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Mind matching. The left brain vs right brain

Dear All,

People say that mental synchronization is very important for a succesful relation. However research says that humans are either good with right brain or left brain, or some more right than left and vice versa. Now, I have always been told that I am a left brained person because I am good with numbers, logics and mathematics. But, I love creativity which is on the right brain. I believe, I will be very happy with a person who is right brained and may be we can compensate each others weaknesses and create synergy. Our kids might have better brains on both sides. But, I want to ask people if they have experience of having an issue with living and accomodating with some one who has different mental capacity. It may be like, an engineer or financial advisor living with an artist or designer. But let's not give the examples of celebrities, because that is a total different scenario. Let's talk about ordinary people like you and me.

If you can't read the text on the picture, please read the following description. Also, use the following text to translate the English written on the image:

Left Brain: I am the left brain. I am a scientist. A mathematician. I love the familiar. I categorize. I am accurate. Linear. Analytical. Strategic. I am practical. Always in control. A master of words and language. Realistic. I calculate equations and play with numbers. I am order. I am logic. I know exactly who I am.

Right brain: I am the right brain. I am creativity. A free spirit. I am passion. Yearning. Sensuality. I am the sound of roaring laughter. I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feat. I am movement. Vivid colors. I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. I am boundless imagination. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel. I am everything I wanted to be.

Thanks a lot for your thoughts.





Дорогой Doctor,
Возможно, вам это будет интересно. Для определения доминантного полушария существует простой тест "крутящаяся девушка". Если вы видите, что она крутится по часовой стрелке - задействовано левое полушарие, если против часовой стрелки - правое.

ps. у меня лично она крутится в обе стороны  



Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

Проверила-совпадает  . Хотя крутиться могу в любую сторону, удобнее все-таки по часовой стрелке.


Natalia, 52 y.o.


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Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

Любовь у меня крутится по часовой стрелке. Но как можно назвать меня левополушарной? Это будет загадка для ученых: ни логики ни порядка, одни эмоции без причины и результата.



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Наташа, не воспринимайте буквально   Возможно, это просто означает, что вы не левша. У меня сначала тоже по часовой стрелке, а потом туда-сюда. Эмоций у меня тоже больше, чем порядка!  



Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

Thanks for that. It is very interesting...



Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

I agree that this observation is not the ultimate test. I teach finance to students. I have to observe them over long term to determine their cognitive orientation.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Do you like mathematics or art?



Reply to Doctor on View the commented comment

mathematics, analysis, logic, and ... music  


Anna, 48 y.o.


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Reply to Lyubov on View the commented comment

У меня тоже. Причем в какой-то момент она останавливается (какой-то миг) и нначинает крутится в другую сторону.    Но я девушка талантлива во всем  . Все время сомневаюсь куда мне: к умным или красивым       



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Ao you are like me. Left brained.



Reply to Anna on View the commented comment

You can be talented in all. But the questions is your mathematics better than memory or vice versa?
