Men & women

Hello every one. Yes I am posting again. So, for a time I have been idle, watching, reading learning. I have a question or two to ask about travel. As an American, When I travel to any country, my passport gets a stamp upon arrival, some times when passing through.I notice in Russia all people are required to have a passport. Yes or no?
I ask, when a Russian citizen travels from their city to another city, does their passport receive a stamp for that travel?
I also notice that some countries are available for Russian citizens to travel without a visa. Do you think it is better to meet a woman from eastern Europe in a different country.
Thank you.

In Russia we have 2 type of passports:
1) national identity document - citizenship evidence, gets stamp when we get married, have children, change our permanent place of residence, get passport for traveling abroad.
2) passport for traveling abroad - gets a stamp upon arrival/departure every time we pass the Russian state border.
Concerning meeting in a third country - depends on your and your woman's budget and prospects.

Hello Rick!
Russians have two passports. And when traveling through Russian cities, stamps are not put on an internal Russian passport.
My first two meetings with my husband were held in such visa-free countries.
Only the third meeting was in the country of my husband.
This is Turkey and Cyprus.
I did not have a Schengen visa.
When entering and leaving Russia, a stamp is placed in the international passport.
If your lady is from the Russian Federation and she does not have a Schengen visa, but there is a foreign passport, you can meet in a visa-free country.
Good luck Rick !!

To date, there is a fairly impressive number of countries in which Russian citizens can get:
1) without a passport;
2) with a foreign passport, but without a visa;
3) with a foreign passport
4) with a foreign passport and receipt of a visa online in advance.
List of countries in which citizens of the Russian Federation do not need an international passport:
Abkhazia (90), Armenia (180), Belarus (without registration 90 days), Kazakhstan (90), Kyrgyzstan (30), South Ossetia (90).
* the maximum number of days of stay is indicated in parentheses
List of countries in which citizens of the Russian Federation need a visa, but do not need a visa:
Azerbaijan (90), Antigua and Barbuda (30), Argentina (90), Albania (90, without visas between 15 May and 15 November), Bahamas (90), Barbados (2 , Bosnia and Herzegovina (30), Botswana 90), Guyana (90), Gambia (56), Guatemala (90) (90), Haiti (90), Haiti (90), Haiti), Hong Kong (14), Grenada (90), Georgia (365), Guam (45), Dominica (21), Dominican Republic (30), Israel (90), Indonesia (30), Iran (since 2017 only in tourist groups), Qatar (30), Colombia (90), Costa Rica ), Laos (15), Mauritius (60), Macedonia (90), Macao (30), Malaysia (30), Maldives (30), Morocco (120), Micronesia (30), Moldova (90), Mongolia ), Namibia (120), Nauru (14), Nicaragua (90) United Arab Emirates (30) Paraguay (90), Peru (90), El Salvador (90), Samoa (60), Seychelles (30) (90) , Saint Kitts and Nevis (90), Saint Lucia (90 years), 42), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (90), Serbia (30), Suriname (60), Tajikistan Thailand (90), Tunisia (90), Tunisia (90), Turkey (90), Uzbekistan (60), Ukraine (90), Urug (90), Fiji (90), Trinidad and Tobago 120), Philippines (30), Hrnogoriya), Chile (90), Ecuador (90), South Korea (60), South Africa (90), Jamaica (30) .
* the maximum number of days of stay is indicated in parentheses
A list of countries in which Russian citizens need a passport and a visa is issued at the border:
Bangladesh ($ 15, cost $ 50), Bahrain ($ 30, $ 75), Belize ($ 30, cost $ 50), Burundi ($ 30 only with the special permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs international airport and seaport of Dili), Ghana (90 years, with a permit for visas), Djibouti (30), Egypt (30), Zambia (90), Zimbabwe (90 tourists, 30 enterprises), India (30, with online visas on the territory of the Republic of Turkey, Cape (30), Cambodia (30 years), Iraq (with the number of conditions including arrival in Aqaba), Iraq (14 days, applies only to Kurdistan, requires a visa the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kurdistan) ), Kenya (90 years, evisa), Cyprus (90, if there is a pro-visa), PRC (only Hainan Island - up to 15 days, a / p Dalian - transit 7 days, checkpoints for residents of border areas) , Comoros (14), Kuwait (30 under certain conditions), Lebanon (90), Madagascar (90), Mali, Myanmar (28 years, evisa), Nepal (90) (30), Paraguay (90), Pitcairn (14 under certain conditions, Samoa W (60), Sao Tome and Principe (with permi ssion to issue a visa online), St. Petersburg. Helena (up to 183 days, does not apply to about., Revival and the archipelago of Tristan da Cunha), Syria (15), Tanzania (90 tourist visas, transit 14 days), Togo (7 days, cost 17 US dollars), Topga (30, free visa), Tuvalu (30), Turkmenistan (10 under certain conditions), Uganda, CAR (7), Sri Lanka (30, visa cost US $ 30), Ethiopia (30, visa cost US $ 30) .
* the maximum number of days of stay is indicated in parentheses
List of countries in which citizens of the Russian Federation need a passport and in which a visa is issued online in advance:
Bahrain (14), Gabon (90), Guinea-Bissau (90), India (30), Cyprus (90), Kuwait (90), Mexico (180), Montserrat (365), Myanmar (2 , Rwanda ), Niger (365), Oman (30), Singapore (35).
* the maximum number of days of stay is indicated in parentheses

In my opinion the quickest most romantic location to meet is Tbilisi but has a whole Georgia 🇬🇪 is "the best country to meet a girl" the tropical spa resort of Batumi on the Black Sea is also another beautiful location within this amazing country!
You can get cheap yet top quality accomadation here!! Food is international quality and both food and wine in Georgia is classed by many has the worlds best wine and cuisine. It's indeed the cradle of wine making and wine has been made here since time began and more variety of grape than anywhere else.. landscape is best in the world and has very good climate all year round!! The people say "every visitor is a gift from god. In Tbilisi all Muslims pray together the only place in the world where sunny and shire muslims do this at..... yet it's still a Christian country!!! mtskheta is most beautiful for its hill monastery... everyone can go 1 year visa free to Georgia English, Russian, American it's the least corrupt and most safe country in Eastern Europe and if a girl says no to Georgia meet I would question her motives this country is loved by everyone and one of the few country's that's friends with everyone and tourism is its main income coming from years of war... $2 gets you a uber trip!!! I've bought bag full of doughnuts 🍩 for a few cents maybe 3 bags of mini doughnuts for a dollar!! Like I say it's all quality at good prices AirB&B is silly cheap I was there I got a brand new 2 bedroomed apartment VIP for £30 a night I think we was first people in there and was 2 bedrooms... I'd put Georgia top of any dating destination list and like I say it's a year without need for a visa for everyone!!! Having spent over two weeks in Georgia I'm a huge fan!! It's very popular with Americans too and only place has a Englishman I've found the Wendy's chain outside USA 🇺🇸 I love this country... the country is tolerant to everyone of all cultures and a very very safe and welcoming feel!! see the link watch the video (its title is don't come to Georgia (because you won't want to leave) and you will see why any Russian girl with a pulse should agree at the beauty that's unrivalled... nice to see you back Rick
My point is that Georgia is fun and about life and love and not money or aimed at exploiting tourists....

I forgot to mention Rezo Gabriadze the wonderful man who built the pub restaurant clock and puppet theatre 🎭 and he sometimes can be found here also... despite the fame the cost is life normal prices. The mans most famous Georgian film director.... the lock bridge love/peace bridge ❤️ and old city wall restaurant and the alphabet tower over in Batumi they have a jazz festival in Tbilisi and jazz singer is a very amazing venue for jazz you could be mistaken for thinking you was in New Orleans!!! Read up go there and impress your woman!!
Надя, отвечу за Рика. Сейчас очень сложно получить американскую визу россиянам. После высылки американских дипломатов прошлой осенью, время ожидания собеседования на туристическую визу В1\В2 в консульстве в Москве растянулось до года. Когда-то можно было за неделю это сделать. Консульство в СПб вообще закрылось. Знаю, что многие, кто может себе позволить, летают в соседние государства, чтобы пройти собеседование - в Грузию, Армению, Украину, Прибалтийские страны.
Of course it's beautiful but there are things that might disturb. First drivers going at extreme speed and not following the rules, it is very dangerous to walk there. In Russia we have it as well, but in Georgia it comes to extremes. Second, local men. If Rick's girlfriend has light hair they won't leave her in peace, there will be shouting to her at the street, cars will be stopping and so on. Also even if woman doesn't need a visa to go there she still needs international passport and it costs from 3500 to 5000 roubles depending on a type of a passport (newer or older form, for 5 or 10 years). And it might take a month or more to get it if a woman doesn't have it. I don't have it for example. Prices you named are the same as in hotels in Sochi, Tuapse, Anapa and so on. An interesting place to go would be Imeretinski bay near Sochi as resourt and olympic objects were built there at 2014.
David, I second your opinion that Georgia is a wonderful country to go. The country is beautiful, full of historical sites, safe, well connected to major European cities, affordable, and the people are friendly and hospitable. Tbilisi is a romantic city with unique flavore and atmosphere, plenty of small cafes with delishious local cousine. I would also recommend to hire a local tour guide with a car and take a tour to Alazan Valley for wine testing. No doubts, that was a highlight of our trip. We both cannot wait to go back.
P.S. Sorry, can't compare Tbilisi to dirty, steamy, freaky, and dangerous NOLA. Tbilisi is superior
Вера, вы меня простите, я не хочу вас задеть, но я не устаю удивляться вашему исключительному таланту во всем найти негатив. Я блондинка, никто меня в Грузии не обидел и ничего похожего на приставания я не заметила. Наоборот, исключительно уважительное отношение к женщинам. Водители - да, встречаются лихачи, но они есть и в Москве, и в Хьюстоне, и в любом другом месте. Цены низкие, Дэвид прав. Еда очень дешевая. А заграничный паспорт женщине надо иметь, если приходишь в МД, это уж как минимум.

Да я это слышала. Но тогда можно искать женщину не из России ? Украина , Казахстан, Узбекистан, Армения... много других стран , где нет таких сложностей с визами . Зачем искать женщину которой нужно делать загранпаспорт , визы, оплачивать ей курсы англицского , оплачивать ее кредиты, если есть много женщин которые не имеют таких проблем ? Я сейчас понимаю , что многие возмущаться будут , но мне очень интересна иждивенческая позиция некоторых женщин
Надя, я тоже задавала такой вопрос мужу. Зачем? Зачем все эти сложности тебе? Сложностей было и остается много, хотя у меня не было ни кредитов, ни проблем с визами, английский я худо-бедно знала. Мой любимый затрудняется ответить на этот вопрос. Наверное, просто судьба, что случайно наткнулся на мой профайл ))) Я думаю, что когда мужчины приходят на сайт знакомств, не все понимают, через что придется пройти. А потом встречают женщину, к которой появляются чувства, и начинается проверка чувств реалиями жизни.
Ну вам же 46, вот никто и не выкрикивал. Вот было бы вам до 30, тогда всё это бы наблюдалось. Мне на форуме тут уже написали иностранные мужчины, что женщина в 45 уже старая и её время вышло и что бы она не предпринимала, это уже не поможет. Так что не удивляйтесь, что на вас там не позарились. Тут советовали Батуми, про Батуми я и писала, всё-таки море, курорт. Может в Тбилиси по-другому.

Svetlana thank you for the 2nd & 3rd opinion off you and your husband and your beautiful picture together that proves DM Planet works and makes people happy...
Can I ask was Georgia your first date or did you meet somewhere else before? Yes Georgia get tourism but unlike many places in this world it's still natural and mostly unspoilt but won't stay like that forever and now is the time to go there. Before it's hit by mass commercialism
Tbilisi is such romantic city too for a first date. I personally think it's cleaner than Paris and has a charm you don't get in Paris. Svetlana did you visit the cafe on the way up the hill on way to the cable car? With the cozy seats that advertise the Apple Pie and has the 🐱 cats?

Вот Вы сейчас демонизировали грузин
хватает там своих блондинок-грузинок.. вообще, грузинки (и чеченки) самые красивые на Кавказе!
вспомнился фильм (о стереотипах, кстати) - Любовь С Акцентом, как одна НЕгрузинка не дождалась подтверждения некоторым своим ожиданиям

Света , если ты и задавала эти вопросы , то не по причине , что собиралась все взвалить на его хрупкие американские плечи . ))) я о Рике беспокоюсь, чтобы он был более вдумчивым и предусмотрительным . Чтобы понимал , что женщина тоже должна вкладываться хотя бы эмоционально ,поддерживала, искала информацию , если оба партнера действуют сообща, то и результат лучше . Может быть и приятно себя чувствовать на фоне "малоимущей и беспомощной " женщины всесильным волшебником , но мозг тоже включать надо . Искать ровню, а не кого пожалеть и приголубить и ждать от нее преданной любви за материальные блага .
Честно , странно читать от Дэвида , что мы такие все нищие и убогие в своей стране . Не дождетесь , мы вот без чемодана за 500 ( не помню точную цифру) евро на свидания не ездим .

Света , ты говоришь осложностях адаптации . А Рик пока что о первой встрече . На которую ему
могут предложить оплатить паспорт , визу , кучу своих "хотелок ". Если изначально отработать стратегию , то легче будет прийти к цели .

Vera please feel free to have a negative arguement with me or Ben or post things copied off the internet.
Has its all up for debate in a possitive or negative way, because that's how the forum seems to of operated for so long now and of course DM Planet encourages free speech within reason, has long has things don't get too personal....
HOWEVER!!! What you cannot do is advise other members that one of the worlds mostly undiscovered GEMS 💎 is infact TRASH!! Have you been to Georgia? Or is this more of what you have read on pages of the internet? I will now address your answer!
First drivers going at extreme speed and not following the rules.. in the old part of the city it's not full of fast roads and has you enter the first part of the old city where uber and taxis drop you off there are traffic police there all day and same with European square!
And whilst there I didn't feel it was less safe than roads elsewhere... roads in Kiev and especially Poland I feel are much less safe than Tbilisi. I feel the dangers you point out are hugely exaggerated, sorry!
Second, local men. If Rick's girlfriend has light hair they won't leave her in peace, really!!!!!
I am not here to give out personal information about my life however my journey to Tbilisi was with my son and a date who was slim with blonde hair we was in Tbilisi a week and there was not one occasion where she was disrespected or shouted at or abused by Georgian man and to the contrary she informed me that Georgian man was interesting to Russian woman has it's a country that predominantly follows Christianity!!
You are getting your information mixed up with other country's in the region.
You will find the hypocritical country of Turkey is where men disrespect women and think there a piece of meat whilst on many occasions there Muslim wife is at home!!!
These man often have many western girlfriends which isn't something they will willingly admit to the elders who are devoutly Muslim and respectful of there faith (im not saying all Turks and I'm sorry if any Turks are reading my observations here)
5000 roubles for a passport a woman can use for ten years is cheaper than the cost for Rick to get a visa from America to go to Russia!!
This is IF woman don't have a visa already!!
Buy a visa for a woman he can sleep at night knowing that for 5000 roubles he's made it possible for a woman to travel with him or with family in future thanks to his kindness far better than a $300 suitcase!! That he was kind enough to get the woman he met
And it might take a month....... get to know a girl better whilst you wait to receive passport hence not a logical problem!!
I can't comment has I've never been however Im sure that Sochi, Tuapse, Anapa are nice towns but the girl sees Russia every day so to be taken to Georgia is fresh a change of scenery and a holiday where the girl will escape problems of every day life for a while.... hence no logic or comparison to your reply Vera sorry!!! ☹️
Hence my fully qualifyd down vote!
я рада что прочитала ваш комментарий прежде чем написала свой ответ. а то я наивно полагала что Грузия прекрасная дешевая туристическая страна в которой только ленивый не побывал из бывшего СССР. Вера, вы меня простите но зарегистрировавшись на международном сайте знакомств просто стыдно заявлять иностранцам что вы не имеете иностранного паспорта. стыдно его не иметь. то есть получается вы либо не рассчитываете на успех вашего поиска либо ждете мужчину который оплатит для вас ВСЕ, в том числе и ваш загран паспорт. ну неужели нельзя обеспокоиться и за столько лет сделать хотя бы это для начала своего пути к счастью. Кстати, вы давно были в Грузии последний раз? я то я там десяток раз была и ни экстремальных водителей, которые плюют на правила движения, ни мужчин которые нагло не дают прохода блондинкам не видела ни разу в своей жизни. а я была там без мужчин- иностранцев

Totally disagree. In each country you can find a lot of negativity, if you ask me to look for it. Your approach, judging by the comment, is looking for bad qualities. Treat life with a more positive Outlook...As for women. It is everywhere if the woman behaves provocatively. As for me, Georgians are very friendly people.

List of countries in which citizens of the Russian Federation need a visa, but do not need a visa"
How now?? Do they need a visa or not??

Вот тебе раз! А я в 57 от поклонников отбиваюсь. Не согласна. Женщина - вечная девушка, особенно если у нее есть достойный мужчина. С ним она расцветает.

Georgia is a huge success story since the war finished! There political stance to be friends with everyone and there map location serves them well.. it don't matter what country your from Georgia gives one of two reactions which are either I love Georgia 🇬🇪 or I have not heard of Georgia 🇬🇪 what is Georgia.... sometimes it translates from Russian to same name has American state sometimes it translates to The Russian name for this eonderful country... and a year visa free for everyone... in England you can't get Georgian wine and there is no use of saparavi grape 🍇 I have considered in the wake of the British leaving EU a Georgian wine 🍷 boutique!!! Has for passport having passport in place and visa in place is essential to meet a partner on dating site it saves time and worry if you will get them later... great response hence my upvote Olga

This suitcase has become almost has big a legend on forum has the Infamous Nut gang and Caribbean villa!!
I understand both yours and L dislike for my reference on Russian wealth and classes of people....
Being on the internet if at home instantly says you have money not all Eastern Europeans have... some girls use Internet cafes still computers at work or university and may use work mobiles for contact... I think and know there are both rich and poor girls on here.... meet a girl in a city and it's more likely her financial situation will be less than internet girl many of buch can afford a gym pass for example... which is a luxurious item to some girls who are less acumplished

Ben, this is a list of countries for 2018. in which it is not necessary to submit the documents to the Consulate. A divided into 4 sections.
1) This is the country where you can go with a Russian passport (without an international passport)
2)Just an international passport to present at the airport(no visa, no payment)
3) at the airport on arrival paid a small amount for a visa(stamp).
4) several countries to which the MFA website to give online Pro-visa only by filling out an application.
Usually it takes one day and free.
In particular, so can go to Cyprus.
But there is an important point otnositelno of Cyprus, it is necessary to fly from the territory of Russia. With third countries with a pro-visa not. I had a delay in the connecting flight and I did not have time for the flight Moscow-Larnaca and could not fly on the proposed flights through tel Aviv or Dubai and waited a day for another direct flight.
Не поняла, чего вы ко мне прицепились, я вас не трогала и не у вас из кармана деньги вынимаю, а вот вы из моего кармана 10 тыс. на 2 паспорта мне и ребёнку (т.к одна я не путешествую) хотите вынудить заплатить. Было время, когда я оплачивала свои путешествия, когда лишних 10 тыс долларов было, но не сейчас. Когда что-то наметится, хотя бы на начальном этапе, то я схожу за паспортом. Сейчес приходят предложения только поехать в гости нелегально подработать. На что-то другое мужчины с сайтов не способны. Прямо сейчас нет в этом необходимости. Если мужчина ничего оплачивать не желает, то я его и не прошу, милости просим, пусть сам приезжает в Россию. Также (ответ Дэвиду) - я не буду спать, как он думает, ни с каким мужчиной только потому, что он оплатил мой паспорт. А также через определённые фирмы за определённую плату можно получить загран паспорт старого образца за 3 дня, это если мужчина месяц ждать не захочет. А также я не люблю тётенек, приписывающих мне, что я вижу всё в негативном свете, чтобы обелить себя любимых. Если для Дэвида это отдых сидеть в зоне центра и охраняемых отелей, то не для всех это интересно. В других местах - опасно. И разумеется, если он вышел с девушкой гулять, ей никто ничего не крикнет. А вот если она выйдет там одна, то он может остаться и без девушки, девушка может найти кого-то себе по-лучше на месте, учитывая темперамент местных мужчин, если только ей обязательно в Англию не надо.

На что-то другое мужчины с сайтов не способны. (c)
Ну, это ведь как с грузинами - одним блондинкам они свистят и предлагают быстрый секс, а другим уступают дорогу и зовут замуж.. думаете, дело в мужчинах?

The point is you are over-dramatizing the situation with poor poor Russian girls who have no laptop and use Internet cafes Or maybe it's your personal feature to focus on that sector.

It is an idea, thank you. I have posted some of my work under " my art " if you are interested in looking.