
A good deal for Freya
Today is FRIday - taken from the Nordic goddess Freya. (Ragnar sends his regards )This in good veneration of her:
Freya was driving her Chevrolet Vega home in New Mexico when she saw an elderly Apache woman walking along the side of the road. She stopped the car and asked the woman if she would like a lift?
With a silent nod, the woman climbed into the car. Freya tried in vain to make conversation with the Apache woman.
The old Apache looked closely at everything she saw, studying every little detail, until she noticed a red gift bag on the seat next to Freya.
'What's in the bag?' asked the old woman.
'It's a bottle of gin that I got for my husband.'
The Apache woman was silent for another minute or two. Then speaking with the quiet wisdom of an elder, she said: "Good trade."

The Karal of Supe, an ancient city, lies far from the popular tourist places of Peru.
A lonely old woman sells some souvenirs and local sweets on the sidelines.
I go up to her, she has the typical face of an Andean woman of wrinkles cut down by the time and the sun.
I buy some nuts from her and try to make a conversation.
Her eyes are black as a deep well. She is silent. The old Andean looked closely at everything she saw, studying every little detail on me, she can not determine which is the country I am from and she asks about this.
When I answer that from Ukraine, she laughs and says ":" Oooh! Rasha, I know Moscow and St. Petersburg "
I answer:"Good trade."
Natalya ,
Has it occurred to you , that maybe , the news about the break-up of the USSR in 1989 , never reached the Andes ??
So , in fact , she gave you a correct answer , right ....
Даже во время существования Советского Союза этот ответ не считался бы приближенным к правде.

Dear Eric, yes, sometimes thoughts are in my head , but here I was pleasantly surprised that the old woman Andean knew the two capitals of a distant northern country, some people in Europe, not can even say the name of one the capital. And to distinguish woman ukrainian from russian is simply an impossible task for them.
Road meetings can present a variety of pleasant and unpleasant impressions.