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I truly believe women are equal to men, so that said women should be able to pail their own travel expenses.
I note your location and know the distance by airbus to Moscow alone in your situation the man would have to help I don’t see men often understanding geography having spoke years ago to woman in your location I understand costs for such a relationship being crazy. Same with Tomsk and McGee of Siberia
My bf from the Netherlands wants to travel with me visiting and meeting all my relatives who live all over my huge and beautiful country - from Moscow - to Samara- Tomsk- Novosibirsk-till Abakan - try to follow this route at least on the map))) I also tell him that he is crazy - but he still keeps it in plans and definetely wants to make it in real))) Yes - all men who is trully in love are a bit crazy - but just in a good way))) So feel the difference))
That’s not too bad if on one route. And if he enjoy time with you and your family. In summer I traveled all over mainly with my son 15 years old. And we stock to a route from Warsaw to Wroclaw Kiev Odessa chrisneu bucarest Budapest Bratislava Vienna numumburg next journey is Sofia then Italy Croatia Bosnia Slovenia then back home traveling is great
Он пытается хоть кого-то убедить, а вдруг кто-то согласится?)))))) надежда умирает последней)))
In England £84,000 a year is a good wage in Ukraine 60,000 UAH is a good wage not only is 84 more than 60 but also 35uah = £1 Canada is a far better economy than most country’s and Edmonton is a main city. If Paul give woman his wage and he take hers maybe then he has reason to complain but reality is man can afford to date and treat woman fairly