Men & women
Women or escorts
If you don't put borders between you and the woman, you are just going to develop a relation based and exploitation, that is exactly what I read on these experiences. You give gifts, you get sex.That is the same of a rapport of prostitution, and the fact that these kind of women make it in front of their sons and daughters is a perfect explanation of how this kind of behaviour are inherited and culturally transmitted.
Just rubbish.
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You simply need to know your own limits and limitations or even better your own preferences and priorities. If you genuinely know what you want and what is acceptable to you, you automatically know what is undesirable and unacceptable.
To some people sex for material (money, gifts, education or even food) is acceptable, to others it is not. It is their choice and hence their decision.
How does that require setting up borders between "you and the woman" as you put it?
Basic human respect for one another is absolutely sufficient, not to mention in a relationship where people hopefully are fond of each other.
Интересно, почему "you and the woman" переводчик переводит как " ты и баба"?
Меня тоже это очень удивило. И это только здесь на сайте такой переводчик. Поставила для интереса в другой, получила нормальный перевод
My worst dates have actually been women who buy gifts. It's a phycology of showing they value this man but many times it's a form of emotionally prostitution the woman wants man to believe she cares but has a motive to trap the man. A man should travel to meet the woman and provide the date only once the dates over then everything's based on emotion I will provide resterant money and local transport after that I see how the girl is with me and how genuine she is. When I find what I want then we get U.K. Visa for right woman
Очень многие женщины постсоветского пространства понимают любовь к мужчине как полное слияние с ним. Что-то типа "ты - это я, я - это ты".
Читая форум, понимаешь, насколько это глубоко и неискоренимо!
Возможно, это базовая проблема международного дейтинга?
у вас слишком сложное отношение к подаркам. чаще всего подарок это всего лишь знак внимания.
не открытых скелетов в шкафу,я думаю,осталось очень много.Но об этом уже напишет ещё кто-нибудь(если отчается вскрыть унизительную-именно для дамы,правду)
I was mearly commenting on Gifts and some situations. I not try to do anything Alyonka. There's two sides to every story and forums are not the place to hold grudges. Everyone are adults on the site and if things with situations are so bad for someone and they make a mistake they not repeat the same mistake on there own free will. I'm personally not one to bemoan travel to Turkey or Belarus and if things don't work out what's life I not look to charictor assasinate the other person everyone has good and bad points and if I meet someone I speak on video chat phones or whatever and disclose any information required. I think we already covered the subject of U.K. Visa in other areas of site U.K. Government is very strick and a fiancée visa requires a income of £18,000 a year plus other guarantees which is something I personally will reach next year. After my children finish school a tourist visa is more simple and also from my understanding with some country's there is strict proof needed that the two people have had a relationship for at least two years. This will be checked via stamps in passport dates and other requirements Meetings and proof needs to be build over time not over 2 weeks
Значит,уточним-сейчас,в ЭТОМ ГОДУ у вас нет собственного дохода,чтобы ввести иностранную жену? Но вы путешествуете на свидания к женщинам,чтобы предоставить необходимые документы для посольства?
А как ситуация может изменится в следующем году? У вас появится диплом чтобы иметь возможность выбора работы?
Или ваш бизнес непосредственно связан с этими горе-невестами? Чтобы открыть своё собственное брачное агенство и зарабатывать на этом деньги?
I can provide my proof of income to admin if they want that. It's not something I'll disclose with you. Or in public I told you I was going to turkey with my son you turn up then tell me you lost a $600 air ticket on first night when on internet they not this price I apologize for not being stupid man from the west for you very sorry. I think this is reference to many posts. And whilst you want to question me why not you tell every girl from Ukraine your opinion of them and why you not willing to meet in Kiev personally I know good people in Ukraine and when it comes to most things they have better integrity than you do please don't question me after I also come to Belarus why you want to bring this in public is beyond me it's a dating site not a laundry.
новый билет(дополнительный,ещё один) стоил мне 320$.Наличными,в аэропорту.И при чём здесь Украина?
странные цифры ты говоришь и зачем? Ты оплачивал или у тебя просили деньги? или подарки? золото,брильянты? Тебя обижали?Обманывали?
Аленка, вы как служба безопасности: обнаружила, обличила, предупредила. Интересно, мужчина о вас тоже на форумах пишет : о внешности, о ваших детях, о ваших способностях стирки руками? Вы тоже, несмотря на хорошее материальное положение, не заплатили за стирку, съэкономили, как он на такси. Может быть вы все-таки подходите друг другу?
Конечно пишет,он ещё и брачное агенство собирается открыть- на таких, как я деньги зарабатывать. Поэтому и путешествует-знакомится,изучает,потом свои умозаключения делает-украинки такие...белорусы-такие,русские-такие.
In relationship with woman it is like investments - the more you contribute - there more you will get back! It's true not only in relationship - it's an unwritten law of the Universe - the more You give - the more You will soon have!
But if You see no feedback from your partner then it's time to break up!
I repeat I am not stupid man. The post is about putting borders up if I'd of offered the $600 would you of said no? You wasn't too pleased that I didn't offer. The post continues and quite rightly says about if you don't put these barriers up the relationship becomes about money. I have no experience of dating in Belarus and Russia with anyone other than yourself however I have dated in Ukraine the economy is much worse than Belarus or Russia and most the girls are NOT PROSTITUTES there genuine and the dates I've had have been happy with the best meal paid for good company and taxis both ways and maybe cigarettes I've also gave gifts after I've dated more than twice and never spent huge money on if I got them something they deserved it and probably didn't stop smiling for a week. I respect This post I've spent many good hours in Dublin and not come across a bad Irishman. Irish like to drink and there good people they won't say say things like this for no reason. Has for our meetings I paid for me and my son to go turkey and I came myself to Belarus stayed five days we worked together I took you out each night and we also went out with your son and I stayed with you... I'm actually at a loss to why you want to public review our date and tell all your girlfriends about what a bad man I am if I was such a man why would I come to Belarus for second date if I was not of good intentions surely if I was a player I'd already got what I wanted in turkey. In 45 years old and now it's public has you wished I will say it's the most probabmatic date I've been on took a year to meet due to your location saying Belarus yet in reality your nearer North Korea for 9 months a year in a closed oil pipeline city which I waited for you for. I'd personally like to leave things where they are however if you want to continue the public name calling that's fine with me despite me not knowing what this will gain for anyone. I can say plenty too like knock on door remember when I was there but I don't actually have a problem with you and thought the dates had good and bad points I know your opinion is there's no princes on this site and with online dating it is not always easy to find what you want im not the person you are looking for but this is hardly a reason to put our views in a forum post... it's like a arguement in street no one needs or wants to see it (unless there bored)
Алёнка, честно, не унижайте себя , уйдите с достоинством! Неправы вы сейчас... извините, обидеть и в мыслях нет .
I am not going to open a marriage agency I spoke about buying property in Ukraine and offering flights accommodation and advise on a one to one basis. Most people's concept of Eastern Europe ain't modern shopping centers beautiful women safe streets and an a good place to go. I mearly said this has a idea
I also want to point out my youngest son has aurtism and 15 years old. He don't like to wash and he's complex I've looked after him has parent alone for 11 years I known when I was meeting you you would see this but I didn't have any interest in hiding these points. I own property in England and so does my mother we both have money my mothers 85 years old I know Alyonka wants me to put this on my profile why I've no idea has people not dating my mother and if people ask I happy to tell i hide nothing
You both guys better calm down , it's not a good thing to scandal publicly
Извините за мой вопрос,вы работаете и получаете зарплату или живёте на пособие?
заметьте,Оля,был задан единственный вопрос-откуда,вдруг, у него появится СОБСТВЕННЫЙ ДОХОД в следующем году? Человек смог дать ответ?-НЕТ....
Но были затронуты опять-таки деньги(как всегда).Вот если бы он предложил-то я бы вряд ли отказалась.Такая игра в ситуации.
Затронулись Украина и Дублин...почему-то.
И опять моё достоинство и МОЁ материальное положение.
Достоинство со мной при чём всегда и в любых ситуациях.
Абсолютно всё,что делаю в своей жизни-тем горжусь.Ни сколько не стесняюсь самоиронии и даже самобичевания. Считаю это нормой жизни.
Вы и теперь сомневаетесь в правдивости моих предыдущих постов?
Алена! Давайте закончим с вашими семейными разборками-чес слово- неприятно читать. При любом раскладе нужно оставаться людьми и иметь уважение к себе и другим.
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