
Men & women


Anna, 60 y.o.


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У меня вопрос к мужчинам этого сайта

Какие события или люди повлияли на Ваше решение искать спутницу жизни среди русскоязычных женщин? Заранее благодарна за искренние ответы.

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Now this will be a very interesting discussion!

I can only talk for myself, I'm sure everyone has his own reasons.

I think the essence of what makes Russian woman so attractive started in the 1980's. After the death of Leonid Brezhnev in 1982 the then USSR went into a period of economic down turn and political uncertainty with Chernenko and Andropov that succeeded and died soon after coming to power, by the time Michael Gorbachev came to power, the damage has been done and he had to relax laws, which he did through his glasnost and perestroika policies. This in turn lead to the break up of the Warsaw pact and eventually the break up of the USSR, This was times of extreme hardship, economic difficulty and uncertainty. Under these circumstances any other nation would have faltered and sunk into anarchy. But you did not. Like the times of World War 2 the Russian nation persevered and pulled through in the face of apparent insurmountable adversity. At the core of all of this chaos stands the steadfast temperament of the Russian women.


So to make a long story short, Russian women know hardship and it made them strong. I can not even begin to imagine what it took to keep a home and a family together in those days. Most woman on this site grew up during those days and I have immense respect for them. I think they are the best mothers and wives. One of my friends got married to a girl from Siberia, she is highly educated, well spoken, a professional in her own right, the best mother to 3 children and a wife like no other. I have been married to a local woman for 10 years and have been divorced for 7. I am sorry to say but local woman just doesn't have those qualities. Also all my friends are married, I don't come into contact with single woman, the few opportunities that I do, I measure them against my friends' Russian wife and they don't even come close.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Sono d'accordo con Janho. Le italiane semplicemente non ci sono! Non sono libere quelle dell'età che mi interessa! Non ci sono proprio, non esistono!


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Том! Я не поняла- нет свободных итальянских женщин интересующего Вас возраста?


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Forse della mia età, ma leggermente più giovani no! Ma non ci sono proprio! Si sono tutte sposate a 35 anni ed hanno avuto il primo figlio a 35! Cosa vuoi che ci siano? Non ci sono!
Ci sono le sudamericane, le americane, le russe e le asiatiche. Le europee in genere non ci sono! Io cerco chi c'è, non chi fa finta di esserci e poi non c'è!


Danish, 41 y.o.


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you are looking so Nice



Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Janho, I am grateful for Your words of respect . Reading Your posts , You always have keen interest to the topic and the participants of the discussion . The events You described , This events have been with many people and the states, When You told, Your words never don't humiliated dignity of other people. You have a great diplomat with a sincere heart . I wish You to find Your Woman is a treasure and it is sure to be .


Steven, 55 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

I agree, Jahno. The Slavic girls from FSU countries just cannot be compared with most American women. To try to explain the differences in detail is like trying to explain two different species sometimes!
From my experience (in general), the Slavic girls are feminine, intelligent, respectful, educated, serious, happy, family-oriented, strong, stylish, active. I have known that I would marry a foreign girl for a long time. I did marry a Slavic girl once and hoping to again.


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Okay, Anna! Remember you asked this question! Here is the answer!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Janho, go ahead, marriage on view! Svetochka is your woman!  )))


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Steven on View the commented comment

Do not exagerate, Steven! You are an adulator! All women in the world can be compared to all the others, italians or americans, or thai, or indonesians too! It depends by the disponibility too. I had a splendd woman from Grand Junction - Colorado. I can compare her to anyone and she will not loose. She had been three years with me. Our history ended, but I did not complain!



Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Спасибо тебе за добрые слова! Я вспоминаю те годы перестройки и не понимаю, откуда славянские женщины брали силы для того, чтобы воспитать детей, дать им образование, сделать карьеру и быть красивыми и добрыми. Эти женщины достойны заботы, любви и понимания. Если мужчина мечтает о женщине, которая будет делить с ним счастье и боль, то он может попробовать создать отношения со славянской женщиной.



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Нам бы ещё узнать осталась ли довольной та американка...



Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Deeply touched by your answer! Thank you so highly appreciate Russian women! I wish you to find you a decent Russian woman!

До глубины души тронута Вашим ответом!!! Спасибо за то, что Вы так высоко цените русских женщин!!! Желаю Вам найти достойную Вас русскую женщину!!!




Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Я испытываю искреннее уважение к Вам .Вы хорошо поняли нашу историю, наши глобальные изменения в строе . Вы поняли как тяжело все это давалось женщинам. Вы поняли какие мы живучие и выносливые. Вы все правильно поняли и донесли до людей! Вы молодец!
Я думаю что не все иностранные женщины смогли бы достойно пережить те глобальные изменения в нашей стране. Правильно делаете что хотите себе спутницу жизни именно из бывших из СССР. Все правильно. Я надеюсь что все присутствующие мужчины сайта тоже так же как и вы все понимают.С нами не нужно просто играть (у нас есть и так с кем играть из наших). К нам нужно идти с серьезными намерениями.


Steven, 55 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

I am not exaggerating. I specifically said, "in general". Of course, it is easy to take any one specific example and compare. That is not "in general". When you compare groups, it does not come out so equal.


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Даг! Вы разожгли женское любопытство, но загрузить не получается. Я на берегу моря и интернет как черепаха. И все-таки:прямой вопрос- прямой ответ, надеюсь, Вы окажете нам эту честь, спасибо


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Об этом история умалчивает......



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

Таня!  )) Ты прямо не в бровь, а сразу в глаз )) Не запугивай его, а то нам скучно будет ))



Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Мне уже С НИМ скучно...



Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Интересно, почему Вы ничего не сказали о 90-х годах, так называемой демократии. Годы перестройки по сравнению с этими годами - "цветочки". Нынешнее время тоже не балует наших соотечественниц. Не от хорошей жизни россиянки и жительницы стран СНГ уезжают за рубеж.


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

But Anna, what could I possibly add to Janho’s post? He has totally covered it and speaks for all of us. He has explained how you ladies were the backbone of your country during desperate times. Where would men be without you? Your countries have survived because of your sacrifices. In the US; however, not as much.

Society has influenced our women to reject normal roles you see as vital. Many have become self-centered, overconfident, haughty, demanding separate careers; regardless of the cost to their families. No longer willing to make the needed sacrifices, and families have suffered.

Men actually want only few things in their marriage: they want to be loved; to be respected, and to feel they are the king in their own castles (even if it is only an illusion, girls). Here, if you give him that, you can own the world. Unfortunately, many homes here are simply battlegrounds over who is the boss, so marriages and families suffer.


Everything our women seem to reject, you girls embrace the natural importance of that role. You unabashedly say things like, “I want to please my husband and care for my family! I want to support him and…” Steve, if a beautiful girl said this in a mixed group here, would that be an awkward moment!? :shock: I was stunned by the first Slavic girls I met; everything our women should have been. Having met you, I now feel I have wasted half my life! Your perception, maturity, decency and clear thinking is amazing, and all contained in such an adorable, pretty package.   You’re polite, you’re kind, you’re forgiving, you want to please your man. When he attempts to please you, you are grateful and responsive. What more could any man wish!? Keep the $10 million! I want the girl!  ))

Does this help at all to answer your question, Anna?

Janho! I see you’re now in touch with your emotional self! Fantastic job!!!   Tom, we must give this guy an award! ))


Doug, 68 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Tamara on View the commented comment

Hello, comrade Tamara!  )))



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My goodness yes, the Yeltsin years! I saw a documentary about those days a few weeks ago, political turmoil! It could have gone very wrong so easily. But to comment on a time like that is very easy with the advantage of hindsight or retrospect. Times of transition is never easy, what touched me the most was the fact that the ordinary people had to bare the brunt of poorly made political decisions and the people that made those decisions seemed to be rewarded at the time, very unfair. But look at where you are today! A nation on an upward trend in terms of International influence and power unlike the Americans that finds themselves in the opposite position.


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Janho on View the commented comment

Ripeto...le slave non hanno nulla di più o di meno di altre. Hanno il vantaggio di essere disponibili. Inutile che venite qui ad adularle. ..poi si montano la testa!!! Uomini non scrivete stupidaggini!


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Reply to Tamara on View the commented comment

Mamma mia Tamara ma ti hanno fatto un bel lavaggio del cervello anni fà! Ma la vuoi capire o no che i regimi totalitari vanno scartati?



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Тамара! А что Вас сильно затронули лихие 90-е? По сути тогда каждый крутился как мог. И многие благодаря 90-м попали в бизнес и удачно продолжают свое дело. НО конечно есть и такие, у которых очень плохо все сложилось. А что сейчас то у нас плохо совсем? Мне кажется что сейчас очень даже нам женщинам не плохо стало.



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Таня! Я тебя сразу не узнала. Класс! Извини, но яне могу удержаться что бы к тебе на чай не зайти )) Заходи и ты ко мне, буду рада ))


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Tommaso on View the commented comment

Милый Том! Вы как всегда в роли острого перца в нашем супе. Хочу уточнить, кого Вы назвали рабами?


Anna, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Doug on View the commented comment

Спасибо, Даг. Это правда, что в России большинство женщин коронуют своих мужчин, иногда обожествляют. К сожалению мужчин это портит, он перестает заботиться о своих подданных и постепенно жизнь для женщины превращается в игру в одни ворота.



Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Anna I think Tom meant Slav woman. The translator should be blamed here, not Tom.

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