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Alan, 60 y.o.

United Kingdom

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I have read some comments about people writing things in their profile that are not true,Like putting a different religion,saying they will move to any country and such like.It is better to be honest.A relationship built on lies will not suceed as the truth will eventually come out.Every lady seems to love cooking is that really true ? Be honest it will be better for the future.It is also a good idea to look up a persons city,find out about it and the countries culture,it will help you decide if you could be happy there.Men seem to expect the lady to move countries,are men not willing to move ? Would a man not consider what the woman would be leaving would he be willing to leave behind what the woman would leave behind.I am willing to move anywhere for true love provided I would be safe there.This site is an excellent site and there doesn't appear to be a lot of scammers.I am writing to someone and am she is a wonderful lady.


André Luiz, 34 y.o.


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Honesty is the quality that I value most in a person.
It is true that people may lie, does not matter the reason for that.
Even sometimes, a person may not be aware when lying. For example, that happens when a user fills a profile on this site and, after some things to be changed in the life (appearance, personality, taste, goals, interests, preferences, priorities, hobby, habits, beliefs, opinions, home, job, patrimony, financial income, etc.), the profile is not updated and then the old information (which is wrong now) continues on the page.
That mistake may cause trouble. The false description and very old photos have chance to attract users whom you do not want to get acquaintance, as there is the possibility of them to be looking for interests and other things present in your profile, but not correspondent to yours really. Also, the wrong information may avoid possible matches, since that some members might like your real info and appearance, not what is shown on your page, then not contacting you. And even in case of a member to like you and vice versa, the lies may cause deception later, affecting the relation between both.

All mentioned in the previous paragraph is applied to who lies on the profile voluntarily too. If anyone does so, experiences like those are possible to happen. Other people that lie on dating sites are the scammers. They do frauds and try to obtain advantage of other members, possibly bringing bad consequences to the victims. That is a dishonest behaviour. Scam is forbidden on this site and, according to its rules, accounts of scammers should be deleted.

Analyzing the reasons mentioned in this comment, I would not recomend to put lies on the profile. If you do not want to reveal anything about yourself, just omit it, instead of to lie. You can hide or reveal that at a proper moment. Also, be attentive to update your profile on this site when something related to you is changed. Honesty and other qualities are important to build true relations.
