
Men & women



I have been on this site since 2008 but for some reason it was really different back then than now

I have been on this site since 2008 but for some reason it was really different back then than now. Women were more talkative and more nice to talk with, now girls on this site are rude and ignore too much when you write them a message. I really don't know what's wrong with the women on this site but i don't understand why they always ignore all the time, it's like they can't even hold a conversation. They always tend to block without reason and i'm really getting sick of it! I'm a handsome guy and I have a lot to offer in a serious relationship and i know women have preferences but this is really ridiculous and i don't know what the problem is with the women on this site. Women from Russia on this site seem to be more of problem because they always tend to look at a guys photo and judge them without knowing them at all, they think they know what a real man is and that really is ridiculous too. I have never met anyone women on this site before but never judge a man by his photo without meeting him first in person. I don't understand the women from Saint Petersburg for some reason they are just so hard to talk with and they only want a lighter complexion guy for some reason. Here are some of the women that I have a problem with on the site (* логины скрыты, так как нельзя публиковать координаты или контактные данные других людей *), these women can't even hold a conversation at all they only want light complexion guy. I just wish there were some actually nicer women on this site for a change, i'm really sick and tired of how women act on this site of today. I'm just being honest about my feeling on this site so please don't insult me or try to argue with me because it's the truth. The women on this site are just not as interesting as before.



Hello, Desmond. You complain that you do not respond to your messages. Say that women are not culturally received no reply to you. You also did not respond to messages. I wrote to you. And hysteria on this issue are not satisfied. Start with yourself.Likely to have a problem. Then talk about the claims of women.Russian woman are not aggressive. They are just here on the site have become smarter and more cautious. Good luck Anna
On t


Irina, 45 y.o.

United States

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Desmond, after your posting, I decided to spend time looking at your profile, so that I can better understand why you haven't been successful in you search... well
1. Russian ladies not as desperate as they use to be years ago, when any foreigner was a heaven sent
2. there is more options as well for women, so again no one is going to "jump" on you just because you said "hello"
3. in majority (no offense) russian women looking for caucasian/ white men
4, your profile has lots of pictures,, but only 3 (which looks out of date) of you.
P.S. what's wrong with desire for slim/thletic man?!



The same I can say about men from this site  


Tatiana, 37 y.o.


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A very interesting position. You spent 4 years here and have not met a very good and lovely woman, whom were a lot on this site before (as you say). This is really strange! Or do you just want to talk and as a result woman lose a hope with you. What do you think?
I hope your soul cry will be heard!)))


Alla, 44 y.o.


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Люди все разные здесь и характеры тоже.Ты пишешь о женщинах ,что они часто грубы в общении,но есть и мужчины здесь тоже такие же,и в большинстве они здесь развлекаются виртуально,я не вижу в них ни какой серьезности!А женщины на этом сайте хотят найти свою судьбу ,но мало у кого это получается.Женщины пишут мужчинам письма,а мужчины часто не дают ответа вообще ни какого!Поэтому твое мнение имеет правду,женщины теряют надежду,так же как и мужчины здесь!Не злись и не воспринимай так все,встретишь ты свою любовь ,я в это верю!



Dude, it's okay we all experience this. But try to keep it up and eventually you'll meet a girl you like. I think you should always try to address girls specifically, try to look interesting and unique. I know it's hard to keep up the enthusiasm after so many rejections, but the frustration due to rejections might reinforce the low response rate. I mean you keep losing hope, so you're not trying hard to phrase a nice letter to every girl, because you think "she'll ignore me anyways like all the others". So try to avoid this feeling and it'll work out. I did for me.

I also don't get why women do this all the time. You have a few exchanges of messages, everything seems great, she totally looks interested, then she disappears. You simply stops writing you back for no reason, and you don't know why.

A bigger problem is that LOTS of women here just go for money. You wouldn't think there are so many. So I advise you to avoid girls who pose in front of nice cars, hotels, and every picture of hers were taken at some expensive vacation resort.



Reply to Viktor on View the commented comment

Девочки, не могу не прокомментировать письмо Виктора. Кто из вас здесь ищет исключительно мужчин с большими деньгами? Признавайтесь.
Поразительно, как можно не видеть очевидного - большинство женщин ищет тепла, взаимопонимания. Вы хотя бы профили читаете? Читайте профили, читайте внимательно, а не разглядывайте фото.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Да, Светлана. Кто с деньгами - и без сайта обойдется   



Hi, Desmond! The cry of soul is your posting. Well, sorry I've looked through your profile. And I must say that I completely agree with Irina (33) from the USA Floral Park in all 4 points. Foreigners are suspicious of Russian/Ukrainian ladies but ladies are suspicious too. I've been on the site for 2 years and 3 months and understand that it's really DIFFICULT TO FIND A MATCH!!!
I also know that some women here are rude and badly behaved on skype. False photos and photoshop are used not only by women but men as well. I don't want to comment on your photos, they're only 3 in reality...
I've noticed a strange thing - when I ask men who are without a photo in the gallery to send one, they usually send photos of dogs, motorbikes and views of the area where they live. Is it a tendency?
How should the girl behave if she sees a guy on the photo taken in the toilet or bathroom? Which reaction are you expecting, guys?

But I must say I'm lucky - I've found here only nice and polite men.

Well, the site is getting better, there are more opportunities to communicate.
Don't lose hope!



Dear Desmond, the point is that in out aria (Russia, Ukraine) the most people have any prejudices about dark people. Being in relationship with any dark man (even he is OK, polite and very good position) for a girl is not welcomed by surroundings in Russia (her parents don't approve it)and is very untypical. The roots of it go in our deep history. Our history is different from the history of USA)))And the most of our population used to be white for along time before.You shouldn't be desperate about it. You should be with a girl who loves you really and and who admits you. Is it your strong longing to have any white girl? So you should be patient then.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Honestly, what can you say when the girl sets her country of preference only to North America and Western Europe? What's wrong with South America? What's wrong with Eastern Europe? Oh wait, these are not wealthy countries. Also, she puts up 20 pictures about cars, beaches, and luxury hotels. This is VERY common on this site. I mean among the younger generation of course.
Anyways, I personally met a girl like this in Ukraine. We were in daily skype-conversations for 5 months, she seemed like the sweetest, nicest, most innocent girl ever. She turned out to have another boyfriend back home, who is a millionaire and lets her live like a princess. She doesn't love him, but still stays with him for his money. So I obviously don't talk to her anymore.
I know, I shouldn't generalize, but this phenomenon is VERY common among girls in their 20s. No one is actually going to admit that they are going for money, but magically, if the guy is not rich, he is automatically out.



Ответ для Виктора.
Виктор, у Вас комплексы. Что Вы все анализируете финансовые желания женщин. Их машины или нет. У меня дорогая спортивная машина и не одна. И это не значит, что мне их покупали мужчины. Все женщины разные. Каждая в жизни себя устраивает как может. И законы природы никто не отменял. Всегда будет выбирался мужчина который имеет деньги, здоров и силен. Только с таким партнером можно растить детей. Если Вы не достигли этого уровня, не теряйте время на сайте идите зарабатывайте деньги. И все женщины мира будут Ваши. Удачи



Привет дорогой Десмонд! Ты очень сипатичный и умный парень! Жаль что у нас такая разница в возрасте. Я бы написала тебе сама. Я пришла на этот сайт чтобы найти чернокожего мужчину потому что мне нравятся именно такие , а дома на Украине это невозможно сам понимаешь! Я думаю что наше время еще не пришло! Все будет хорошо . Только не теряй надежды и не обижайся. Меня тоже не все мои друзья понимают.удачи тебе и позитива.



Reply to Viktor on View the commented comment

Виктор .. Это очень грустный момент в твоей жизни . Ничего не поделаешь . Разочарования случаются в жизни любого человека.. Но что нас не убивает , то делает нас сильнее . И мудрее . И не стоит впадать в уныние и полную агрессивную уверенность , что все наши девушки , до и после 20 , именно ТАКИЕ . ТАКИХ , действительно , много .. Как и много других девчонок - совестливых и не ищущих только лишь материальную выгоду от парней . Поверь , ты в этом еще убедишься !! Ты хороший , симпатичный парень , и обязательно найдешь свою единственную и неповторимую девочку . Просто отпусти свою обиду . Не таскай её всюду за собой .Это ОЧЕНЬ ТЯЖЕЛЫЙ ГРУЗ , который абсолютно не стоит твоих усилий . БРОСЬ ЭТО !!! и просто подожди еще чуть-чуть )) .. Я искренне желаю тебе большой , большой ЛЮБВИ и УДАЧИ !


Anna, 46 y.o.


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Здравствуйте, конечно у некоторых наших женщин есть предрассудки по поводу цвета кожи. Но, я думаю, у Вас все будет замечательно. Не расстраивайтесь. Прийдет время и Вы встретите свою самую родную и любимую. Главное, не отчаиваться.



Reply to Viktor on View the commented comment

Dear Victor! I see you're a nice man and you can't forget that girl. Now it's very difficult for you to start new relationships. You know there's such thing in life as temptation. Not all people can stand the temptation of money. That girl preferred money. That was her choice. She hasn't betrayed you but herself.
Don't lose hope please. Pain will leave.
From the bottom of my heart I wish you to find a girl who will love you.



Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

I like it how some women here are outraged when someone recognizes the fact that plenty of girls go for money. I think it also has to do with the fact that all of you belong to an older generation who have seen so many things, so materialism won't impress you anymore, as you're probably thinking of your future to live with someone. But I am telling you, girls in their 20s whose main concern is not necessarily to find a loving husband for the rest of their lives, they still want to "live", they are more exposed to this temptation. Especially when it's available so easily.



Well hello everyone my name is Marsen, I'm new to this site from California. I was referred by Desmond (his username is Desio) to come on this site to join since we both work together and are friends. I want to make a board about a situation on about what Desmond said on his board. Everyone he's a good person and you all don't even know him, please don't attack someone from making a personal input about the women on the site. If someone's makes a judgement on his experience don't attack him and insulting him. Desmond is a good person and a fine man. He never disrespected any Russian girl, it was only from his experience on the site not real life. You people don't even know Desmond to judge him.


Ilona, 43 y.o.


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Reply to Irina on View the commented comment

Nicely said, Irina  



Reply to Viktor on View the commented comment

How do u understand that a girl is there for money? Did she let u know that she needs money or any other words? Thanks



Reply to Viktor on View the commented comment

Hey Viktor, I agree with you! I see those girls all the time, since I speak Russian it is easier for me understand the mintality. If I meet such girls in real life, I make sure to destroy their self-esteem which they did not have to begin with. And guess what? They are used to men dating and dumping them, because no smart man wants such an expensive toy. Even if they do, toys get old too   But those shallow girls do account for about 50% of girls on this website. Them being rude is another story.
Уважаемые девушки, когда вы фоткаетесь на фоне чужих Мерседесов - это вообще зачем? Почему нужно фоткать себя в зеркало Айфоном? Почему 50% девушек на этом сайте в графе "что вы ищете в партнере" пишут "щедрость"? Я поддерживаю мужиков в этой теме, хотя я лучше понимаю что к чему.



Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Так и живем, зарабатываем деньги и не теряем время. А там 50 лет стукнет, зачем уже дети и семья? А женщинам всегда мало, как известно. При этом сколько женщин на этом сайте согласны привезти мужчину к себе в страну и купить ему машину, сделать документы, найти работу? А, вам такие проблемные мужики не нужны? А зачем нам такие женщины с кучей проблем? Себя в зеркало не видно, как известно.



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Stan, у меня встречный вопрос.
Уважаемые мужчины, когда вы фотографируетесь в шлемах - это зачем? Почему нужно фотографировать себя в туалете или ванной? Зачем вместо своих фотографий ставить фотографии собак?
По поводу щедрости. Нет ничего страшнее мелочного мужика. Когда женщина мелочится, это понятно, потому что она сама вся состоит из мелочей. Но когда мужчина мелочен, это же противоестественно!!!



Reply to Inessa on View the commented comment

Инесса, здраствуйте.
Вы не задавайте этих вопросов Stany
Он себя очень любит. И считает, себя компитентным во всех вопросах.



Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

Аня, вот пусть и ответит, если он компетентный, а то я у иностранных мужчин спрашивала, а они молчат. Вот у нашего спрашиваю. Уже и по-английски и по-русски. А собаки на фото уже достали...


Tommaso, 67 y.o.

Spain, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

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Vero. Pieno di donne maleducate che non rispondono ai messaggi. Molto meglio dire un "no non mi interessi" che non rispondere.



You really have issues, pal.
Probably the women are just sick and tired or reading all your moaning and complaining.
