
Greetings section (birthdays, best wishes, congratulations, etc.)


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Easter is an annual holiday when is celebrated the Jesus Christ's resurrection.
The First Council of Nicaea established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full Moon succeeding the beginning of the vernal equinox.

So, that date is not the same to every year in the calendar. Also, today is Easter in the current year.

Several traditions are related to Easter. And some things are representations of that day, such as bunny, egg, etc.
The bunny symbolizes fertility and new life. Like rabbit, egg is a symbol of new life. But also it denotates rebirth.
Despite bunnies not to lay eggs, both are associated in the paschal festivity. That occurrence may be verified in decorations of the period or when people dress up as bunny and promote hunting of Easter eggs, for example.
The significations of those and other symbols of Easter and the love between the people are part of that religious day. So, that event can be commemorated in several ways.
Thus, I wish a great Easter to everyone.

Happy Easter!



André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Happy Easter!


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Coincidentally, in 2018, Easter happens on April 01, the April Fools' Day.
Nevertheless, I was not lying on this post and what I wished on Easter is not a joke. Ha, ha, ha!


Lyudmila, 68 y.o.


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Андре, с праздником Вас и всех людей, кто празднует Пасху сегодня.
¡Cristo ha resucitado!
Православная церковь сегодня радовалась Входу Господа в Иерусалим. В России этот день называют ещё Вербным Воскресением. Вместо пальмовых листьев люди освящают пушистые веточки вербы. Пальмы не растут на основной территории нашей страны. Пасху мы будем праздновать в следующее воскресение, 8 апреля. Эта неделя у тех людей, кто придерживается православного вероисповедания будет очень строгой - Страстная неделя перед Пасхой.
Независимо от разного времени праздника по календарю, главное событие для каждого верующего человека на земле - Воскресение Христово, происходит как свидетельство нашего воскресения для жизни вечной!    


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment

Hi, Lyudmila!
Thank you!
Many Orthodox churches base their Easter date on the Julian calendar, which often differs from the Gregorian calendar that is used by Catholic churches, which is present in several places of western countries.
Happy Easter!
