
Men & women


Steven Richards

real love

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.
i want to know if we can believe in real love,
My parents told me the love storys of romeo an julia, Yusuf and Zulaikha
Layla and Majnun . I didin't believe in the first time, till i falled in love,

After i lost my love i know that they really stories.

What do you think about real love, does it exists in real.
Can we believe in real story love stories.
has anyone experience With real love?


Svetlana, 60 y.o.


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Добрый день , дорогой Стивен ! Мы все мечтаем о большой , красивой и сильной любви , но что мы делаем для того , чтоб она вошла в наше сердце и стала частью нашей жизни ?
Для начала , нужно просто верить , не взирая на ошибки , предательства ,непонимание , верить и очень хотеть ! На моём жизненном пути было много разочарований , много обид - я иногда отдавала последнее мужчине , спасала от неприятностей , помогала встать на ноги после тяжёлой болезни , но в ответ я получила предательство и унижение и долгие месяцы молчания от непонимания того , как можно быть таким жестоким и платить за доброту подлостью. Но , всё это ушло и я всех простила и самое главное , что любя , я была честной и искренней и я сегодня счастлива потому что не сделала больно другим людям , больно было только мне .Но , время всё лечит и даёт крылья уже более сильной птицы .
Мы живём и мы учимся , мы постигаем новые чувства и знания .. В прошлом месяце я познакомилась на сайте с мужчиной из Германии и после общения с ним , я поняла -нельзя любить просто , независимо какой это человек , любить нужно его внутренний мир , его достоинства , мысли , поступки - если они красивые и достойные , если этого нет в человека - не нужно терять время и обманывать себя ! Настоящая и красивая любовь стоит на духовном величии и доброте !

Удачи Вам и Веры! Искренне Светлана .



Good afternoon, Steven!
Do you believe in love?That's a powerful question, I know, but even more amazing insights are about to come into your life. Here are another couple of questions for you. Can you define love? Do you even know what love is?
What is love to you? How do you want you to feel when you're in love? How unselfish can you be?
Everyone wants to fall in love, but most people don't even know what it is. If you can't define it, if you can't describe it, and if you can't speak it, then how can you say you want to be in love?
You're just using a term you've heard a million times in your life during movies, or romantic moments you've witnessed, and you want to feel THAT. Until you understand what love is to you, then you're not able to surrender to love and that means you can't ever fall in true love.
Love is interesting. Love isn't what we often think it is. You Can't Base Love On A Dream.You can't expect love to be what you expect it to. You can't create a relationship based on a dream of what you think it will be.

First, you have to love yourself. Then you have to be love. You have to give love everywhere you go. When someone needs to talk to you, or someone needs to share something with you, you have to be there to give that love. You have to love people. You have to show interest in people when you meet them. You have to honor them, and honor their heart. When you think about it, the heart they can potentially give you is one of the greatest gifts they could give you!

The fact of the matter is, love is about being an open door. Love is about being authentic.But you can open it when you open your mind, and your heart.
It's time to wake up to love. Get clear on what love means to you. Get clear on your own definition of love. God gives you what you're looking for. You can call it in every day, but you have to be precise and that means getting to know yourself!


Steven Richards

Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Goodday Svetlana  good hearing from you well i do agree with you any ways it good hearing from you i would like to know you more better if you don,t mind maybe we can text better  via skype hope to hear from you again...


Elena, 58 y.o.


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I do believe in real love! Perhaps God decide who can have it. I persanly failed to have such love but I know people who experienced it. A person should believe in the best. 


Svetlana, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Steven Richards on View the commented comment

Thank you very much ,Steven!On this site very much good women and you can to see contact on the forum that better to know any women / Excuse me, but I think that my man no like my contact in Skype with other men . 


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Usually find it when we are not looking for it...

