make her a bad person.

Accepting false information from twisted "studies" does not eliminate the high price of implementing the incredibly bad wisdom they promote, including the premise of Tom’s post. People still die of sexually transmitted diseases, woman still get pregnant and raise their children alone, families are torn apart by cheating spouses and children’s lives are ruined, some people develop physical issues that often cost them everything, porn stars still commit suicide or suffer extreme emotional trauma the rest of their lives. The psychological issues are probably more profound than the physical, but the physical alone are enormous. Research like this Cornell “study” do not account for emotional trauma, and "anything goes" proponents ignore the carnage caused by their advice. Tom will not even admit that porn stars die at an alarmingly high rate, compared to the general population. He has an excuse why everything that could become a serious disaster is ok in practice! Evidence does not support this conclusion.

The reason religion becomes a subject for discussion is that there is a clear correlation between religion and morality. Morality is one thing that protects society from anarchy, as well as other evils. Anarchy has never proven to be a benefit to anyone; morality has. The morality of NOT having “casual sex” with multiple partners has been a proven protection from all sorts of societal ills. I feel Slavic women possess a higher esteem for morals than many others. Maybe this is another reason foreign men so quickly fall in love with Slavic women. The few male proponents of the posted question have a desire for sex with any and all women who will lay down for them, but ask them whom the wish to marry and take home to their mother; not usually the same girls.

Someone asked me why I write these remarks here on the site? Society promotes a loose morality that is slowing consuming those who adapt to it. This is a lie. They say it’s all good; meanwhile psychology has become one of the biggest medical explosions in the world. Why? We didn’t even have psychology many years ago and society was much more stable…back when moral absolutes were more accepted.

The absence of moral and spiritual absolutes has an enormous price which Western movies and TV do not reveal. Western culture, in the name of money, promotes a sleazy portrayal of things that are truly quite wonderful and fulfilling. The most incredible social messes in America are found in Hollywood, California; the direct result of an absence of morality. I write to remind others that our culture lies to us and says bad things are good…and that good things are bad! Bad things cause bad results, and sometimes those results are devastating. Doing good things usually brings about much more beneficial results. My father used to say, “Don’t do the wrong things and expect to get the right results.” This has worked for me…when I used it.


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

No, Tom. Your opinions are destructive to anyone who would implement into common practice. They are totally bogus. You are smart enough to realize this. By the way, where did priests become part of this discussion? My particular religion does not have priests. This discussion has nothing to do with any "hypothetical life after death" or any other religious concept. The singular subject here is your opinion that religion-based morality is ridiculous and outdated. You attack absolute morals on the basis of their association with religion. My position is that a system of absolute morality is beneficial to all, regardless of it's origin. So far, you haven't "won" anything; only in your mind. You are simply on the wrong side of the argument. The girls are being polite, as usual. They have class. I have not been unkind to you; I have merely pointed out the flaws in your comments.


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tom, if God Himself were to approach you with the truth, you would argue with Him! My points are not designed to be a personal rebuttal to you. I am not trying to "win" an argument; only to expose the danger and foolishness of what you propose for those who may give you some credibility. Consider this, Tom. You are a product of your own moral belief system. How is that working out for you!? I have suggested ways in which you can improve your likability and find a nice woman who would love you. You have ignored every suggestion I have ever made. My moral belief system is working very well for me! I was just trying to help you, if I could. With the thousands of beautiful girls on this site, Tom, there is no reason you should be perpetually lonely; unless the problem is not with the girls!   "Reverend" Doug is just trying to assist you with some reasonable advice.  


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Some good thoughts, Elena, and I agree. Teens are the most vulnerable but these same issue affect adults who are better able to cope because of their experience and maturity. Please explain your question regarding "fight against nature."


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Tom, my Albert Schweitzer is the famous doctor, musician, theologian and Nobel laureate that everyone else knows and respects. I do not think anyone has any knowledge of your personal Albert Schweitzer. I certainly don't! How did you ever confuse this noted theologian and biblical scholar with atheists? Tom! is that a golf tee in your mouth or a hash pipe!?



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Ah, niego hablar más de religión!..hasta los. Eggs de debatir de ello.
Deacuerdo en que la moralidad y juicio del ser humano debe siempre de prevalecer y no por leerlo en libros,Sean cuales sen,si no por la moralidad de cada individuo.
Ni todos los malos son realmente malos ni todos los buenos son realmente buenos... Ambos bandos,han y aún ahora,actúan incontables contra toda lógica y moralidad..sean por religión,sea en política,sea en la sociedad...
No voy entrar en el tema de las cruzadas... A mi,ese tema me implica tratarlo con respeto.
Sobre el tema que por tener profesores liberales,los estudiantes e tu país son más burros... Yo respondo que no es por el profesor si no por el método de enseñanza que impone el estado.. Yo tengo,35 años,pero aún en un país demócrata,los profesores eran de la dictadura.. Y de niño me toco aprender a respetar,temer,actuar según normas... He visto el armario,los sacos de arena,reglas de encerado rompiendolas contra la mesa,tizas y borradores contra mi y otros estudiantes..

Mi generación vio y sufrió eso... Como mis padres.. Y todos estamos deacuerdo en pensar que hay maneras de enseñar evitando eses medios...pero el problema fue,que se les ha quitado con tanta ley y derechos la autoridad a los profesores de imponerse a los alumnos.. Frenarlos y encauzarlos en los estudios.

Ahora un estudiante es intocable..puede insultarle y comportase inadecuadamente en clase...
Sinceramente,veo más,el problema en lo que queremos como padres para nuestros hijos...pues hoy día un hijo puede denunciar a su padre por darle un cachete por comportaRSE mal... Y un profesor se ve impotente de coger a tu hijo de la oreja y sentarlo bien..
Y si hay respeto,se cumple en clase... Y el alumno buscará o intentará demostrar eStudiando que participa en clase.
Mira el Ejército: hasta el más rebelde,acaba sometiendose a lo que la moralidad militar,reclama de el..
La juventud en tu país no es tonta... Le hemos quitado la autoridad al profesor...
Me equivoco,gulshat?.


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Io distruttivo? Ma a me le tue costruzioni non interessano! Come non mi interessano i ciarlatani che segui tu!


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

I teenagers sono vulnerabili alle balle che raccontate voi! Diventano impauriti, timidi, incapaci d'affrontare la realtà!


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Fu uno dei piu' famosi oppositori della chiesa tradizionale che segui tu!


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Esatto, brava!


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Le ipocrisie favoriscono solo la morbosità e i delitti. Non esistono verità assolute a questo mondo. Nessuno è depositario di nessuna verità! Quelli che lo sono meno di tutti sono proprio i preti che sostengono di esserlo! In effetti poi si comportano in modo totalmente opposto alle regole che propagandano! Solo un cretino non lo vede.


Tommaso, 66 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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In effetti lo sono: lavano il cervello alla gente in cambio di falsità, chiedendo pure soldi! I preti ed in genere anche imam e gente del genere sono il peggior cancro della nostra società, mentre gli scienziati, li artisti e gli uomini di vera cultura sono la nostra salvezza! Le credenze religiose sono l'antitesi del pensiero!



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Vaya,un dejau vie... Este tema de la religión creo que ya lo he vivido...
Propongo una tregua...
Ninguno va ganar pues ambos bandos tienen bondad y maldad y podéis pasaros semanas así..
Y aquí no hay vencedor... Vais quedar en tablas o en un empate muy incómodo,siempre queriendo alguno el terminar escribiendo la última palabra... Tenga o no razón..
Pido consenso para zanjar Doug y Tom el tema...
Uno estudia y aprende de la historia los errores del pasado para no revivirlos..
Y ambos bandos necesitan ceder para llegar a entenderse..


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Poor Tom! The subject which you have started here is casual sex. What has that to do with your hatred of religion? Do you want to find a girl here or not!? If so, you must change your perspective. What girl wants to be with an angry man who never gets the facts correct? You need more love, Tom! You can find love here, but you must really want it! Thousands of wonderful and gorgeous girls here looking for love and a soul mate. There is hope for you, Tom! People can retrain themselves and become better people. Never too late to change, my friend! Never too late to find love! If you can not find love here, there is no excuse for you! You have every opportunity!!!


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Your failure to comprehend absolute truth is a large part of why you misunderstand everything, and maybe why you are so angry.


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Victor, this is not about religion; it is about the truth regarding casual sex. Tom and I are not at war, so no truce is necessary; I am merely correcting his misconceptions. If Tom ever needed my help I would do everything I could for him. You know guys, don't you Victor!? One minute rolling in the dirt; next minute they get up, dust themselves off and go arm and arm off to have beer!  )))) (Or in our case, pizza!  )))))))



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Buscan Monumentos y paisajes verdes y grises para el REINO DEL NORTE.GALICIA ES CANDIDATA!.


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Good for you, Victor!



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Aquí estamos encantados con la idea. Ya se han producido series de televisión de distintos géneros.. Pero ninguna con la necesidad de tantos figurantes o gente de relleno.

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