Men & women

Juan Francisco
Respuesta a wiwiena 41
I do not know in sant petersburgo, but before criticizing? please inform first ok ?. in Spain, WE HAVE FREE HOSPITALS, WE HAVE FREE DOCTORS, you say you do not understand because I pay for a hospital, I hope that now your doubts are clarified, if you in Russia pay for a hospital? Spaniards are not guilty, that you have to open a topic and discuss it with the Putin government, thanks for the attention and greetings to everyone.
and why am I now absolutely sure of my suspicions?)) You absolutely understood what I wrote to you. I think - you threw in trouble your woman with a sick mother in her arms.. To name a woman a scammer is a often phenomenon for not see the reality. Have you created another topic so that people do not read my arguments? I can repeat it.. like copy) sorry, no time find other words..

"Hallo Juan! your stories are very strange .. on the one hand you do not believe your woman and are afraid to lose euros .. but on the other hand - you are ready to book a hospital, pay for treatment in your country for her mother - for free? its really very funny)) your proposal is an absolute fiction, sorry)) It is quite obvious that these are just fantasies. Sorry. Make visas, transport for the med operation the sick Grandma to another country (for what? for you can sleep good without worryes? ).. with a meeting at the ambulance.. that costs ..olala.. but here you are ready?)).. You look ridiculous. I read your story first time - and I see .. in the hard minute from you will only empty talks and childhood fantasies.. I am sure - she thinks the same.. It was enought just to tell her - sorry, your financial problems are only yours, for this moment. It could to be honest, by the way.. For this moment you are ready only talk about love, worlds problems, but not ready spend money. It is your right, of course. But real life is a very hard thing sometimes. I cant always believe in scammer girls and clean mind mens complaints.. people are not silly around you, too.. sorry, I can mistake.."

"if a person is sick - it's pretty simple to find out. Medical cards, analyzes .. It is completely foolish to take an elderly person abroad. Will you translate every word for her? to help her in the shower and toilet? How will she explain her needs to foreigners? Your proposal is a shame .. Although .. what an offer))? you just found a way to leave your lady in trouble .. this is really her problem .. but I would also tear off all contacts with you .. no one is looking for "parrots I love you", everyone is looking for a real men .. and sometimes yes, empty words are garbage .."

просто человек считает всех вокруг не очень умными. Он не верит своей женщине, но считает что все должны верить ему. Испания не разбежалась лечить пожилую бабушку из другой страны. Но до этого еще нужно дожить.. Могу представить - перевезти эту бабушку, сделать визы, купить билеты, возможно нужна медсестра для сопровождения, постоянный переводчик - вряд ли бабушка сможет внятно объяснить что у нее болит испанскому доктору. Лечение еще не началось - а уже требуется гора денег. Наверное он думает, что его женщина поверит ему на слово и заплатит за это сама. Это же ее мать, правда?) Я уже не говорю о трудностях, с которыми столкнется пожилая мать в тяжелом состоянии. Столько тяжелых испытаний, чтобы якобы получить лечение и чтобы жених не считал дочь мошенницей. А потом нужна реабилитация, кстати.. Наверное это тоже будет проблема Испании.. Как удобно, когда ты говоришь о любви, а твои проблемы и проблемы твоей дамы решает кто-то третий.. Представляю, если всю эту процессию в аэропорту Испании так никто и не встретит.. Конечно женщина прочитала все это и все поняла. Ее мама - это ее проблема. Тут нет никаких претензий.. просто я думаю ей было очень обидно понять реальность, и обвинения, и глупые сказки хотя мужчина мог просто промолчать, объяснить свое видение, что каждый пока сам за себя, и не позориться..
Да что тут говорить об испанце, когда мой любимый из моего же родного города отказался оплатить лечение.
If an old lady is not spanish citizen she won't get free treatment. A wife or a girlfriend can get free medical treatment from insurance of her husband or boyfriend only after proving she lived for a year with him in spain by paper and not earlier, they have to be registered under the same roof for a year to get free treatment. Then you should marry this old lady, wait for a year and then she will get free treatment, then divorce her after she is healed and marry your real girlfriend. When I was in spain I had to pay 80 euros only to get an anthibiotics prescription from my cough, nothing is free for foreigners there.

Juan Francisco
thank you will see, I appreciate all your effort (useless) in answering and in attention and kindness to you I will answer you.
wiwiena from st. petersburg does not know how to read english and I have no fault that this lady criticizes what in the wall tell my story, read well please, NO SOME WOMAN SICK, I want to write very transparent, I just tell the story of a scammer , even one of the moderators warned that yes, it is real, that a man with the story of a sick mother (ghost) was cheated 2,500 euros and this is real! , I only wrote with a woman from ukraine and without knowing each other? Tells me the typical story of a sick mother and tells me to send money (I do not know if it's a man, woman or mafia, never see in camera or real) to follow the game of the scammer? I tell him I do not understand, that in Spain OUR PEOPLE HAVE ALL FREE (clarify well, ours, Spain) and as I do not send the money blocks me, I can now tell you that I have my mother sick and I need 2000 euros you send them to me? , if you send them to me tell me if and I send my bank account and it does not matter if you know me or not, but if you do not send it to me? were you the bad one in the movie? this very presumed lady of St. Petersburg sticks her noses in and does not know where, criticizes everyone (you can check it on the wall) and now to clarify more who I am? I will tell you that in my curriculum I have more than 200 scammers in prison, I work with the f.b.i and the c.i.a, I beg of you before criticizing me you inform me first ok? ,regards


Juan)) We are not talking about mythical women .. We are talking about Your Woman.. And her situation .. But I feel the same - it is very hard to be Real Men
Nobody's going to criticize you Juah Francisco believe me)
There's a confusion here, a language confusion and
there is just a problem of misunderstanding between you and Wiwiene who's get your words in a wrong way.
Following your link- I will tell you that in my curriculum I have more than 200 scammers in prison, I work with the f.b.i and the c.i.a, - you sound like a very experied man))
You had lot of examples from life and lot of experience - so why worry? why wonder? - just take that experience positively and be wise and happy))) life is easy if you take it in a smart way not too seriously)) Kind regards to you and be happy