Men & women

tipical russian woman
please explain me this:I own: house, car, business
ready to pay? No!
many are like his. wtf?
I think you're thinking of it from the perspective of your countries own financial markets. Your profile states that you're in Italy, therefore you're using the Euro. That currently is close to 1:1 with the US Dollar. Currently, each Euro is equivalent to around 75 Russian Ruble. So traveling abroad to Russia would be much more cost effective for you than for a Russian to travel to your country. So I don't think it's a question of if they're willing to contribute, I think it's just not feasible for every person to travel abroad as financial situations can vary so drastically. They may own a house, a car and have a business but that does not mean they can travel out of the country.

Old man looking for 20 year old girl on low income has a sex doll but she cannot do this and have comfortable life she must do it for the prestigious situation of getting to sleep with Italian pensioner.Haha!!! . Brandon no need to try talk logic the man says HAHA!!! Either he don’t understand English or celebrates half his birthdays on February 29th this post is both Vile and insulting to women!

Why are you looking for Slav woman? I assume like most of the guys here one of the things you like among the many others is that the women know how to be women...they are strong yet in a way that doesn't detract from their can't ask a woman to be a woman and then expect a man not to be a man. Nobody is making you pay but just don't expect to do well. You want a woman to pay her share, go try your luck in North America...but you'll struggle there as well...Feminism tends to be vitally important to a western woman right until the point her wallet gets involved. Man up
У НАС ЕСТЬ ЖЕНЩИНЫ КОТОРЫЕ МОГУТ ЗАПЛАТИТЬ.,НО НЕ ВАМ.ОНА ПЛАТЯТ 20-25 летним мальчикам за секс,и возят их в теплые страны,и покупают им квартиры.но ВЫ к сожалению не подходите в эту категорию.а на этом сайте обычные женщины,и если написано что у них есть бизнес,это не означает что есть деньги.это может быть цветочный ларек,который приносит больше проблем чем доходов.у нас совсем другая жизнь и законы и доходы.

Значит он ищет, исключительно, хозяйку бизнеса, дома и автомобиля. Поэтому его удивляет , если она пишет- не готова платить.
Он не смотрел анкеты женщин у которых - наемная работа,съемная квартира , нет авто , но она " готова платить" .
Мы Вас быстро раскусили коварный и меркантильный сластолюбец

Sorry Ben but Unless he’s dyslexic or drunk or needs glasses why would he write to the like? Her age is 42 years not 24 years or maybe she’s thinking if only she was 20 years younger

Unless he posted his granddad's photograph, he's 51 years of age, but he writes like an immature teenager.
A real man wouldn't say or write that, even if he were drunk or on drugs. I for my part wouldn't even think it.
He looks like a newcomer to the Carribean villa, really. The candidates line up early this year…



Alessandro I don’t have problems meeting women! It’s not me looking for little girls yet too greedy to buy sweets 🍬!!! The one thing that actually attracts young women to older men is kindness and generosity everyone is laughing because your looking for a young girl to look after you. It’s akin to an Italian sexual Care home for the elderly where we’re looking for young volunteers to provide the care for greedy man!!! Not seen Paul for a while “can you play drums whilst on a drip” if so the Villa awaits!!!

Возможно, цитата Карла Лагерфельда даст вам исчерпывающий ответ.
«Я никогда не осуждал женщин, которые хотят прекрасной жизни. Я никогда не понимал мужчин, которые жалуются, что женщинам нужны только деньги. Вы сами смотрите на ухоженных женщин в красивых платьях, которые пахнут приятным парфюмом. Говорят, что красота требует жертв. Ложь! Красота требует денег. "
Ben, it is very categorically?
But what do you think is wrong wich the Spaniards?
I just think they are good. My reseller from Spain is good. I have good experience with eBay seller.
Now I am upset that can expect bad things from them.

Has the economic crises of the EEC bypassed you? Spain was instrumental in ruining real estate value and deliberately forging numbers, similarly to what the Greek government did in order to retain the Euro. Italy is in an exacerbating condition now and Portugal has long seized to be a contributor to the EEC.
The term 'p i g s' states used to include Ireland - before Italy took this dishonourable place.
I'm not saying that every individual in those areas is a crook, but in this case (meaning the author of this post 'tipical (hic!) Russian women' it nails it.
If you have good experience with Spanish retailers, then I'm all happy for you.
PS there is a famous Canadian here, who is on the same wavelength as Alessandro as far as economic matters and delusion are concerned
Ok, now I understand you)
This is a more global and wider side of the problems. And I talking about petty
And I can continue to consider them a good human person )

Absolutely. I'm far from condemning an entire populace. But this Alessandro guy definitely is a candidate for our Carribean villa (or an inductee for the NG)

Purtroppo per te la mia foto è stata fatta quest'estate. Io non ho bisogno di mettere foto vecchie perchè sono un uomo in forma e allenato. A differenza dei rottami che ci sono qui dentro che mettono foto vecchie. hahahaha

At 51 your shape could be that of Sylvester Stallone however with the attitude you have to women you may has well have the shape of Danny Divito your in my opinion a worse bet to a woman than Paul

Mi dispiace per te ma la foto è di sei mesi fa. le foto fatte ani fa le mettono altri. guarda bene.