
Men & women



Is there something hidden men should know about?

I have long been wondering what women complain about when they post and upload photos of themselves with barely any clothes on and / or in "sexy" poses… And then they write that all that men say to them is related to sex

, sex and sex…

If you want respect
, then please start by respecting yourselves. Life is much more than botox lips and big boops. I wonder what kind of man finds hooters wiggling into the face appealing. How can anyone think that it would get a man to ask about "inner values" when their dangling melons are blocking the eye-sight??      

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Hello Ben, nice to meet you sir. In regards to your post... All I can say is, well, I understand now that I have become old man!? As I did not even notice how... ummm... "Chesty", a woman here is that writes. All I noticed? This was her beautiful eyes and dark hair...  
But, I have thought now about this topic. I think that the most beautiful face could be painted on a statue. So beautiful that all would take notice. But, in the end... Behind this face, is still only cold stone. Only a woman, of inner beauty, can radiate heat from within...


Marianna, 44 y.o.


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And I always wonder that some men state in their profiles what they own (business, house, even mention a brand of the car) and then complain that all women want their money. And yes, I agree that the sexual pics attract the men looking for entertainment . I think it should be a wise sense in everything.



You're so right!

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