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Danny, 39 y.o.


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Marry Indian, save Russia Author Maria Arbatova

Marry Indian, save Russia

Author Maria Arbatova feels Indian bachelors should be imported into Russia as they seem to be ideal spouses.

Indian men promise to be the ideal spouses for Russian women, affected as they are by a high male death rate owing largely to unhealthy lifestyles. That is the opinion of Maria Arbatova, leading Russian feminist author and prominent television presenter.

"The import of eligible bachelors from India is my big geopolitical idea," she told RIA Novosti news agency.

India can be of help now that Russia has come to grips with its formidable demographic problem, Arbatova said during the launch of her latest book A Taste of India at the 20th Moscow International Book Fair recently.

"First, both Russians and Indians are Indo-Europeans, and we speak related languages - just look at the many similarities between Sanskrit and modern Russian vocabularies. Second, and even more important, the archetypal Indian man is a fanatic paterfamilias. To raise many children is his cherished dream, and he makes the best possible husband," remarked Arbatova, who is married to Sumeet of West Bengal in eastern India.


Attracting Indian bachelors to Russia should be a government policy, she argues, or Russia will soon have two crosses to bear - one of its own male deaths and the other of the Chinese birth rate.

"Asian Russia, from the Pacific coast up to the Urals, is full of Chinese men anxious to marry Russian girls. If the Chinese are not promptly balanced out, no matter by whom - Indians, Africans or extra-terrestrials, either Asian Russia will become a Chinese province before 2050 or Chinese will become Russia's second official language," she jokes ironically. "Just look, Russia has two employment agencies in China, and none in India. Shame!"

Arbatova's book went on sale last spring and was on the bestseller list in summer. Britain's International Biographical Centre of Cambridge has awarded her its 20th Century Outstanding Achievement gold medal.

The author points out many similarities between Russian and Indian life.

"Socialism got my country out of the Big Game for 70 years. Colonialism did the same to India for two centuries. Both nations are now getting back to their sources in the age of globalisation. That's hard to do - like walking home inside a centrifuge," she says.



Пусть Мария Арбатова сама выходит за них замуж , это её личное дело . В чём сходство ? В нищите ? Я читала о положении женщин в Индии и об отношении к ним . Это же ужас ужасный ... Нет уж , спасибо . Вы убивали своих женщин ещё до их рождения ( селекционный аборт ) .
России следует беречь своих граждан и повышать уровень их благосостояния . И тогда они сами исправят свою демографию .



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Насколько я знаю, она замужем за индусом. Это ее личное дело конечно. И я не против браков и отношений и т.п.
У меня просто возникает другой вопрос. Есть реальная демографическая проблема. Ее предлагают решить простым способом. Своих нет мучжин, давайте других привезем. А куда они все делись то? Как в таких огромных количествах они могли исчезнуть в штуках и тенденция сохраняется. Вместо того, чтобы решать одну проблему, решаем другую. Уж в вопросе выбора, наверное, женщины сами разберутся с кем им быть.



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Я полностью согласна с Вами . Я не против любви и межнациональных браков . Я против замены одной культуры другой , подмены одних другими . "Уж в вопросе выбора, наверное, женщины сами разберутся с кем им быть."   Совершенно согласна . И в нищите никто рожать не будет. Хоть от своего , хоть от индуса . Реальная демографическая проблема решается иначе . Беречь своё население надо .
Ещё более неприятно читать о том , что наши мужчины спиваются и потому нашим женщинам не хватает мужчин . Прям уже притча во языцех алкоголизм русских мужчин . Даже DANNY этому верит . Со свей стороны я хочу сказать - ерунда это . Наши пьют не больше , чем другие . И кто пьёт ? Я была 2 раза замужем - оба моих бывших непьющие ( я бы замуж не вышла , если бы они пили ) . И даже не курили . Развелись мы по другим причинам . Среди моих знакомых пьющих нет . Да , есть маргиналы . Но они есть во всех странах .


Inessa, 57 y.o.


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На ю-тюбе есть канал девушек ,вышедших замуж за индийцев . Они живут в Индии , они там счастливы . Но их единицы . Это как бы исключение из правил.


Danny, 39 y.o.


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Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

I can debate about this for the whole day but I do not want to waste my energy on this. yes Inessa is right there are lot of instagram pages you can see and lot of you tube channels where Russian woman are so happily living with their Indian husband and they have such beautiful children. Now in every city of India there is one Indo Russian couple is there and numbers are increasing every year. There are many Russian woman now are getting married to Indian man and they are very happy. If you really want to see one channel on you tube then see this channel

Do not believe on media what media shows to you in Russia. I have been to Russian so many times and I have send lot of disadvantages there but rather than focusing on weakness and disadvantages of Russia, I try to focus my energy on positive side of Russia.


Danny, 39 y.o.


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Reply to Danny on View the commented comment

watch india in details by karolina youtube channel to know about india


Danny, 39 y.o.


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Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

I can debate about this for the whole day but I do not want to waste my energy on this. yes Inessa is right there are lot of instagram pages you can see and lot of you tube channels where Russian woman are so happily living with their Indian husband and they have such beautiful children. Now in every city of India there is one Indo Russian couple is there and numbers are increasing every year. There are many Russian woman now are getting married to Indian man and they are very happy. If you really want to see one channel on you tube then see this channel

Do not believe on media what media shows to you in Russia. I have been to Russian so many times and I have seen lot of weakness and problems in your country also but I rather than focusing on weakness and problems of Russia, I try to focus my energy on positive side of Russia and what i have learn from Russian people and this country. Tell me one country which is perfect in everything.

watch india in details by karolina youtube channel to know about india. I dont know in which time you have been to india or in which part of india.



Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

Marriage does not need nationalities or cultures. Marriage needs love, support, affection, care, attention, and understanding.
Russian men and women have the same cultures even 85% of women are divorced. So, the same culture has nothing to do with it.
Support and care come with money, and money comes with education and a good job. So a man should earn good enough to support his family. Understanding comes when men and women respect each other in the family.

So, Indian or Russian has nothing to do with it. People are happy and sad in all countries. So, choose a life partner with patience and care. Just broadcasting that one nationality is perfect in a relationship, is wrong. If someone has to marry a Russian girl then he should find a job in Russia and then come to russia to find a girl.



I think the biggest problem Indian men face is the fact that most FSU women claim they are not physically attracted to Indian men, they are naturally attracted to Caucasian men.

Unfortunately there’s nothing that can be done about that, it’s a matter of human nature.



Reply to Matt on View the commented comment

Do you really think it's about looks?



Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Initially yes..... Most men and women want to be with someone they are attracted to physically. When you first meet online in real life, the attraction is purely physical. From there turns into emotional attraction or repulsion depending on their personality traits.

If you’re not with a person because your attracted to them both physically and emotionally, you’re in the relationship for convenience, material gains, or have settled for 2nd best due to loneliness.... none are the basis of a genuine relationship.
