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Just to get a technical knowledge, let me explain, how a cloning takes place - usually in two stages.
Stage 1. First, the crooks use an electronic scanner to detect the electronic identity number of the SIM card in a nearby phone. There are a variety of different kinds of scanners. Scanners are relatively expensive and relatively difficult to get, but they aren’t impossible to get. Today, because most phones have significantly enhanced security against cloning operations, a phone cloner is much more likely to try to get physical access to the SIM card. With physical access to the card, cloning is relatively easy to accomplish.
Stage 2. Once the cloner has the information (usually consisting of the electronic serial number of the SIM card, and the authentication key for that card), they will use a SIM writer to make a duplicate SIM. Because SIM writers are legitimate tools with many legal uses, they are easy and inexpensive to acquire and anyone with $10 or $15 to spare can get one via Ebay without even trying. The cloner can then put the duplicated SIM card in another phone, and use that phone to make calls and connections under the original phone owner’s account.
But there is another things to worry than your sim being cloned and used to scam you financially by accessing your credit cards and bank accounts.
It being, someone who has a screwed up mind, can try to harass us in various ways like sending continuous unsolicited messages, even when we tell them, we are not interested in them. Or worst case, post our number in public whereby it is listed as some titillating service provider that every tom, dick and harry will keep on sending texts to us, without knowing who we are in person actually and it will mount to a huge harassment. If the number was with us for quite long time, it could be very strenuous to handle this.
But keep your composure, calmly explain that you are not what they believe is, and MAKE SURE YOU ASK, WHERE THEY FOUND THIS NUMBER.
If it is a physical location, ask that person himself, if he / she can help to remove it from there ( anyone who calls need not be creep himself / herself , most will be normal people, just looking for some excitement or whatever anonymously. ). I am sure, within 4 attempts, you will get someone willing to help. You can also mention that if they don't help, you will be forced to give a police complaint along with these persons number, which will inconvenience him / her also.
If it is website, immediately contact the administrator, using Contact us / Report Abuse ,etc to get your number removed from there.
But I would like to advice that it is good to have a different social media number than from the regular number that we use, as general practice.
All my friends and relatives often approach me with all sorts of problems and this is the advice I give on this topic. I hope it will be useful to get a perspective of how things are.
Common sense is very uncommon - That's also a problem.
A thief, a murderer, and those who want to deceive also look like a human being .
If you have a good Gut feeling, and you know how to listen to it, then ok.
This is a bit of a tedious way , to get someone's Phone identity.It is far easier , to make some kind of app (game /movie watching /or whatever) with some malicious software in it.
Those who install the app , will then have the required information from their Phone , sent to the maker /owner of the app.He /she can then take over your Phone , have access to your Phone book , your contacts list and see /read your text messages.
He /she can then call numbers in your Phone book or send them certain text messages.It will be very hard to explain to those , who will get these messages or Phone calls ,that it was not you who actually did send these calls /texts.
In that situation you will need to reset your Phone to Original manufacturer settings , and buy a new sim card.But you should be aware that the hacker still has the IMEI number of your Phone.
I'm not sure though , if he/she can use this IMEI number to take over your Phone again with a new sim card.
Another method the hacker uses is to let you Phone a certain number.When the connection is established , the server then pushes the malicious software to your Phone.This can take some minutes and all this time they will put you on hold - with a message that the connection is being checked !!!
In this situation they also take over your Phone - they can then switch on your camera / or make video recordings /
When your Phone is hacked check for these signs :
1 - is your Phone set on silent mode (but you did not do that)
2 - have things changed to your photo gallery
3 - is your battery time reduced , even though you don't use the Phone so much
4 - is your Phone switched to fly mode suddenly (and you did not do that)
It is Obvious that the hacker will put your Phone to silent or fly mode , because he doesn't want you to hear that your Phone is making a Phone call (or the number dialling tones)
Or it is making a photo etc....
So , be aware and use your common sense .....
So True and correct on how to look for symptoms if you are hacked or not.
Somehow harvesting the IMEI along with the correct Mobile Attached to it, is important.
Thank you for the update. Regards,
Rajendra Siva Prasad
You are welcome.
That said , don't forget that once you are hacked it will spread like an ink drop in the water.
The hacker will make Phone calls with your Phone.To the numbers in your Phone book or in the contact list.
There is a new? or easier way to install hack software on your Phone.They just call you and then push the software to your mobile.No need to let you call a certain number.
Some years ago there were people complaining about their simcard from Vodafone.They were getting (strange) Phone calls from strangers.Or text message from people they don't know.
About that same time there was a rumour that a sim card manufacturer in my country had been hacked.Probably more than 1 time.Some time later the management did acknowledge that the company had been hacked.
There were no details how serious the hack had been and how many times.The company is making sim cards to distribute world wide (although I cannot say that for sure).
Another thing to check when you are hacked is the APN's on your Phone.Do you still have the Original APN'S or is there another one added to the list ??AccesPoint Node is the word I believe.
Has the added APN another IP address ?How many new APNs do you see ??What handshake method does it uses ?
When you reset your Phone to Original settings - how many APNs do you see now ???How many IP addresses ??
You also should check your free storage space.Has it changed lately ??
Hackers use your free storage space to put certain items there : like secretely made videos / pictures /their own hacking software /
When resetting to Original manufacturer's settings also /Always include your free storage space.I myself Always reset a Phone 3x times to the Original settings.
Then check the free storage space again.Did it change in capacity ??
Dear Eric,
Are you really 71 ? Beautiful profile you got.
I track some of the tech news. Way back with CDMA phones, it was possible to hack at the BTS stations, but now I think with the newer technology, hacker is not outsider, but mostly insider jobs only. To eves drop into business and data mining, check the internet traffic and make money out of the same.
We get to see ads of things we try to watch on internet or search, is a classic example.
Oooohhhh ,
Well thank you for the kind words about my profile.Hhhmm ... let me see , some years ago I had more pictures in my profile.
Really good quality and close up of my face.However with the understanding of new technology and people stealing your identity and /or impersonating you as an individual , I became more on my guard and thus I removed most of the photos.
These days it's very easy to say that you are that person and take his/her picture from the internet.Or people make a false account and then put my stolen pictures in it.
Yes , I agree that with the new technology hacking may be a bit more of a challenge.But you can better be safe than sorry - I Always say....
And , yes , that is my real age - no need to lie about it so we all know how things stand .
I don't know how well you know Slavic women or their culture and traditions.Their family relations and their family bonds.
But telling lies right from the start is never a good idea , so don't do it .
And you know , the first impression is very important ...
I feel that anyone who is really serious about their search, should actually think and write the Answer to Questions without fail. Most people don't do it, and I am not a person who mince my words. My tongue is sharp and seldom people who know me, try to foul me. I also correct myself, when I do a mistake.
Regarding photo - Security and other things have grown exponentially, and track is also better. The instances where bank didn't have a procedure about what need to be done in case of an identity theft and all have been reduced considerably.
I believe you about your age. My mother's brother is 74, but he looks very toned and my own father is 84 now. I myself cannot find out where he is today, because he is so independent and goes for visits of all sorts of places by himself.
Integrity in all things we do, is really a requirement for everyone. I don't know much about Slavic women, but I have met a few married to my compatriots who are really very family oriented and grounded. but I think it is difficult to find women with depth in this site and who can actually have a continuous conversation. I came across only one person who could actually ask me some meaningful question in the forum. And she is undecided on what is a bit important for me. Anyway, at least someone who is ready to explore without boundary and a general good natured would be great. Why don't we ask in the forum about this ??? May be we will be able to crack the code. No one there who will invest time to find out about a guy properly.
Share with me if you have any experience on the matter of Slavic women and how to communicate? I saw a YouTube that says most Ukrainian women lies a lot for no particular reasons. I don't know personally. These Europeans saying that and I didn't come across much comments under the video which tear them apart if it is wrong.
Is it ok, I send you a private message ? Its always nice to pick good friends. I was supposed to fly to New Zealand with my kids, as it was the longest Guinness book record flight by Emirates in December, 2016. But business took a nasty turn and I am undergoing a real war in life since.
Well , there are Always pros and cons on every matter.It is the same when joining a dating site.You must realize and understand that it is only a way to get to know other people.
If or when you will be succesful is a bit tricky , because it depends on different aspects.And with some of them you may or may not have the insight or the right mindset to properly make a right decision.
About the videos saying that Ukrainian women are all liars I must disagree.Yes , I have seen some of these vids.
It is my understanding that these guys only have met with the wrong women or they were looking in the wrong places.
And to make it more worse they only speak about Ukrainian women.I did not hear them comparing Ukrainian ladies with Slavic women from other CIS countries.If you want to let your conclusions have any meaningful ground , then the least that you should do , is to visit other CIS countries and observe and investigate the women there.
As far as I see it , they never did any investigation in other CIS countries.On the other hand , don't forget that it's just marketing for their web site.So men will subscribe and make a paid registration.
With that said I wonder why you registered on this site.Is it your intention to find a future wife on here ?
You say you don't know much about Slavic women.But have you ever visited a CIS country ??
Have you ever met a Slavic woman in person and had a date or more with her ??
I believe that you are rather new on here.There were posts about the culture and tradition and how to behave in CIS countries and Russia when meeting the women.
It is not difficult to find the issues of how to behave on a first date/meeting with such a woman.
I myself , have been to Ukraine several times in the past years.
But I had a Polish girlfriend in the era of the Cold War.I have been several times behind the Iron Curtain.And I have lived the life of the then Russian people. I have seen the troubles and differences between those who were a member of the Communist Party and those who were not a member.
I noticed the benefits that the other would get compared to a non member.I have seen myself , how members were treated or what priveliges they had.
You would only know that if you had a chance to live with and between these people.But in general the people had free medical care and I believe that school education was also free.
So , my knowledge of the life in the U.S.S.R and the family bonds and relations are not from hear say.It is from personal experience.
That is why I understand that some people want to go back to the era of the CP .Because the CP did many good things for their members.
It is oke if you sent me a personal note.I will see what I can help you with.
Just as some advice , don't look at these women from your own vision as it is with a Western background.Because that is where you are already starting on the wrong foot.Foreign men go to EEurope and or Russia , with their Western vision on women/girls from their home country.
Believing or thinking that this is how to behave or treat a Slavic woman can sometimes work out the wrong way.And , yes , then they blame the woman for it.Do you feel that this is right ??
Of course , I know that the times they are changing in EEurope and in Russia.There are women growing up with other standards and vision on their life and their future.
So , yes it all depends with whom you will have a date or have a correspondence on this site.
Understand that a dating site for Slavic women doesn't make your life easier.The question is are you willing to deal with it , and how much patience and energy you want to put in it.
Here is just my advice.If you really are looking for a Slavic wife , go to visit a CIS country.And see and observe the people and their daily life.
It will give you more insight in how they look at life and what they think about foreigners.If you want to have a happy life and relation with a Slavic woman , this is just an essential part.
But , of course , there are Always exceptions to the rule ....
I decided on searching here, because i was really impressed with someone from Russia, who is married to a compatriot in Kerala, india. She is now there for the last 17 years.
More over, i had 3 friends from my professional side, Indians, who had wives from Russia. Amazing and active ladies and good culture. But most of them studied in Russia for various courses, and they found their love. they were working with my sub contractors or clients or consultants. As you know, UAE business is a bit tough and most of them left here. I had Ukrainian Engineers working for me in my projects before.
Yes. they talk about Ukrainian women, and complain that "they open mouth to lie only." I think anything they try to cover anything they think that you will not like with a lie. I had tried to develop a relationship and this was my experience. But i have to a bit agree that the materialist aspect seems to be more in that part of the world. But Good and Bad will be there in every part of the world. But lying, can bring about trust deficiency in a relationship.
I am now started to learn Russian by myself. So I am pretty serious about this. For that matter, when I decide, I implement and get things done. I do projects, where I battle to ensure - Time, cost and Scope are met without compromising on quality.
I have not kept any vision, I want to ensure that she has the 4 basic qualities which I cultivate in myself also. These not only towards me, towards all she meets and interact. - Merciful, Truthful, cleanliness & Simple (austere) .
I am very patient myself.