Men & women
She and me! Willing to travel for the love of your life ?. Let's say Central America!
Love is the most beautiful thing that exists. How many people think that? I would love to meet that woman who gives everything for love, who lives to be happy and make her partner happy; that would not mind traveling to the end of the world, just to be or find the love of his life. Would they be willing to make such a sacrifice out of love? Comment
Она и я! Хотите путешествовать ради любви к своей жизни? Скажем, Центральная Америка!
Любовь - самая красивая вещь, которая существует. Сколько людей это думает? Я хотел бы встретить эту женщину, которая дает все для любви, которая живет, чтобы быть счастливой и сделать ее партнера счастливым; это не помешает путешествовать до конца света, просто чтобы быть или найти любовь к его жизни. Будут ли они готовы сделать такую жертву из любви? Комментарий ..

Luis, I see you speak Spanish and work in Law in typical lawyer fashion you not say to much to incriminate you.(study some Russian too it will serve you good) ... I think you are young and realistic.. photo looks good save for the fact the format makes it very small to view... unless a girl looks at this on home cinema she won’t know what you will look like close! Best of luck and add a better larger picture that’s more visible! We also have said before about the America’s being not most affluent areas but your a lawyer I hope you are paid to answer messages other than just forum has you could stand a chance of success here
Best of luck and best regards Dave

Always nice to see Billy & Gracie! In England we have a tradition with television 📺 and film with dogs 🐶 seeing Gracie here and on your profile reminds me of our much loved Schnorbitz who for many years was with our television star Bernie Winters and then another dog of same name was with Richard De Vere on his show.. however both men are now died sadly! . myself I used to have a Old English Mastiff called Layla these dogs are giant breeds and my Layla died just before her tenth birthday ... sorry I’ve gone off subject slightly but yes I also love 💕 dogs and there love is always unconditional