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Alan, 60 y.o.

United Kingdom

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I don't know about others but I find long posts without paragraphs difficult to read.It would be much easier to read if the writer used paragraphs.Maybe not so for other languages but for us here in the UK we are so used to paragraphs.I hope I do not offend.


Olga, 48 y.o.


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  Вы очень правы  


Milton, 63 y.o.


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Look! I have a good command of my written and spoken language and respect all the accentuations.
What happens is that when I do the translation mainly into the Russian language, some accentuations disappear, words come together and change the meaning.
For a better understanding of what I intend to publish, I will take the translated text and go back to the Portuguese language. It's hard work, but I'm going to hit it slowly, until the text is as close as I want to write, but still comes out with some imperfections !, Ok!
