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U beautiful women continue to blow Western women out of the water! I cant find a single Slavic lady that will submit to my Western demands! Please message me!
Знаете, не перестаёт меня неприятно удивлять, как, условно говоря "наши", по переезде на Запад, становятся самыми заядлыми прото-фашистами. Верьте мне или нет, но самые ярые расисты, самые верные защитники "цивилизации белого человека", это "наши".
Reply to Paul
I think that our Paul has tries to have a maximum of comment and like to have the cuts (rewards). Either he takes people in general for inferior beings. He has no respect for women. has no knowledge of Russia. and other countries. Personally I was visited Moscow. the mausoleum of Lenin. I saw him in his glass casket. Shop galleries next to the Red Square. I visited the Kremlin. Moscow has a story. And I can tell you that there is phenomenal richness. unbelievable. a beauty without a difference. you must still have a lot to know how to live my Paul ...
Paul stop making such a reflection. leave your country and visit. there is so much beautiful things to see. you should have more respect for women. you have no respect for women. you have no knowledge of Russia or Ukraine. and other countries. Personally. I visited several places in Ukraine. kiev. Kharkov. Odessa. I went to Kazan and was visited in Moscow. the mausoleum of Lenin. I saw him in his glass coffin. Galleries of shops next to the Red Square. the Bolshoi Theater. I visited the Kremlin. Moscow has a story. And I can tell you that there is phenomenal richness. unbelievable. a beauty without difference.
На удивление верно сказано. Большой процент именно таких + инфантильность. Но меня, если честно, другое забавляет. Отчего-то, эти невежды считают себя королями на сайтах знакомств. Может мы сами их разбаловали своим чрезмерным восхищением иностранными прынцами?