I seek advice
Is marriage is an "obligation" for Russian women to glimpse a relationship with a stranger?
Hello Ladies,I ask this question because I am not a supporter of marriage.
I believe that a relationship may well happen without being married.
In Europe many couples live together without being married.
Thank you for your answers
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Если вы не знаете формальности ,то мы вам объясняем. Не может женщина стран Украины ,Белоруссии и России приехать к вам без визы на срок более 90 дней. И виза эта должна быть уже не туристическая. Бельгия одна из самых консервативных стран Шенгена. В вашу страну очень затруднен въезд для дамы по приглашению от вас. Поэтому ваше желание жить со славянской женщиной без официальной бумаги не осушествится. Для вас это клочок бумаги ,для женщин это разрешение жить с мужчиной в вашей стране. Такие правила от Европы для наших женщин
Oui, bien sûr, je ne voulais pas, amener une femme que les marchandises importées. Cette traduction en ligne imparfaite à la mode))))) Je suppose avant de rédiger votre poste ou commencez à regarder pour les dames en provenance de pays non-européens d'apprendre à connaître tout ce qui va suivre après l'histoire romantique datant .... Bonne chance à vous, en ce qui concerne ...
Nadezhda thank you for all that information.
Indeed with regard to what you write my point of view could change.
It is obvious that if I find love, I will do what is necessary to allow my eluted to live with me.
Houlà merci pour ces mots en français Marinochka
En effet je vais devoir apprendre à connaître toutes les formalités. Je ne pensais pas que cela serait si compliqué !
En aucune mesure je viens ici pour faire mon « marché » et si je devais trouver l’amour c’est évident que je ferais le nécessaire pour qu’elle puisse vivre avec moi.
On verra bien ce que l’avenir me réserve
Не волнуйтесь, Вы не одиноки в этом, я думаю, здесь половина мужчин не знает визовых формальностей. А стоило бы их сначала узнать, а потом уже начинать знакомиться с русскими и украинским женщинами.
Я рада ,что вы правильно меня поняли. Удачи вам в поиске и пусть ваши желания исполнятся!
From what I read, there are two sides of the coin, and the way I see is the following.
First I lived for almost 15 years with my ex "wife" in informal marriage and we decided that there was not way that i'll continued together and we decided to continued our lives separately, regardless of having a child together, we're still friends.
That is to say, that i don't need to "sign a contract" that says we are together and we loved each other, by all means if it's necessary to get the visa residence, etc., i do not have any problems, but it is not marriage legally that will show what I feel for someone else, but what's in my heart.
I do not know how they are foreign women on the subject, but the marriage legally or not, may end up by both parties and not only by the male part, say that the female part knows someone else? It can not happen? Or for any other reasons she decides that I am no longer the man of her life and wants to separate? All these reasons and some more are valid for both sides.
But once more I say that i do not know of the customs of other countries only in which I find myself, and so I join the initial question and ask some clarification on the matter.
Best regards to all.
¿Slavic woman?, you Nathalie speak in the name all woman in the Russia and rest of ex-soviets countries, well i think so the porcentaje of divorce in this countries is massive respect Europe.
Hi Juan ,
Sorry to join the conversation , but I must say , that your conclusion , is not correct.Nathalie , was not referring , to how many marriages go wrong , in Eastern Europe , and in Russia.
She was only mentioning , the differences , with the way , that Jean-Marie , is thinking , about , women in CIS countries and in Russia.
I am not sure , if Jean-Marie , did some investigation , about the life and traditions , in these countries.
And , if he is aware , that there are big differences , in how life is over there.Just assuming , that these women , are brought up , or were raised , in the same way , like we or our children here , grew up , then you are just heading for disappointments.
When you decide to go over there , to find a wife or a life time partner.
While you may be correct , that there are many divorces in these countries , it does not tell you , anything , about the way , these women were raised.
Furthermore , you may ask the question , why there are so many divorces , in the first place.
As you may know , there are not enough men , in Ukraine , compared to the number of women living there.
While in China ,there are not enough women , for all the men.
In Ukraine , the men can choose , from a great variety of ladies.Women , who all want to settle down , be happy , and start a family.
So , when the men get tired of their lady , they will move on , to the next , yes?
I am not sure , if you want to put the blame , for all these divorces , completely , on all these women.
In some cases , this may be right.
Sure , in a relationship , there are 2 people , who bear the responsibility.But in most cases , a break up , is more often forced , or brought on , by a man.
He is either , always drunk , or don`t want to work or find a job and he beats his woman.
Or shouts at her , staying away many nights (and days) , and do what he wants to do.
While the women , are really trying , to save their marriage , there will come a time , when enough is enough!
If you understand , my saying.
Please understand me correctly.I am not saying , that all Slavic women , are good role models or that they are super human.
But when you get to know their daily life , their traditions and customs , you will see , that they are very sincere and honest persons.
But like the saying goes : " what you see , is in the eyes of the beholder " .
Wishing you a Merry X-Mas
Так, "о вашей культуре понятия не имею, здесь только потому, что нужна женщина простая, нетребовательная и всем довольная".
Какие же мужчины на сайте честные пошли! Это хорошо.
Good question! Maybe he is not afraid of losing any assets, but he simply does not need "a marriage" to live an amazing life with a person that he loves. One could turn the question around as well "why would you want to get married?" For many people marriage is not a sacred bond, but just a signed contract, and i personally dont need a contract to love and live a happy life. I need my lady and i to have a certain connection, which no contract can help us create, if you know what i mean.
Рик, да это все понятно, что ваша жизнь так увлекательнее. Но для вас совсем не важно, чего хочет женщина и как ЕЙ (не только вам) было бы удобнее?
Ну и второй вопрос этой ветки остается открытым: на каких основаниях ваша любимая женщина-иностранка будет проживать в вашей стране? Ну или вы - в ее (вам у нас просто так тоже жить нельзя).
Marriage,or more simple contract,neccesairy to protect material law ,and,and any more less rational women won`t leave own place without such warranty.I can add,love considered not like just pleasure,but like duty.So,before marry, women will prove,if she will be loved in old age and sickness,or any reason to start.The rest is lie,not love.
Alla Tkachenko
)))) Your answer made me smile) If your think that european ladies are too demanding and complicated, slavic women are not for you.))) Slavianian mentality implies that a man should be a supporter of a woman and take responsibility for her. We are not so independant as european women. And also we can have problems with official being in your country if we are not married.
Dear Alla with your answer you are already saying that you are looking for a man who will take care of you and your 11 years old kid, and you'll love him and that's all? If i'm not wrong and you wrote it correctly, what are you looking for exactly?
I'm looking for (and found) a lovely woman and we are talking a lot, and she has said me what she wants from me and i have said her the same. BUT, we both know that if i go to her or she comes to me, we will have perhaps 1 year of adaptation to each other country. Although the best option is that she comes to Barcelona and we have talked about it, so if this is the case (she comes to Barcelona) she will be iving with a 0euros cost, i'll be taking care of her, but after her adaptation, that is especially the language, she will have to be like ALL EUROPEAN LADIES.
Finally about problems with laws to be here living my couple, i've read and sent her ALL INFO of what WE need to be living together and i have moved a lot already, even when she can't come now, because i think that if i can have all that info now, in the moment she come, (it's gonna be this year but we don't know the month) we will have more chances to be legally together very fast!
Жан-Мари, вы не одиноки в этом вопросе не только на данном сайте, в России так же не мало мужчин, которые не хотят скреплять союз официально. Как впрочем и в любой другой стране. Вы поймите, женщину чуть ли не с рождения готовят к тому, что она должна выйти замуж, что у детей должный быть законные мама и папа, и дальше все в том же духе. Поэтому для большей части женщин официальное предложение, а в дальнейшем брак, это своего рода подтверждение того, что ее любят. Ну вот так мы устроенны... что же с этим поделаешь... Если вы встретите СВОЮ женщину, то почему бы Вам ради нее не отступить от своих правил? Что в этом такого?
Уважаемый Рик. Я тоже считаю, что брак еще не является доказательством любви. Но проблема в законах. Для того чтобы женщина смогла жить с вами в другой стране, она должна быть вашей женой. Это касается очень многих иностранок
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