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Ok fair play. Well done Paul credit where credit is due!! good post this time. However you should know better than to join the pay per letter sites if any man thinks there real, i tell them to make up a profile saying there a criminal and every bad thing they can think of don’t add pictures and see how quick the supermodels will reply. It’s a scam should be banned off the internet however Slavic government too busy with corruption and letting Slav kill Slav to worry about a dating scam!!
This site is a genuine agency sadly I was saying the other day that in forum there’s more dirty laundry post these days than there is happy couples. However I’ve met girls off here and the girls have been real I’ve also spoke with girls who wasn’t for me in depth who have later become happy couples after we chatted so know the girls to be genuine throughout the site it’s a small site where allot of us know each other from email chat and the i may not agree with some girls opinion or yours 99% of the time but the people are very real. Including yourself!! Ive agreed to this post sadly for some reason it says I’ve disagreed hope admin can change it to agreed
Есть и другие сайты, там платят и мужчины и женщины.Но проблема еще в том,что администрация сама подбирает вам пару и шлет анкеты.В итоге анкеты могут быть давно неактивны.Как по мне,для желающих найти свою половинку, деньги выброшены на ветер.И если уже упомянули о средствах,то они честно заработаны и жаль их терять.Так что этот сайт, очень честен и демократичен .Спасибо.
Noooo!!!! I m very sorry but I think you are not quite Right! For example: I m not fake!!! But I must say that I m hint same about members of USA, because I can't belive the hat some normal men can write here.and if you won't mind you can check my profile, I m normal russian woman and I don't want to ask somebody about money or something else like that, so I d like you just undestand that there are quite normal persons, in any case wish you to meet your own half for your soul, and if you ever want, you can write me, just to talk, have a blessed day!