
Men & women



The hard price we have to get happiness

Discussion on the forum of some topics about the relationship reminds me of a stool analysis, sorry. Some of them have left, and others sit and argue, digging in a strange crap.
How often we incorrectly start to cost a new relationship. We mistakenly expect from the partner what we want, but do not get. And why? Because there are no identical people. There are no ideal and specifically brought up for us! Each has its own character, temperament, upbringing, living environment.... Everyone has a rich knowledge and experience in building relationships. Everyone knows what they want from their man or their woman. Yes, we all see what should be a person with whom we can live a life... But often we want the impossible and demand it from others. One cannot require love from a man if he is incapable of loving. One cannot claim respect if he cannot respect the feelings of other people. It is impossible for a person to do what you want all the time. It is because he is a man, not a robot and not your toy. He also has his feelings, needs and.... Expectations. We can tell a loved one about his desires, dreams, feelings... But do not try to change. This is the mistake of many men and women. Be realistic: Don't demand more from a person than he can give you. And don't blame him for that. Just a man lives the way he pleases. He's what he is. So are you. It is necessary to understand that everything really depends on desire. If a person wants you and wants to change something in his life for the sake of both of you, he will adjust and change. But do not bend under you!



Let me summarise this for you:
1);"Nothing good comes easy" (English saying)
2) "Don't take old luggage (rubbish) from a past relationship with you, unless you want it to be a VERY short journey." (Ben's wisdom   )
"Stool analysis" - poor you! You have a very gloomy picture!



С переводом здесь вообще беда, как я посмотрю....
