Greetings section (birthdays, best wishes, congratulations, etc.)
Happy Women's Day!
Yes, this is a little late, but your day starts before ours! (Besides, my computer wasn't working right!)Today women are celebrated for their strength, their courage, their patience (especially patience), their kindness, their motherhood, their beauty (inside and out) and everything that makes them a woman! Abraham Lincoln said, "The hand that rocks the cradles, rules the world!" Guys, give all your girls a hug (and flowers, too)and thank God for them. Each one is a prize! They should all get a prize just for putting up with us! Congratulations!
Спасибо, Даг, приятно внимание мужчин в такие дни. Внимание мужчин приятно всегда, но вот в праздники особенно приятно. Тем более, что в вашей стране такого праздника нет, а есть праздник матери, который празднуется в мае. Я общаюсь с мужчиной из Америки и он мне объяснил это. Еще раз спасибо за ваше внимание к славянским женщинам.
I do not say anything that is untrue; always my honest feelings. By the way, girls, the reason I was late getting this up? I made it myself!!! I do not like purchased cards! I like the kind people make and give from their hearts. The fact that so many men are here from other countries should tell you something about yourselves. You are all very special. Makes the task of finding the right one very difficult. I thought I would be done in 3 months! Hahaha! I just signed up for another whole year!!! (Our Mother's day, in May, is not as big as this. I have learned a new tradition.) One thing I do not like about the site; what is this GOLD - SILVER - FREE thing!? You are all GOLD! Especially on March 8!
Прелесть. Я всегда восхищаюсь всем,что сделано своими руками:кукла или цветок,картина или платье. Все делается всегда с любовью,потому что это КРАСОТА!!
Надежда, тогда вот Вам такой котейка для хорошего настроения!
Спасибо,покраснела от удовольствия как этот котейко. Надеюсь,мой котейко в хороших руках,он довольный,проказник!!
Симпатичный! А главное -- довольный жизнью и немного глаМУРный! ))
Beautiful, Elena! I know this is not easy to make! Why? I am a little afraid to say this...but...maybe I should not...I have a sewing machine. ))))) Now my secret is out! Maybe you all think it is a little "girly", for a man, but real men do not care what others say! Some men take ballet! (That is a bit TOO girly for me!) I used the sewing machine when I rebuilt a classic car, to redo the upholstery and seats. Very nice Red Cat! Does it have name!???
What a pity that "real men do not care what others say!" And I wanted to express my admiration for what you are able not only pray, but also to work on a typewriter. )))
Doug, I know men who sew and do it very well. I know men who are very well-knit and proud of their hobby. The name of the cat - March. Next will be a dog. You want to see her?
Doug, я знаю мужчин, которые шьют и очень хорошо это делают. Я знаю мужчин, которые очень хорошо вяжут и гордятся своим хобби. Имя этого кота - Март. Следующий будет собака. Вы хотели бы увидеть ее?
Okay, Tania, I will clarify. Real men are not bothered by teasing from others because they do something a woman might normally do. In that sense, Tania, I do what I enjoy and do not worry if someone else thinks its "Sissy" (You can look up Sissy!). That also includes praying.
Okay. Tania, I will clarify. I am not bothered by others who think an ability of mine is not manly. I can endure some teasing. Some people might believe sewing is unmanly; in that sense, I do not care. I wanted to learn. Some think the same of praying; does not bother me, either. All the great men I know or have known, they have all prayed. ))
No different than a woman driving a big truck, Tania!